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Full-waveform classification and segmentation-based signal detection of single-wavelength bathymetric LiDAR / Xue Ji in IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, vol 60 n° 8 (August 2022)
Titre : Full-waveform classification and segmentation-based signal detection of single-wavelength bathymetric LiDAR Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Xue Ji, Auteur ; Bisheng Yang, Auteur ; Yuan Wang, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : n° 4208714 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Lasergrammétrie
[Termes IGN] algorithme de Levenberg-Marquardt
[Termes IGN] analyse comparative
[Termes IGN] apprentissage automatique
[Termes IGN] classification par réseau neuronal convolutif
[Termes IGN] détection du signal
[Termes IGN] forme d'onde pleine
[Termes IGN] Hainan (Chine)
[Termes IGN] lidar bathymétrique
[Termes IGN] optimisation par essaim de particulesRésumé : (auteur) Single-wavelength bathymetric light detection and ranging (LiDAR) (532 nm) can provide seamless meter- and submeter-scale digital elevation model (DEMs) of both the terrestrial surface and seafloor. However, mixed terrestrial and bathymetric surfaces obtained by this sensor are challenging for full-waveform (FW) signal detection. This study addresses the issues in two FW mixed surfaces: accurate classification of terrestrial and nonterrestrial waveforms from the original waveforms without auxiliary information and flexible detection of peaks based on a new FW theoretical model. A novel FW signal detection model (FWSD) for single-wavelength bathymetric LiDAR is proposed without complex feature extraction and iterative procedure through waveform classification and segmentation. The raw FWs are divided into five categories for subsequent signal detection using a convolutional neural network that merges local descriptors with contextual information. The signal detection task is then split into FW segment recognition and peak extraction using a new FW model, which integrates a leapfrog sliding window FW segmentation, an improved extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm for FW segment recognition, and a flexible signal detection framework. To search for the optimal initial parameters for ELM, a self-annealing particle swarm optimization (SAPSO) algorithm is introduced, and the output weight is adjusted by online sequence to improve its generalization. When combined with the Richardson–Lucy deconvolution (RLD) algorithm, FWSD can be adapted to deal with shallow water waveforms. Finally, a test demonstration with an airborne dataset shows that FWSD has higher detection efficiency and higher accuracy than Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm optimized generalized Gaussian model (LM-GGM) and RLD algorithm. Numéro de notice : A2022-661 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3198168 Date de publication en ligne : 11/08/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing > vol 60 n° 8 (August 2022) . - n° 4208714[article]How can Sentinel-2 contribute to seagrass mapping in shallow, turbid Baltic Sea waters? / Katja Kuhwald in Remote sensing in ecology and conservation, vol 8 n° 3 (June 2022)
Titre : How can Sentinel-2 contribute to seagrass mapping in shallow, turbid Baltic Sea waters? Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Katja Kuhwald, Auteur ; Jens Schneider Von Deimling, Auteur ; Philipp Schubert, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 328 - 346 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de télédétection
[Termes IGN] Allemagne
[Termes IGN] Baltique, mer
[Termes IGN] carte thématique
[Termes IGN] classification par forêts d'arbres décisionnels
[Termes IGN] eaux côtières
[Termes IGN] fond marin
[Termes IGN] herbier marin
[Termes IGN] image aérienne
[Termes IGN] image Sentinel-MSI
[Termes IGN] lidar bathymétrique
[Termes IGN] turbidité des eauxRésumé : (auteur) Seagrass meadows are one of the most important benthic habitats in the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, spatially continuous mapping data of Zostera marina, the predominant seagrass species in the Baltic Sea, are lacking in the shallow coastal waters. Sentinel-2 turned out to be valuable for mapping coastal benthic habitats in clear waters, whereas knowledge in turbid waters is rare. Here, we transfer a clear water mapping approach to turbid waters to assess how Sentinel-2 can contribute to seagrass mapping in the Western Baltic Sea. Sentinel-2 data were atmospherically corrected using ACOLITE and subsequently corrected for water column effects. To generate a data basis for training and validating random forest classification models, we developed an upscaling approach using video transect data and aerial imagery. We were able to map five coastal benthic habitats: bare sand (25 km²), sand dominated (16 km²), seagrass dominated (7 km²), dense seagrass (25 km²) and mixed substrates with red/ brown algae (3.5 km²) in a study area along the northern German coastline. Validation with independent data pointed out that water column correction does not significantly improve classification results compared to solely atmospherically corrected data (balanced overall accuracies ~0.92). Within optically shallow waters (0–4 m), per class and overall balanced accuracies (>0.82) differed marginally depending on the water depth. Overall balanced accuracy became worse ( Numéro de notice : A2022-499 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1002/rse2.246 Date de publication en ligne : 07/12/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Remote sensing in ecology and conservation > vol 8 n° 3 (June 2022) . - pp 328 - 346[article]Development of a single-wavelength airborne bathymetric LiDAR: System design and data processing / Kai Guo in ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, vol 185 (March 2022)
Titre : Development of a single-wavelength airborne bathymetric LiDAR: System design and data processing Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Kai Guo, Auteur ; Qingquan Li, Auteur ; Shisheng Wang, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 62 - 84 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Acquisition d'image(s) et de donnée(s)
[Termes IGN] forme d'onde pleine
[Termes IGN] Hainan (Chine)
[Termes IGN] lever bathymétrique
[Termes IGN] lidar bathymétrique
[Termes IGN] semis de points
[Termes IGN] signal lidar
[Termes IGN] traitement de donnéesRésumé : (auteur) Airborne laser bathymetry (ALB) is employed to measure shallow depth water by using a high sampling rate and point density. Thus, the problems of using traditional detection methods in inaccessible areas can be avoided. This study focuses on practical solutions for receiving echo signals, identifying target echoes, and integrating land and underwater terrain point cloud data in coastal environments. Optimization of the system design and its data processing scheme is undertaken to improve the performance of the receiving system based on a single-band ALB system developed by the authors at Shenzhen University. A flight experiment over eastern Hainan Island was conducted, during which the effectiveness of the proposed strategy was verified. Finally, the technical characteristics of the self-developed system are summarized to provide a reliable reference source for the subsequent industrialization and production of related marine light detection and ranging (LiDAR) laser systems. Numéro de notice : A2022-134 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2022.01.011 Date de publication en ligne : 29/01/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing > vol 185 (March 2022) . - pp 62 - 84[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 081-2022031 SL Revue Centre de documentation Revues en salle Disponible Filtering of airborne LiDAR bathymetry based on bidirectional cloth simulation / Anxiu Yang in ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, vol 163 (May 2020)
Titre : Filtering of airborne LiDAR bathymetry based on bidirectional cloth simulation Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Anxiu Yang, Auteur ; Fanlin Yang, Auteur ; Dianpeng Su, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : pp 49 - 61 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Lasergrammétrie
[Termes IGN] ajustement de paramètres
[Termes IGN] Chine
[Termes IGN] courbe de Gauss
[Termes IGN] données lidar
[Termes IGN] filtrage de points
[Termes IGN] itération
[Termes IGN] lidar bathymétrique
[Termes IGN] relief sous-marin
[Termes IGN] semis de points
[Termes IGN] télémétrie laser aéroportéRésumé : (auteur) Current filtering methods of airborne LiDAR bathymetry (ALB) point clouds cannot identify negative anomalies or avoid over-filtering of the data. To overcome these problems, we propose a bidirectional cloth simulation filtering (BCSF) method and verify it using captured data. First, a transfer iterative trend surface is established to eliminate the negative anomalies and realize the continuous expression of the seafloor topography. The terrain complexities of the seafloor points are calculated using four extracted feature factors: slope, standard deviation of depth, Gaussian curvature, and roughness. We then calculate the sub-regional terrain complexity and the adaptive distance threshold and obtain user-defined parameters. Finally, sub-regional filtering is carried out, and a filtered surface is established to solve the over-filtering problem of convex and concave seafloor topographies based on the BCSF correction model. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, the BCSF method was applied to ALB data captured around Yuanzhi Island in the South China Sea. The experimental results show that the BCSF method effectively filters out non-seafloor points and fully preserves the seafloor microtopography to realize the integrity of the seafloor topography. The proposed BCSF method outperforms the cloth simulation filtering method in terms of the elimination rate, which decreases from 38.78% to 2.52% and from 29.52% to 0.70% in the whole study area and local study area, respectively. Consequently, the BCSF method that combines forward filtering with inverse filtering exhibits complementary advantages, avoids over-filtering, and demonstrates strong adaptability and robustness for ALB data. Numéro de notice : A2020-137 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2020.03.004 Date de publication en ligne : 09/03/2020 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : url article Permalink :
in ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing > vol 163 (May 2020) . - pp 49 - 61[article]Exemplaires(3)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 081-2020051 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible 081-2020053 DEP-RECP Revue LASTIG Dépôt en unité Exclu du prêt 081-2020052 DEP-RECF Revue Nancy Dépôt en unité Exclu du prêt Assessment of salt marsh change on Assateague Island National Seashore between 1962 and 2016 / Anthony Campbell in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS, vol 86 n° 3 (March 2020)
Titre : Assessment of salt marsh change on Assateague Island National Seashore between 1962 and 2016 Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Anthony Campbell, Auteur ; Yeqiao Wang, Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : pp 187 - 194 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de télédétection
[Termes IGN] analyse d'image orientée objet
[Termes IGN] analyse diachronique
[Termes IGN] approche hiérarchique
[Termes IGN] Atlantique (océan)
[Termes IGN] biodiversité
[Termes IGN] cartographie thématique
[Termes IGN] détection de changement
[Termes IGN] Etats-Unis
[Termes IGN] image à très haute résolution
[Termes IGN] image satellite
[Termes IGN] lidar bathymétrique
[Termes IGN] littoral
[Termes IGN] marais salant
[Termes IGN] montée du niveau de la mer
[Termes IGN] service écosystémique
[Termes IGN] surveillance du littoralRésumé : (auteur) Salt marshes provide extensive ecosystem services, including high biodiversity, denitrification, and wave attenuation. In the mid-Atlantic, sea level rise is predicted to affect salt marsh ecosystems severely. This study mapped the entirety of Assateague Island with Very High Resolution satellite imagery and object-based methods to determine an accurate salt marsh baseline for change analysis. Topobathy-metric light detection and ranging was used to map the salt marsh and model expected tidal effects. The satellite imagery, collected in 2016 and classified at two hierarchical thematic schemes, were compared to determine appropriate thematic richness. Change analysis between this 2016 map and both a manually delineated 1962 salt marsh extent and image classification of the island from 1994 determined rates off change. The study found that from 1962 to 1994, salt marsh expanded by 4.01 ha/year, and from 1994 to 2016 salt marsh was lost at a rate of -3.4 ha/ year. The study found that salt marsh composition, (percent vegetated salt marsh) was significantly influenced by elevation, the length of mosquito ditches, and starting salt marsh composition. The study illustrates the importance of remote sensing monitoring for understanding site-specific changes to salt marsh environments and the barrier island system. Numéro de notice : A2020-148 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.14358/PERS.86.3.187 Date de publication en ligne : 01/03/2020 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : url article Permalink :
in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS > vol 86 n° 3 (March 2020) . - pp 187 - 194[article]sUAS-based remote rensing of river discharge using thermal particle image velocimetry and bathymetric lidar / Paul J. Kinzel in Remote sensing, vol 11 n° 19 (October-1 2019)
PermalinkTotal Vertical Uncertainty (TVU) modeling for topo-bathymetric LIDAR systems / Firat Eren in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS, vol 85 n° 8 (August 2019)
PermalinkShipborne over- and under-water integrated mobile mapping system and its seamless integration of point clouds / Bo Shi in Marine geodesy, vol 40 n° 2-3 (March - June 2017)
PermalinkUtilisation conjointe de trains d'ondes LiDAR vert et infrarouge pour la bathymétrie des eaux de très faibles profondeurs / Tristan Allouis in Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, n° 213 - 214 (janvier - avril 2017)
PermalinkPermalinkBathymetry of lake Constance – a high-resolution survey in a large, deep lake / Martin Wessels in ZFV, Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Vol 140 n° 4 (Juli - August 2015)
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkUtilisation conjointe de trains d'onde Lidar vert et infrarouge pour la bathymétrie des eaux de très faibles profondeurs / Tristan Allouis in Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, n° 191 (Mai 2010)