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Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie IGP - ETH
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Titre : Effects of geographic information quality on soil erosion prediction Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Karika Kunta, Auteur Editeur : Zurich : Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie IGP - ETH Année de publication : 2009 Collection : IGP Mitteilungen, ISSN 0252-9335 num. 103 Importance : 153 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-906467-84-9 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications SIG
[Termes IGN] analyse de sensibilité
[Termes IGN] ArcGIS
[Termes IGN] érosion
[Termes IGN] infrastructure nationale des données localisées
[Termes IGN] métadonnées
[Termes IGN] modèle conceptuel de données localisées
[Termes IGN] modèle numérique de terrain
[Termes IGN] modèle physique
[Termes IGN] modèle RUSLE
[Termes IGN] montagne
[Termes IGN] partage de données localisées
[Termes IGN] pente
[Termes IGN] prédiction
[Termes IGN] qualité des données
[Termes IGN] ruissellement
[Termes IGN] Suisse
[Termes IGN] système d'information géographique
[Termes IGN] Thaïlande
[Termes IGN] VBARésumé : (Auteur) (Auteur) Soil erosion is one of the most serious problems in the mountainous areas. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are widely applied to predict soil erosion, as all factors on soil erosion can be extracted by spatial analysis. Therefore, the quality of spatial data plays a great role on the prediction and the most appropriated data should be used for input data to the model.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity of GIS data quality for the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model. Different quality of GIS data input for two catchments in Switzerland and a catchment in Thailand are applied to the calculation. A programmed Visual Basic Application (VBA) extension on ArcGIS 9.2 and the geostatistics analysis are used for the calculation.
Moreover, the study aims to improve the soil erosion prediction, experienced from the study, using GIS technology. In order to achieve the aim, the study recommends, different methods : the use of GIS database of different soil-scales, the soil GIS data sharing, the Web-based GIS soil data and the soil erosion metadata model.
From the study, the developed algorithm (VBA application) is implemented on ArcGIS 9.2 Interface and has shown to be a good tool for the RUSLE model in the study areas. The results of the study present that in the heterogeneous slope area, the finer Digital Elevation Model (DEM) yields more accurate the soil erosion values. In contrast, in the flatter area, coarse DEM derives similar results to the finer ones. The finer OEMs are expensive, therefore it should be used as necessary.
Also, the channelization results using different methods, which combine DEM and a Vector River Network (VRN), are completed. The results show that the VRN is very effective to identify the channels starting points. The study highly recommends to combine the VRN with the DEM for channelization in all cases.
Furthermore, the soil erosion metadata model is established conforming to the ISO 19115. It is found that the basic GIS data (DEM, Vector River Network, etc.) can apply to ISO 19115, but specific metadata (soil types, cropping types, etc.) is needed to identify the particular data. Altogether, the GIS data transfer, the interoperability in GIS, a unique standard for soil classifications, Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and the soil erosion metadata model should be completed for all soil data in order to share all data from different sources or organizations. The methodologies will support all users to access the most appropriate GIS data and then obtain the more accurate soil erosion.Note de contenu : Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation and problem statement of thesis
