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An integrated framework of global sensitivity analysis and calibration for spatially explicit agent-based models / Jeon-Young Kang in Transactions in GIS, vol 26 n° 1 (February 2022)
Titre : An integrated framework of global sensitivity analysis and calibration for spatially explicit agent-based models Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Jeon-Young Kang, Auteur ; Alexander Michels, Auteur ; Andrew Crooks, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 100 - 128 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique
[Termes IGN] analyse de sensibilité
[Termes IGN] analyse de variance
[Termes IGN] épidémie
[Termes IGN] étalonnage de modèle
[Termes IGN] maladie virale
[Termes IGN] méthode de Monte-Carlo
[Termes IGN] Miami
[Termes IGN] modèle de simulation
[Termes IGN] modèle orienté agent
[Termes IGN] WebSIGRésumé : (auteur) Calibration of agent-based models (ABMs) is a major challenge due to the complex nature of the systems being modeled, the heterogeneous nature of geographical regions, the varying effects of model inputs on the outputs, and computational intensity. Nevertheless, ABMs need to be carefully tuned to achieve the desirable goal of simulating spatiotemporal phenomena of interest, and a well-calibrated model is expected to achieve an improved understanding of the phenomena. To address some of the above challenges, this article proposes an integrated framework of global sensitivity analysis (GSA) and calibration, called GSA-CAL. Specifically, variance-based GSA is applied to identify input parameters with less influence on differences between simulated outputs and observations. By dropping these less influential input parameters in the calibration process, this research reduces the computational intensity of calibration. Since GSA requires many simulation runs, due to ABMs' stochasticity, we leverage the high-performance computing power provided by the advanced cyberinfrastructure. A spatially explicit ABM of influenza transmission is used as the case study to demonstrate the utility of the framework. Leveraging GSA, we were able to exclude less influential parameters in the model calibration process and demonstrate the importance of revising local settings for an epidemic pattern in an outbreak. Numéro de notice : A2022-176 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1111/tgis.12837 Date de publication en ligne : 03/09/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Transactions in GIS > vol 26 n° 1 (February 2022) . - pp 100 - 128[article]
Titre : Remote sensing applications in coastal environment Type de document : Monographie Auteurs : Pawel Terefenko, Éditeur scientifique ; Jacek Lubczonek, Éditeur scientifique ; Dominik Paprotny, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : Bâle [Suisse] : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute MDPI Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 282 p. Format : 17 x 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-0365-2612-6 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de télédétection
[Termes IGN] apprentissage automatique
[Termes IGN] Baltique, mer
[Termes IGN] carte thématique
[Termes IGN] données bathymétriques
[Termes IGN] données lidar
[Termes IGN] érosion côtière
[Termes IGN] falaise
[Termes IGN] image satellite
[Termes IGN] littoral
[Termes IGN] Miami
[Termes IGN] montée du niveau de la mer
[Termes IGN] photographie aérienne
[Termes IGN] planification côtière
[Termes IGN] surveillance du littoral
[Termes IGN] trait de côteRésumé : (éditeur) Coastal regions are susceptible to rapid changes, as they constitute the boundary between the land and the sea. The resilience of a particular segment of coast depends on many factors, including climate change, sea-level changes, natural and technological hazards, extraction of natural resources, population growth, and tourism. Recent research highlights the strong capabilities for remote sensing applications to monitor, inventory, and analyze the coastal environment. This book contains 12 high-quality and innovative scientific papers that explore, evaluate, and implement the use of remote sensing sensors within both natural and built coastal environments. Note de contenu : 1- Monitoring the coastal changes of the Po River Delta (Northern Italy) since 1911 using archival cartography, multi-temporal aerial photogrammetry and LiDAR data: Implications for coastline changes in 2100 A.D.
