Termes IGN > cartographie > conception cartographique
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La cosmographie universelle de Guillaume le Testu (1556) : Au croisement de la géographie savante et de la science nautique des portulans / Frank Lestringant in Cartes & Géomatique, n° 216 (juin 2013)
Titre : La cosmographie universelle de Guillaume le Testu (1556) : Au croisement de la géographie savante et de la science nautique des portulans Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Frank Lestringant, Auteur Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : pp 91 - 107 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Cartographie ancienne
[Termes IGN] cartographie ancienne
[Termes IGN] cosmographie
[Termes IGN] portulan
[Termes IGN] projection
[Termes IGN] représentation cartographique
[Termes IGN] seizième siècle
[Termes IGN] source de donnéesRésumé : (Auteur) Cet article s'attache à la composition et aux sources de la Cosmographie universelle composée en 1556 par Guillaume Le Testu, "Pilote en la mer du Ponent". Ce recueil de 56 planches in-folio comporte d'abord 6 planisphères en diverses projections dans lesquelles l'influence des cosmographies de Pierre Apian et de Gemma Frisius est manifeste. Les cinquante cartes suivantes représentent les diverses parties du monde, et notamment la mythique Terre Australe, partiellement longée dans les années 1520. Les emprunts aux hydrographes et cartographes portugais y sont multiples, tandis que l'iconographie, où apparaît l'influence de Marco Polo, appartient à une tradition médiévale. Le Testu construit sa cosmographie pour présenter trois mondes : deux connus et exploités, l'ancien et le nouveau, tandis que le dernier, le monde austral, qui n'est encore qu'esquissé, s'ouvre aux ambitions françaises, incarnées par l'Amiral de France, Gaspard de Coligny, à qui est dédié le volume. Numéro de notice : A2013-433 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueNat DOI : sans En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink :
in Cartes & Géomatique > n° 216 (juin 2013) . - pp 91 - 107[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 021-2013021 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Gestalt aspects for differentiating the representation of landmarks in virtual navigation / Marcio Augusto Reolon Schmidt in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol 40 n° 3 (June 2013)
Titre : Gestalt aspects for differentiating the representation of landmarks in virtual navigation Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Marcio Augusto Reolon Schmidt, Auteur ; Lucienne Stamato Delazari, Auteur Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : pp 159 - 164 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] carte topographique
[Termes IGN] communication cartographique
[Termes IGN] conception cartographique
[Termes IGN] évaluation
[Termes IGN] point de repère
[Termes IGN] Web Map Service
[Vedettes matières IGN] CartologieRésumé : (Auteur) The application of nonimmersive virtual reality (VR) to the creation of rich cartographic representations in 3D is a current research area in cartography. However, the cartographic knowledge needed to build these representations is lacking. The consequences of this include misconceptions in map design that can inhibit or even impair understanding of the representation. A common task in cartographic VR is virtual navigation supported by 3D topographic maps. This geographical task gathers different knowledge schema, based on the selection of specific features for use as landmarks. In VR, there is a need for adaptation of cartographic representations to improve cartographic communication. The strategy adopted in this research uses Gestalt aspects to direct the user's selective attention to features that will act as landmarks. To evaluate this proposition, we compare sketch maps from 3D and conventional 2D topographic maps made by 43 volunteers and identify which features were used as landmarks and how they were drawn in the sketch maps. The number of landmarks identified by the user, their topology and orientation, and how the symbols were drawn highlights the success of this proposal for 3D topographic maps for virtual navigation. Numéro de notice : A2013-749 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1080/15230406.2013.807031 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink :
in Cartography and Geographic Information Science > vol 40 n° 3 (June 2013) . - pp 159 - 164[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 032-2013031 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Improving representation of land-use maps derived from object-oriented image classification / Wenxiu Gao in Transactions in GIS, vol 17 n° 3 (June 2013)
Titre : Improving representation of land-use maps derived from object-oriented image classification Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Wenxiu Gao, Auteur ; Alfred Stein, Auteur ; Li Yang, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : pp 387 - 405 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Bases de données localisées
[Termes IGN] carte d'occupation du sol
[Termes IGN] classification orientée objet
[Termes IGN] création de zone intermédiaire
[Termes IGN] généralisation cartographique
[Termes IGN] lissage de données
[Termes IGN] polygone
[Termes IGN] précision sémantique
[Termes IGN] représentation cartographique
[Termes IGN] similitude