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Structure of the thesis
1.5 Basic definitions
Chapter 2 Soil Erosion
2.1 Soil Erosion .
2.1.1 Soil Erosion Types
2.1.2 Principal soil erosion factors
2.2 Soil erosion models
2.2.1 Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model
2.2.2 Revised Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)
Chapter 3 Geographic Information System and Soil Erosion
3.1 Geographic information system and soil erosion .
3.1.1 Applications of GIS on soil erosion
3.1.2 Development of data model in ArcGIS
3.1.3 ArcObjects in ArcGIS and soil erosion
3.1.4 Geographic Resources Analysis Support System with soil erosion
3.1.5 Slope Length factor calculation with VBA
3.2 Soil GIS data sharing .
3.2.1 Spatial Data Infrastructure .
3.2.2 Interoperability in GIS and standards
3.3 Metadata on soil erosion
3.3.1 Development of metadata for National Spatial Data Infrastructure in Thailand
3.3.2 Metadata on soil erosion and soil data in Europe
3.3.3 Metadata standards
Chapter 4 GIS Application for Soil Erosion Model
4.1 GIS application on soil erosion
4.1.1 Slope Length Calculation
4.1.2 Overall Slope Length calculation process .
4.1.3 Iteration of accumulative Slope Length .
4.1.4 Channelization .
4.1.5 Conclusion of the calculation
4.2 Study areas
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Study Areas in Switzerland
4.2.3 Study area in Thailand
4.3 Application results and discussions
4.3.1 Results in study areas of Switzerland
4.3.2 Results in the Study Area of Chiang Rai province, Thailand
4.3.3 The comparison of results in Thailand and Switzerland
4.4 Conclusion
Chapter 5 GIS Data Quality and Soil Erosion
5.1 Different quality of GIS soil database
5.1.1 World Soils and Terrain Digital Database
5.1.2 The Australian Soil Resource Information System
5.1.3 Thailand soil information system
5.2 Soil GIS data sharing: Thai example
5.2.1 Interoperability in GIS in Thailand
5.3 Web-based GIS soil data
5.3.1 Water Erosion Prediction Project-Climate Assessment Tool
5.3.2 Mapping services in the european soil portal .
Chapter 6 Metadata on Soil and Soil Erosion
6.1 Data model of soil erosion
6.1.1 GIS data model for RUSLE
6.1.2 Required Data for RUSLE
6.2 Soil erosion metadata model
6.2.1 Soil erosion Required Metadata model
6.2.2 ISO 19115 conformity
6.3 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Discussion
7.1 Summary of results
7.2 Outlooks
Vita .
AcknowledgementsNuméro de notice : 15506 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Thèse étrangère En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-005810385 Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62739 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15506-01 37.40 Livre Centre de documentation Géomatique Disponible
Titre : GIS-based management and analysis of the geoglyphs in the Palpa region Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Martin Sauerbier, Auteur Editeur : Zurich : Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie IGP - ETH Année de publication : 2009 Collection : IGP Mitteilungen, ISSN 0252-9335 num. 104 Importance : 173 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-906467-85-6 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications SIG
[Termes IGN] analyse spatiale
[Termes IGN] archéologie aérienne
[Termes IGN] données localisées 3D
[Termes IGN] données vectorielles
[Termes IGN] image aérienne
[Termes IGN] image Terra-ASTER
[Termes IGN] modèle numérique de surface
[Termes IGN] orthoimage
[Termes IGN] orthophotographie
[Termes IGN] Pérou
[Termes IGN] photogrammétrie numérique
[Termes IGN] reconstruction 3D
[Termes IGN] site archéologique
[Termes IGN] système d'information géographique
[Termes IGN] télémétrie laser terrestre
[Termes IGN] visualisation 3DRésumé : (Auteur) This dissertation results from the work conducted by the author within the frame of the Nasca-Palpa project at the chair of photogrammetry and remote sensing of ETH Zurich. The work presented here reports on the work conducted at ETH Zurich during the Nasca/Palpa project with the focus on the investigation of the geoglyphs, also known as the Nosca lines, in the Palpa area. This thesis covers basically two main parts: Photogrammetric data acquisition, processing and geoglyph reconstruction for the Palpa region and the Pampa de Nasca and CIS-based management and analysis of the generated data, primarily for the geoglyphs of Palpa. The motivation behind this work was the need for suitable data management and analysis methods demanded by the involved archaeologists to enable a quantitative study of the spatial characteristics of the geoglyphs and the surrounding landscape in order to better understand the social and cultural meaning of the geoglyphs. Aside from the geoglyphs, a second class of figurative remains was investigated: The petroglyphs of Chichictara.
Complementary to the archaeological investigations of our project partners, namely the German Archaeological Institute (DAI-KAAK), Bonn, Germany), the author concentrated on methods for 3D data acquisition for archaeological purposes in large and medium scale with the focus on photogrammetric methods. Furthermore, a second important focus was laid on the design of a GIS database containing archaeological and spatial information and the development of analysis methods with respect to the spatial characteristics of the archaeological objects to be investigated, in this case the geoglyphs in the Nasca region and the petroglyphs of Chichictara in south Peru. The accomplished work resulted in a wide variety of data and derived products and analysis results which led to new insights in the historical function and meaning of the geoglyphs of Nasca. The generated data consists of Digital Terrain Models derived from aerial and satellite imagery, 3D vector data representing the geoglyphs, high resolution orthoimages and numerical results of analyses performed based on the generated spatial data.
The applied and developed methods aim to investigate the geoglyphs in a manner that should be as objective as possible, trying to answer concrete archaeological questions. Though manifold hypotheses on the geoglyphs exist, the aim was not to focus on a single one but given the data available to investigate especially those which imply a spatial character for the subset of geoglyphs of Palpa. The methods applied for data acquisition, object definition and quantitative analysis of the geoglyphs are an important achievement of this thesis and can be applied in future studies on more complete sets of geoglyph data as well as for similar studies in other areas of investigation. Analogue to the development of the GIS database for the geoglyphs, a database for petroglyph data was developed under consideration of the true 3D character of this rock art and its surrounding topography. The developed databases, tools and analysis methods described here represent a system that is suited as a basis for archaeological interpretation of the landscape decorations in the Nasca and Palpa region and provides even an enormous potential for further analyses to be accomplished in the future. At the present state, the database contains data on the geoglyphs of Palpa and of a subset of the petroglyphs at Chichictara. though the developed data structure enables an enhancement with further data on both, Nasca time geoglyphs and Paracas time petroglyphs, from other sites. Having these two valuable databases documenting the two classes of figures that engrave the landscape in such an impressive way, a wide range of possibilities of archaeological interpretation opens up for future work beyond this thesis, as well do the developed tools and methods presented here.