2- Autonomous Lidar-based monitoring of coastal lagoon entrances
3- Land cover changes and flows in the Polish Baltic coastal zone: A qualitative and quantitative approach
4- Determining long-term land cover dynamics in the South Baltic coastal zone from historical aerial photographs
5- Mapping coastal dune landscape through spectral Rao’s Q temporal diversity
6- Measuring surface moisture on a sandy beach based on corrected intensity data of a mobile terrestrial LiDAR
7- Multi-temporal cliff erosion analysis using Airborne Laser Scanning surveys
8- Application of multiple geomatic techniques for coastline retreat analysis: The case of Gerra beach (Cantabrian coast, Spain)
9- The reduction method of bathymetric datasets that preserves true geodata
10- Advances in remote sensing technology, machine learning and deep learning for marine oil spill detection, prediction and vulnerability assessment
11- Combining satellite imagery and numerical modelling to study the occurrence of warm upwellings in the Southern Baltic Sea in winter
12- Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns and major explanatory factors of urban expansion in Miami Metropolitan Area during 1992–2016Numéro de notice : 28641 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Recueil / ouvrage collectif DOI : 10.3390/books978-3-0365-2612-6 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : Assessing the completeness of bicycle trail and lane features in OpenStreetMap for the United States: Completeness of bicycle features in OpenStreetMap / Hartwig H. Hochmair in Transactions in GIS, vol 19 n° 1 (February 2015)
Titre : Assessing the completeness of bicycle trail and lane features in OpenStreetMap for the United States: Completeness of bicycle features in OpenStreetMap Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Hartwig H. Hochmair, Auteur ; Dennis Zielstra, Auteur ; Pascal Neis, Auteur Année de publication : 2015 Article en page(s) : pp 63 - 81 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Bases de données localisées
[Termes IGN] bicyclette
[Termes IGN] exhaustivité des données
[Termes IGN] Miami
[Termes IGN] mise à jour de base de données
[Termes IGN] OpenStreetMapRésumé : (auteur) This article assesses the completeness of bicycle trail and on-street lane features in OpenStreetMap (OSM). Comparing OSM cycling features with reference data from local planning agencies for selected US Urbanized Areas shows that OSM bicycle trails tend to be more completely mapped than bicycle lanes. Manual evaluation of mapped cycling features in OSM and Google Maps for selected test areas within the Central Business Districts of Portland (OR) and Miami (FL) through comparison with governmental datasets, satellite imagery, and Google Street View, shows that the Bicycle layer in Google Maps can help to identify some missing or erroneously mapped OSM cycling links. However, Google Maps was also found to have some gaps in its data layers, suggesting that consultation of current trail and lane data from local planning authorities, if available, should be considered as an additional data source for bicycle related planning projects. Numéro de notice : A2015--119 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1111/tgis.12081 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Transactions in GIS > vol 19 n° 1 (February 2015) . - pp 63 - 81[article]A process oriented areal interpolation technique: a coastal county example / B. Kar in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol 39 n° 1 (January 2012)
Titre : A process oriented areal interpolation technique: a coastal county example Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : B. Kar, Auteur ; M. Hodgson, Auteur Année de publication : 2012 Article en page(s) : pp 3 - 16 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Rédaction cartographique
[Termes IGN] figuration de la densité
[Termes IGN] interpolation par pondération de zones
[Termes IGN] MiamiRésumé : (Auteur) The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) is the classic term for describing different totals observed from spatially different aggregation units. In a typical analytical problem (e.g. estimating total population within a watershed from census unit totals) the spatial distribution of populations within the census units arc modeled. To minimize MAUP errors, areal interpolation techniques arc used to model such sub-unit population distributions. Areal interpolation techniques are highly dependent on ancillary data (e.g. land use/cover data) and typically do not include "intelligent" relations about where people choose to live, other than a weighted association between nominal land cover/use and population density. The purpose of this research was to design and implement an "intelligent" areal interpolation method for housing data in coastal environments, validate the accuracy, and compare to other techniques. This study was conducted for Miami-Dade County in Florida at census scales from county to block. Parcel boundary data was used as a reference layer to validate each technique. Not surprisingly, all techniques perform best at finer spatial resolutions (e.g. block level) with error increasing at coarser resolutions. The accuracy of the dasymetric technique is directly related to the accuracy of ancillary data. The new intelligent technique, (referred to as the process-oriented technique from here onwards) models the relationship between housing unit density distribution and proximity to the coast. This process-oriented technique performed better than the arcal weighting and the dasymetric mapping technique. Combining the 'process-oriented' technique with a dasymetric technique provided the least amount of error. Numéro de notice : A2012-293 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1559/152304063913 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink :
in Cartography and Geographic Information Science > vol 39 n° 1 (January 2012) . - pp 3 - 16[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 032-2012011 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible An assessment of Landsat MSS and TM data for urban and near-urban land-cover digital classification / B. Haack in Remote sensing of environment, vol 21 n° 2 (01/03/1987)
Titre : An assessment of Landsat MSS and TM data for urban and near-urban land-cover digital classification Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : B. Haack, Auteur ; N. Bryant, Auteur ; S. Adams, Auteur Année de publication : 1987 Article en page(s) : pp 201 - 213 Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Traitement d'image optique
[Termes IGN] agglomération
[Termes IGN] classification
[Termes IGN] image Landsat-MSS
[Termes IGN] image Landsat-TM
[Termes IGN] Miami
[Termes IGN] occupation du sol
[Termes IGN] signature spectraleNuméro de notice : A1987-070 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1016/0034-4257(87)90053-8 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Remote sensing of environment > vol 21 n° 2 (01/03/1987) . - pp 201 - 213[article]