[Termes IGN] système d'information géographiqueRésumé : (Auteur) Object-oriented (OO) image analysis provides an efficient way to generate vector-format land-cover and land-use maps from remotely sensed images. Such image-derived vector maps, however, are generally presented with congested and twisted polygons with step-like boundaries. They include unclassified polygons and polygons with geometric conflicts such as unreadable small areas and narrow corridors. The complex and poorly readable representations usually make such maps not comply well with the Gestalt principle of cartography. This article describes a framework designed to improve the representation by resolving these problematic polygons. It presents a polygon similarity model integrating semantic, geometric and spectral characteristics of the image-derived polygons to eliminate small and unclassified polygons. In addition, an outward-inward-buffering approach is presented to resolve the narrow-corridor conflicts of a polygon and improve its overall appearance. A case study demonstrates that the implementation of the framework reduces the number of the polygons by 32% and the length of the polygon boundaries by 20%. At the same time, it does not cause distinct changes the distribution of land-use types (less than 0.05%) and the overall accuracy (decreased only 0.02%) as compared with the original image-derived land-use maps. We conclude that the presented framework and models effectively improve the overall representation of image-derived maps without distinct changes in their semantic characteristics and accuracy. Numéro de notice : A2013-290 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE/INFORMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1111/j.1467-9671.2012.01368.x Date de publication en ligne : 06/11/2012 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Transactions in GIS > vol 17 n° 3 (June 2013) . - pp 387 - 405[article]Map design aspects, route complexity, or social background? Factors influencing user satisfaction with indoor navigation maps / Alexandra Lorenz in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol 40 n° 3 (June 2013)
Titre : Map design aspects, route complexity, or social background? Factors influencing user satisfaction with indoor navigation maps Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Alexandra Lorenz, Auteur ; Cornelia Thierbach, Auteur ; Nina Baur, Auteur ; Thomas Kolbe, Auteur Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : pp 201 - 209 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Cartographie thématique
[Termes IGN] analyse de variance
[Termes IGN] carte d'intérieur
[Termes IGN] conception cartographique
[Termes IGN] évaluation
[Termes IGN] navigation pédestre
[Termes IGN] utilisateurRésumé : (Auteur) Indoor map design is still an uncharted territory. More often than not, existing architectural floor plans are used as visualization means that do not fulfill cartographic requirements. In collaboration between geoinformation science and sociology, we develop and investigate cartographic methods for effective route guidance in indoor environments. The baseline for our evaluation is the annual user studies with up to 1100 participants per year. Since 2009, they were conducted during the “Long Night of Sciences,” a big event where large scientific institutions present themselves to the general public. For the 2011 study, we developed eight maps, which varied in design with respect to two map properties: map perspective and landmark representation. We evaluated the map design features as well as route complexity and sociodemographic characteristics. In order to rate their effect on an user satisfaction as an indicator of navigational success, we carried out a series of analyses of variance. Our results underline the importance of a map design: Map perspective and landmarks alone explain about 30% of the variance in the user satisfaction with maps, which is by far the biggest share in a navigational success. Numéro de notice : A2013-753 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1080/15230406.2013.807029 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Cartography and Geographic Information Science > vol 40 n° 3 (June 2013) . - pp 201 - 209[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 032-2013031 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Multi-level representation of terrain features on a contour map / Eric Guilbert in Geoinformatica, vol 17 n° 2 (April 2013)
Titre : Multi-level representation of terrain features on a contour map Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Eric Guilbert, Auteur Année de publication : 2013 Article en page(s) : pp 301 - 324 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Bases de données localisées
[Termes IGN] adjacence
[Termes IGN] arbre (mathématique)
[Termes IGN] carte isoplèthe
[Termes IGN] contour
[Termes IGN] description multiniveau
[Termes IGN] détail topographique
[Termes IGN] généralisation automatique de données
[Termes IGN] représentation multipleRésumé : (Auteur) Contour lines are important for quantitatively displaying relief and identifying morphometric features on a map. Contour trees are often used to represent spatial relationships between contours and assist the user in analysing the terrain. However, automatic analysis from the contour tree is still limited as features identified on a map by sets of contours are not only characterised by local relationships between contours but also by relationships with other features at different levels of representation. In this paper, a new method based on adjacency and inclusion relationships between regions defined by sets of contours is presented. The method extracts terrain features and stores them in a feature tree providing a description of the landscape at multiple levels of detail. The method is applied to terrain analysis and generalisation of a contour map by selecting the most relevant features according to the purpose of the map. Experimental results are presented and discussed. Numéro de notice : A2013-161 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE/INFORMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1007/s10707-012-0153-z Date de publication en ligne : 11/04/2012 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Geoinformatica > vol 17 n° 2 (April 2013) . - pp 301 - 324[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 057-2013021 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Cartogrammes, entre cartes et graphiques / Cécile Marin in Carto, le monde en cartes, n° 16 (mars - avril 2013)
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