The author thanks the Swiss-Liechtenstein foundation for Archeological Research Abroad (SLSA), the AVINA foundation and ETH Zurich for their valuable support that enabled this thesis.Note de contenu : 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Goals
1.2 The Nasca/Palpa Project at ETH Zurich
1.3 Research Topics
1.4 Photogrammetric Mapping of Large Area CH Sites
1.5 Archaeological GIS
1.5.1 Added Value of Information Systems in Archaeology
1.5.2 Archaeological Requirements
1.5.3 Overview of Applications of GIS in Archaeology
1.5.4 Modeling the Temporal Component in GIS
1.5.5 GIS for Geoglyph Management and Analysis
1.6 Previous work related to the geoglyphs in Nasca and Palpa
1.6.1 Previous Work on Geoglyphs and Related Settlements in Nasca and Palpa
1.7 Rock Art Documentation and Data Management
2 Photogrammetric Processing
2.1 Image Data for 3D Reconstruction of the Pampa de Nasca
2.2 Photogrammetric Methods
2.3 Image Orientation
2.4 DTM Generation
2.5 Orthoimage Generation
2.6 Geoglyph Mapping
2.6.1 Stereoscopic Mapping of the Geoglyphs
2.6.2 Digital Monoplotting
2.6.3 Applicability of Satellite Imagery
2.6.4 Automation Issues on Geoglyph Mapping
2.7 A 3D Model from ASTER Images .
2.8 Image-based Modeling of the Petroglyphs of Chichictara
2.8.1 Terrestrial Laser Scanning for DTM Generation
2.8.2 Photogrammetric 3D Modeling of Petroglyph Rocks
2.8.3 Integration of the Textured 3D Models in the Laser Scan DTM
2.8.4 3D Digitization of the Petroglyphs
3 GIS-based Management of the Archaeological Data
3.1 Requirements of a GIS
3.2 Data Management
3.2.1 Requirements for a GIS for the Geoglyphs
3.2.2 Database Issues
3.2.3 GIS Software Issues '
3.3 Conceptual Data Modeling and Implementation Issues
3.3.1 A Data Model for the Geoglyphs .
3.3.2 A Metadata Model
3.4 A Petroglyph Information System
3.4.1 Requirements
3.4.2 Workflow for Petroglyph Data Management
3.4.3 Software Issues
3.4.4 Implementation of the Petroglyph Information System
4 GIS-based Analyses
4.1 Hypotheses and Verification
4.2 Queries and Statistical Analyses on Attribute Data
4.2.1 Queries Related to Object Definition
4.2.2 Queries for Data Retrieval
4.3 Spatial and Geometric Characteristics of the Geoglyphs
4.3.1 Straightness of Line-shaped Geoglyphs
4.3.2 Geoglyph Visibility
4.3.3 Interdependency of Spatial Variables
4.3.4 Analysis of the Influence of Spatial Variables
4.3.5 Orientations of the Palpa Geoglyphs
4.4 The Petroglyphs of Chichictara in their Natural Context
5 Visualization
5.1 3D Visualization of DTM and Orthomosaic
5.2 Visualization of Semantic and Spatial Analysis Results
5.2.1 Chronological Development of the Palpa Geoglyphs
5.2.2 Typological Differentiation of the Palpa Geoglyphs
5.2.3 3D Visualization of Spatial Analysis Results
6 Conclusions and Future Perspectives
6.1 Photogrammetric Processing
6.2 Trends in Archaeological GIS
6.3 Recent Developments in GIS and DBMS Software and Future Trends
6.4 Results from Geoglyph Analysis
6.5 Future Perspectives Based on the Actual State of the ProjectNuméro de notice : 15507 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Thèse étrangère En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-005940066 Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62740 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15507-01 37.40 Livre Centre de documentation Géomatique Disponible
Titre : Modelli GIS e visualizzazione di processi dinamici per reti di traffico Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Claudia Dolci, Auteur Editeur : Zurich : Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie IGP - ETH Année de publication : 2009 Collection : IGP Mitteilungen, ISSN 0252-9335 num. 101 Importance : 140 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-906467-82-5 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Italien (ita) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications SIG
[Termes IGN] analyse spatiale
[Termes IGN] cartogramme
[Termes IGN] modélisation
[Termes IGN] système d'information géographique
[Termes IGN] trafic routier
[Termes IGN] transport routier
[Termes IGN] visualisationRésumé : (Auteur) Over the last decades, mobility and traffic have become themes of great concern. In Switzerland, as throughout the European Community, the road capacity has reached in some points its limits. The risk of congestion is increasingly tangible and concrete, seriously affecting the security and performance of the road networks. It is therefore crucial to analyze the transport system in order to find appropriate solutions for its planning.
Planning means analyzing the demand of displacement and consequently structuring the offer (infrastructure and services) to meet the users' needs. The interventions may be different in nature and it might emerge, as demand continues to rise, that the construction of new infrastructure is not the only answer. The transport system needs an optimization process that contributes to fluidify traffic and ensures good accessibility. These results can be obtained, alongside the construction of new infrastructure, thanks to the improvement of existing ones, by organizing and synchronizing the offer of public and private transport systems, and/or through the definition of tariffs and timetables to be implemented in the public service.
It is important to recall that travelling stems from the need of individuals to carry out activities in places located differently in the territory (work, study, entertainment, etc.), and situated other than in the place of origin. The need of displacement occurs in the form of traffic and can be formally defined as the number of users, with certain characteristics, utilizing the service offered by a transport system in a prefixed referenced period of time.
As suggested by the definition itself, while simplifying partially the phenomenon, the demand for displacement and the subsequent traffic flows are characterized by the place of origin and destination (spatial peculiarity), by time interval reference (temporal peculiarity), displacement reasons and by the number and classes of users (socio-economic characterization).
The various aspects related to the demand of displacement and traffic flows have suggested and determined a thorough analysis of potential applications and related benefits of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the sector of transport. In this context, we recall how GIS technology is able to combine in a single environment, the most common operations related to the use of a database (questions, statistical analysis) with the benefits of spatial analysis. According to Bartelme (2000), "GIS are a logical concept based on which the responsible staff uses and organizes the technical and methodological components to manage, analyse and disseminate information with spatial reference".
Although planning transport systems is a traditional task related to transport engineering, in recent years many research issues related to traffic have constantly to develop at a rapid pace. However, the enormous amount of data produced and the lack of an instrument which allows the management and the visualization, often reduces the usefulness of many studies. In this thesis work this topic was addressed, by dealing with issues as modelling and visualization of data, and by considering them valuable elements for a proper analysis and interpretation of the information.
Some key issues concerning traffic flows were analyzed, focusing on the temporal-dynamic aspect of the phenomenon. In this context, GIS have been proposed and used as a problem-solving tool, demonstrating once again their effectiveness in numerical analysis, in visualization and their ability to combine and to benefit from both aspects. During the work, the interest to better understand the used tools was further developed, both from a technical point of view and through their use in potential applications.
The thesis work is divided into five chapters. The first two are mainly descriptive, while the remaining three chapters show some practical examples where GIS have been able to bring their contribution to the analysis and visualization of traffic flow data.
For the application part of the thesis the Swiss context was chosen. The reasons were partly due to the collaboration with the Institute of Transport Planning of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (IVT) and partly to the data availability offered. Another aspect that has encouraged and suggested this option was the fact that the Swiss territory, with its infrastructure and its orography, provides a significant representation of the traffic phenomenon, as well as a wide variety of contexts (urban, sub-urban and inter-urban). These features mean that the applications developed in this frame can be adopted in other geographical contexts.
The first chapter presents an overview of the current traffic situation in Switzerland, defining its main characteristics and identifying the areas of greatest concentration in order to frame and contextualize the applications developed in this work.
The second chapter describes the characteristics and main components of a GIS referencing to the transports sector, as data modelling and the description of data analysis functions, focusing on the theme explored in the remaining chapters.
In the following application-focused chapters three issues, likely to demonstrate the potential use of GIS in the transport sector, have been chosen.
Chapter three takes a closer look to the data modelling and data visualization aspects ol information concerning traffic flow, illustrating some methods developed to visualize static and dynamic data related to daily mobility.
Chapter four carries out an overview on infomobility services, describing a dynamic routing approach designed to update traffic data in real time for the Swiss reality.
Finally, chapter five presents an application developed to create so-called time maps, discussing the construction of a series of maps produced for Switzerland which testimony/document the "shrinkage" of the country from 1950 to today. The data and the mathematical model used for the rescaling are described therein.Note de contenu : Introduzione
II settore dei trasporti e la situazione del traffico in Svizzera
La domanda di trasporto: ieri e oggi a confronto
Scenari di evoluzione
Chi si occupa di traffico in Svizzera?
Inventario dei geodati esistenti riguardanti il settore dei trasporti
Banca dati Swisstopo
Banca dati STRADA-DB (ASTRA)
MicroDrive (MicroGIS SA)
Banca dati TeleAtlas
Banca datiNavTech Bibliografìa
Utilizzo dei GIS nel settore dei trasporti
Definizione di GIS
La delimitazione dell'area di studio e la zonizzazione
II modello dei dati relativo all'offerta di trasporto
Modello arco-nodo
LRS e la segmentazione dinamica
Alcuni esempi di modelli di offerta
La definizione delle componenti della domanda di obilità L'analisi dei dati
Overlay pei tabelle di eventi
Spadal Join
Ricerca del percorso minimo (Shortestpath and routing)
Matrici origine/destinazione
Connettività della rete Visualizzazione dell'informazione Conclusioni
La modellizzazione trasportistica
La simulazione
La stima della domanda di trasporto, alcuni approcci modellistici
Software di simulazione
Tipi di dati
utilizzati Utilizzo del microsimulatore MATSim-T
Descrizione tecnica
II sistema di offerta
I dati sulla popolazione e i piani delle attività giornaliere
La tabella eventi
I GIS come strumento dì visualizzazione e di analisi della mobilità
Finalità dell'analisi post-simulazione
Costruzione del modello logico
Distribuzione del volume dei flussi di traffico
L'analisi a ragnatela (spider analysis)
Distribuzione geografica delle attività
Confronto con dati reali
Elaborazione del prototipo
L'infomobilità e il controllo delle rotte
Impatto sui flussi di traffico della rete stradale
Fonti di dati utilizzate per l'applicazione
Rete stradale
Informazione sul traffico e metodologia TMC
Architettura dell'applicazione: alcuni aspetti tecnici
Decodifica del messaggio di Viasuisse
Localizzazione del disagio e aggiornamento della rete
Attualizzazione della rete stradale
Routinge internet
Capitolo quinto: LE CARTE DEL TEMPO
La relazione spazio-tempo in cartografìa
Visualizzare per creare conoscenza
Evoluzione storica
Le carte del tempo
Anamorfosi e cartogrammi
Soluzioni matematiche più recenti
Riflessioni sulle carte del tempo
La soluzione con il metodo dei minimi quadrati
Correzioni aggiuntive
Realizzazione delle carte del tempo
Utilizzo di LTOP
Realizzazione in ArcGIS
Dati storici impiegati
Risultati e commenti
Conclusioni e possibili sviluppi
ConclusioniNuméro de notice : 15460 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Thèse étrangère En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-005711051 Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62726 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15460-01 37.40 Livre Centre de documentation Géomatique Disponible Sensor modelling and validation for linear array aerial and satellite imagery / Sultan Aksakal Kocaman (2009)
Titre : Sensor modelling and validation for linear array aerial and satellite imagery Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Sultan Aksakal Kocaman, Auteur ; Armin W. Gruen, Directeur de thèse ; Christian Heipke, Directeur de thèse Editeur : Zurich : Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie IGP - ETH Année de publication : 2009 Collection : IGP Mitteilungen, ISSN 0252-9335 num. 106 Importance : 166 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-906467-88-7 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Acquisition d'image(s) et de donnée(s)
[Termes IGN] ADS40
[Termes IGN] capteur aérien
[Termes IGN] capteur en peigne
[Termes IGN] capteur linéaire
[Termes IGN] capteur optique
[Termes IGN] capteur spatial
[Termes IGN] compensation par faisceaux
[Termes IGN] détecteur à transfert de charge
[Termes IGN] étalonnage de capteur (imagerie)
[Termes IGN] image ALOS-PRISM
[Termes IGN] modèle géométrique de prise de vue
[Termes IGN] modélisation géométrique de prise de vue
[Termes IGN] orientation du capteur
[Termes IGN] Panchromatic Remote Sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping
[Termes IGN] pouvoir de résolution géométriqueIndex. décimale : 35.13 Prises de vues par capteurs spatiaux Résumé : (Auteur) The Linear Array CCD technology is widely used in the new generation aerial photogrammetric sensors and also in the high-resolution satellite optical sensors. In comparison to the Matrix (frame/area) Array sensors, the Linear Array CCD sensors have smaller number of detectors to cover the same swath width. In addition, the flexibility is higher in the physical sensor design. The conventional film cameras used in aerial photogrammetry are manufactured in frame format. The first remote sensing sensors for Earth observation employed film cameras as well. The recent sensor technologies of the optical remote sensing satellites are replaced with the Linear Array CCDs. In case of the aerial photogrammetric sensors, medium and small format aerial cameras are produced only in the frame format. The development in large format cameras is twofold. The Linear Array CCD and Matrix Array CCD sensors have been present in the industry since the year 2000.
Due to the geometric differences between the Linear Array cameras and the frame cameras, the conventional photogrammetric procedures for the geometric processing of the Linear Array CCD images should be redefined or newly developed. The trajectory modeling is one of the main concepts, which entered into the field of photogrammetry with the aerial and satellite pushbroom sensors. The modified collinearity equations are extended with mathematical functions to model the image trajectory in the bundle adjustment. This study encompasses the triangulation of Linear Array CCD images with the use of different trajectory models. The self-calibration models are partially adapted from the frame sensors in accordance with the physical structures of the Linear Array CCD sensors.
In general, the triangulation and self-calibration of the aerial and the satellite Linear Array CCD images show similarities in terms of trajectory modeling and the physical definitions of the additional parameters. The main difference is in the number unknown parameters defined in the bundle adjustment, which is calculated as a function of the number of lenses, the trajectory model configuration, and the number of Linear Array CCDs used in the sensor. Therefore, similar sensor modeling and calibration approaches are applied in this study, with necessary adjustments for each system.
In order to obtain high accuracy point positioning, high quality image trajectory measurement is crucial. The given trajectory can be modeled in the adjustment by using constant and linear correction parameters, as well as higher order polynomials. This study investigates the three different trajectory models with three different mathematical approaches. Two of the models are investigated at different levels of sophistication by altering the model parameters.
Two different aerial Linear Array CCD sensors, the STARIMAGER of former Starlabo Corporation, Japan, and the ADS40 sensor of the Leica Geosystems, Heerbrugg, are used for the practical investigations. The PRISM (Panchromatic Remote-sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping) onboard of Japanese ALOS satellite launched by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) in 2006 is the satellite Linear Array CCD sensor used for the application parts of this study. The two aerial Linear Array CCD sensors work with the TLS (Three-Line-Scanner) principle. Three or more Linear Array CCDs are located in the focal plane of a single lens with different viewing angles providing stereo capability. The PRISM sensor differs in the optical design with three camera heads, each associated with a different viewing angle.
Due to the design differences between the sensors, two sets of additional 'parameters for self-calibration are applied in this study. The aerial TLS sensors share the same set of additional parameters due to similar interior geometries of the sensors. The self-calibration of the PRISM sensor uses a different set due to multiple lenses and also multiple CCD chips used to form each image line.
The sensor orientation and calibration methods presented in this study are validated using a number of application datasets. The image datasets of the three sensors are acquired over specially established testfields. Triangulation results prove the importance of high quality trajectory measurements for accurate sensor orientation. When the given image trajectory has a low quality, a sophisticated trajectory model should be used together with a high number of ground control points.
This study also shows that, despite their weaker sensor geometry, the Linear Array CCD sensors have reached the accuracy potential of the conventional frame imagery for point determination. In addition, similar to the conventional film sensors, self-calibration has proven as a powerful tool for modeling the systematic errors of the Linear Array CCD imagery, albeit the method should be applied with a great care.Note de contenu : 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Objectives
1.2 Review of Digital Optical Sensors
1.2.1 Point-based Sensors
1.2.2 Linear Array CCD Sensors
1.2.3 Frame Array CCD Sensors
1.3 Review of Sensor Calibration Approaches for Linear Array CCD Sensors
1.4 Review of Sensor Orientation Methods for Linear Array CCD Sensors
1.4.1 Direct vs. Indirect Georeferencing
1.4.2 Rigorous vs. Generic Models for Georeferencing
1.5 Quality Analysis and Validation for the Geometric Processing Methods
1.6 Outline
2 Characterizations of the Linear Array CCD Sensor Geometries
2.1 Optical System Specification
2.2 Line Geometry
2.3 Resolution Specification
2.3.1 Spatial Resolution
2.3.2 Radiometric Resolution
2.3.3 Spectral Resolution
2.3.4 Temporal Resolutions of Satellite Sensors
2.4 Operation Principles
2.4.1 Sensor and Platform Synchronization
2.4.2 Stereo Acquisition
2.4.3 Platform Stabilization
3 Calibration Parameters for the Linear Array CCD Sensors .
3.1 Optical System Related Parameters
3.1.1 Principal Point Displacement
3.1.2 Camera Constant
3.1.3 Lens Distortions
3.2 CCD Line Related Parameters
3.2.1 Scale effect
3.2.2 Rotation
3.2.3 Displacement from the Principal Point
3.2.4 Bending
4 Methodology for Sensor Orientation and Calibration
4.1 Preparation for Rigorous Sensor Orientation
4.1.1 Image Trajectory Extraction
4.1.2 Interior Orientation Extraction
4.1.3 Coordinate System Transformations
4.2 Rigorous Sensor Orientation
4.2.1 Modified Bundle Adjustment with Trajectory Modeling
4.2.2 Self-calibration Method
4.2.3 Weighting Scheme of the Bundle Adjustment
4.2.4 Accuracy Assessment of the Bundle Adjustment
4.2.5 Processing time
5 Applications
5.1 Starlmager Sensor
5.1.1 Applications over the Yoriichio Testfield, Japan
5.1.2 Findings and Discussion
5.2 ADS40 Sensor
5.2.1 Applications to Testfields
5.2.2 Findings and Discussion
5.3 The ALOS/PRISM Sensor
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2 Applications to Testfields
5.3.3 Findings and Discussion
6 Conclusions and Outlook
6.1 Summary
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 Recommendations for Future WorkNuméro de notice : 15509 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Thèse étrangère En ligne : http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-005780510 Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62742 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15509-01 35.13 Livre Centre de documentation En réserve M-103 Disponible
Titre : UAV photogrammetry Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Henri Eisenbeiss, Auteur Editeur : Zurich : Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie IGP - ETH Année de publication : 2009 Collection : IGP Mitteilungen, ISSN 0252-9335 num. 105 Importance : 203 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-906467-86-3 Note générale : Bibliographie
A dissertation submitted to ETH ZURICH for the degree of Doctor of SciencesLangues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Photogrammétrie numérique
[Termes IGN] acquisition d'images
[Termes IGN] données lidar
[Termes IGN] drone
[Termes IGN] lasergrammétrie
[Termes IGN] modèle numérique de surface
[Termes IGN] montagne
[Termes IGN] orthophotographie
[Termes IGN] Pérou
[Termes IGN] photogrammétrie aérienne
[Termes IGN] photogrammétrie numérique
[Termes IGN] site archéologique
[Termes IGN] Suisse
[Termes IGN] télémétrie laser aéroportéIndex. décimale : 33.30 Photogrammétrie numérique Résumé : (Auteur) UAVs are unmanned aerial vehicles. Hence, UAV photogrammetry can be understood as a new photogrammetric measurement tool. UAV photogrammetry opens various new applications in the close range domain, combining aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, but also introduces low-cost alternatives to the classical manned aerial photogrammtery. This thesis deals with the challenging task: "The use of UAV systems as photogrammetric data acquisition platforms " and the work was conducted by the author at IGP at ETH Zurich from 2003 to 2009.
In this work, a new terminology, UAV Photogrammetry, was introduced. UAV Photogrammetry describes photogrammetric measurement platforms, which operate as either remotely controlled, semi-autonomously, or autonomously, all without a pilot sitting in the platform, and the photogrammetric processing of UAV images. The broad definition covers balloons, kites, gliders, airships, rotary and fixed wing UAVs with the capability for photogrammetric data acquisition in manual, semi-automated and automated flight mode. To more clearly define UAVs, a comprehensive literature review on UAVs used in photogrammetry will be given. Using the existing categorizations of UAVs, the outcome of the literature review and our experiments, a new classification for UAVs, with respect on low-cost and high-end systems, the real-time processing capability (based on the integrated sensors and the flight performance, as well as the influence of environmental conditions), was provided. For this work, UAV systems, based on the new classification, will be selected to demonstrate how UAVs can be applied for photogrammetric data acquisition and processing.
In addition to the revised definitions and classifications of UAVs, we have devised a new generic workflow for the photogrammetric UAV flight planning, image acquisition, quality control and data processing. This workflow can specifically be adapted to individual UAV-systems and applications. Thus, specific tools, such as flight planning, are developed. Based on our results, UAV flight control systems and the flight operations were improved and commercial and in-house developed software packages were additionally evaluated for the processing of UAV image data. The proposed workflow allows the combination of office and field work, enabling the first results to be available during the field work for preliminary analysis.
This dissertation also emphasizes the influence of the manual, assisted and autonomous control of the UAV system on the flight performance during the data acquisition, which in turn influences the results and the feasibility of the photogrammetric data processing. Therefore, an autonomous tachymeter tracking of the flight trajectory was performed firstly with an UAV system. A test field for UAVs was then established at the campus Honggerberg at ETH Zurich. This test field enables us to assess the flight performance of various UAV systems. Specifically, an UAV system combined with a light weight laser scanner acquired a DSM over our test field.
Complementary to the developed workflow the accomplished real world application, this work has shown the great potential of using UAVs in photogrammetry and upcoming applications. The focus of our applications was particularly on archaeology and environmental applications, which allowed us to prove our established workflow and to underline the high potential of UAV systems for specific photogrammetric tasks, specifically the use of autonomous operated and stabilized UAV systems. :
• In the frame of the Nasca/Palpa project, the pre-Inca settlement Pinchango Alto (Peru) was documented with our autonomous flying model helicopter. For the first time an accurate and dense elevation model (10cm resolution) of an archaeological site was generated automatically using our in-house developed software. A detailed analysis of the generated data was done using terrestrial laser scanning data. The comparison of both data sets showed that the mean difference between the elevation models was less than 1cm with a standard deviation of 6cm.
• The world heritage Maya site Copan (Honduras) was documented with our system in 2009. The preliminary results, achieved directly after the data acquisition, underlined the expectations and potentials for up-coming
archaeological analysis and investigations.
• The castle Landenberg was documented with 1cm resolution using terrestrial and UAV images.
• In the framework of this dissertation, the rockslide Randa (Switzerland) was documented with LiDAR and image data taken from a manned helicopter. The results from the manned system were compared to the observed data from a UAV for a small part of the rockslide. The elevation model generated from the UAV image data had a substantial higher resolution and showed less occlusions than the LiDAR data. These differences result from the possibility to acquire image data close to the rockslide using an autonomous operated UAV, without endangering human life, and using a specific flight planning tool for UAVs in mountainous areas. This particular application showed also the limitations of existing UAVs in the data acquisition in Alpine areas, due to the high altitudes. However recent developments of new UAV systems are now ready in future work to operate in Alpine areas.
• Using a quadrotor, equipped with a light weight compact camera, it was possible to generate elevation models of a gravel pit at different time periods (February and April). The image data was acquired in the semi-automated and automated mode, allowing an estimation of the volume dug from the pit over time.
• An UAV was used in a study for the evaluation of genetically modified maize (simulated) on conventional maize. High resolution elevation models and orthoimages were produced from two campaigns. The generated spatial data was integrated into a GIS and then used with measures for the out-crossing in maize, to analyse the inclination, height, distance and wind on the influence of cross-pollination in maize.
Finally, based on the experimental results, a new particular workflow for combination of image and LiDAR sensors on one UAV platform was provided.Note de contenu : 1 Introduction
1.1 Definition of UAVs
1.1.1 UAV photogrammetry
1.1.2 Advantages of UAVs
1.1.3 Limitations in the use of UAVs
1.1.4 Categorization of photogrammetric platforms
1.2 Research goals
1.2.1 Rationale
1.3 Outline
2 Literature review
2.1 Pre 2004
2.1.1 Early investigations
2.1.2 Balloons
2.1.3 Airship
2.1.4 Model helicopters
2.1.5 A7fev
2.1.6 Fixed wing aircraft
2.2 Developments from 2004 to 2007
2.3 2008 until present
2.3.1 VAV-borne LiDAR
2.3.2 Rotary wing UAVs
2.3.3 Balloons
2.3.4 Open source systems
2.3.5 Further applications and developments
2.3.6 IGP ETH Zurich
2.4 Conclusions
3 UAV-systems
3.1 General overview
3.1.1 Classification of UAVs
3.1.2 Regulations
3.1.3 UAV communities
3.2 Open Source and Low Cost UAV Systems: OM-Class
3.2.1 Mikrokopter
3.2.2 Manual controlled system ,,Susi"
3.3 Micro & Mini UAV Systems: M-Class
3.3.7 Quadrotors
3.3.2 Model helicopter
3.3.3 Fixed wing UA Vs
3.4 Large Payload UAV Systems: L-Class
3.4.1 Aeroscout
3.4.2 Geocopter
3.5 Conclusions
4 Project workflow and image data acquisition
4.1 Workflow
4.2 Flight Planning
4.2.1 Flight planning for UAVs
4.2.2 Integration into the mission planning software
4.3 Manual versus autonomous flight
4.3.1 Example model helicopter
4.3.2 Manually controlled Kites and Zeppelin
4.4 Analysis of the trajectory of autonomous UAV flights
4.4.1 Flight trajectory versus predefined flight path
4.4.2 Influence of the flight modus
4.4.3 Tracking tachymetry
4.5 Main achievements for the autonomous flights
5 Photogrammetric data processing
5.1 Image orientation
5.2 Photogrammetric products
5.2.1 Generation of digital surface models
5.2.2 Orthoimage and 3D Visualization
5.3 UAV-borne laser scanning
5.3.7 Test field Campus Honggerberg
5.3.2 First test flights 2009
5.4 Conclusions
6 Archaeological applications and cultural heritage documentation
6.1 Motivation
6.2 Pinchango Alto (Peru) a pre-Inca settlement
6.3 The Maya site Copan (Honduras)
6.4 Castle Landenberg (Switzerland)
6.5 Conclusions
7 Monitoring of hazards, environmental and agricultural applications
7.1 The rockslide Randa (Switzerland)
7.2 Estimation of the volumetric changes of gravel-pits
7.3 Agriculture: The maize field project
7.4 Main achievements
8 Conclusions and perspectives
8.1 Conclusions
8.2 PerspectivesNuméro de notice : 15508 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Autre URL associée : http://dx.doi.org/10.3929/ethz-a-005939264 Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Thèse étrangère DOI : 10.3929/ethz-a-005939264 En ligne : https://ethz.ch/content/dam/ethz/special-interest/baug/igp/igp-dam/documents/PhD [...] Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62741 Exemplaires(1)
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