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Geometric modelling and calibration of a spherical camera imaging system / Derek D. Lichti in Photogrammetric record, vol 35 n° 170 (June 2020)
Titre : Geometric modelling and calibration of a spherical camera imaging system Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Derek D. Lichti, Auteur ; David Jarron, Auteur ; Wynand Tredoux, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Article en page(s) : pp 123 - 142 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Photogrammétrie numérique
[Termes IGN] acquisition d'images
[Termes IGN] auto-étalonnage
[Termes IGN] caméra 3D
[Termes IGN] colinéarité
[Termes IGN] distorsion radiale
[Termes IGN] instrument de photogrammétrie
[Termes IGN] modélisation géométrique de prise de vue
[Termes IGN] orientation relative
[Termes IGN] reconstruction 3D
[Termes IGN] système de numérisation mobileRésumé : (auteur) The Ladybug5 is an integrated, multi‐camera system that features a near‐spherical field of view. It is commonly deployed on mobile mapping systems to collect imagery for 3D reality capture. This paper describes an approach for the geometric modelling and self‐calibration of this system. The collinearity equations of the pinhole camera model are augmented with five radial lens distortion terms to correct the severe barrel distortion. Weighted relative orientation stability constraints are added to the self‐calibrating bundle adjustment solution to enforce the angular and positional stability between the Ladybug5’s six cameras. Centimetre‐level 3D reconstruction accuracy can be achieved, with image‐space precision and object‐space accuracy improved by 92% and 93% , respectively, relative to a two‐term lens distortion model. Sub‐pixel interior orientation stability and millimetre‐level relative orientation stability were also demonstrated over a 10‐month period. Numéro de notice : A2020-401 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1111/phor.12315 Date de publication en ligne : 29/06/2020 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : url article Permalink :
in Photogrammetric record > vol 35 n° 170 (June 2020) . - pp 123 - 142[article]Evaluation de la technologie des caméras 3D (Kinect 2) pour la mesure et la reconstruction d’objets à courte portée / Elise Lachat (2015)
Titre : Evaluation de la technologie des caméras 3D (Kinect 2) pour la mesure et la reconstruction d’objets à courte portée Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Elise Lachat, Auteur Editeur : Strasbourg : Institut National des Sciences Appliquées INSA Strasbourg Année de publication : 2015 Importance : 104 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm Note générale : Bibliographie
Mémoire de fin d'études INSA StrasbourgLangues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Photogrammétrie numérique
[Termes IGN] caméra 3D
[Termes IGN] erreur instrumentale
[Termes IGN] étalonnage de chambre métrique
[Termes IGN] modélisation 3D
[Termes IGN] qualité des données
[Termes IGN] reconstruction 3D
[Termes IGN] semis de points
[Termes IGN] temps de vol
[Termes IGN] vision par ordinateurIndex. décimale : INSAS Mémoires d'ingénieur de l'INSA Strasbourg - Topographie, ex ENSAIS Résumé : (Auteur) Les caméras 3D, ou caméras de profondeur, permettent la mesure de la distance par rapport à une scène avec une fréquence très élevée. A cet effet, leur utilisation est très appréciée pour des applications dans le domaine de la robotique ou de la vision par ordinateur. Après le succès du capteur Kinect v1, Microsoft a lancé la vente en 2014 d’une nouvelle version du capteur, Kinect pour Windows v2, capteur basé sur une méthode de mesure de la distance différente de la première version. La qualité des mesures fournies par un tel outil peut poser question. Ceci est d’autant plus le cas dans ce projet, dont le but est d’étudier les capacités du capteur à fournir des nuages de points d’objets, en vue de leur modélisation 3D. En effet, bien que de nombreux outils proposent déjà de telles réalisations, la technologie des caméras 3D s’avère intéressante en termes de coût et de portabilité. Dans ce projet, des expériences relatives aux sources d’erreurs affectant la mesure du capteur Kinect v2 sont présentées, ainsi qu’une approche pour sa calibration. C’est finalement la fidélité des modèles réalisés qui est évaluée. Note de contenu :
1. Une nouvelle venue parmi les capteurs 3D
1.1. Etat de l’art des technologies de caméras 3D
1.2. Principe de fonctionnement d’une caméra 3D temps de vol
2. Etude des propriétés du capteur Kinect v2
2.1. Prise en main du capteur
2.2. Amélioration de la donnée acquise
2.3. Influence de l’environnement et des propriétés de la scène sur la mesure
3. Méthodes de calibration d'une caméra 3D
3.1. Calibration géométrique
3.2. Calibration en distance
3.3. Mise en place de la méthode de calibration retenue
4. Application à la réalisation de modèles 3D
4.1. Des données brutes à la création du maillage
4.2. Evaluation qualitative des modèles réalisés
Annexe A : Exemples illustrés de domaines d’application des caméras 3D
Annexe B : Principe de la modulation en amplitude
Annexe C : Rappels sur la première version de Kinect
Annexe D : Interface graphique du navigateur proposé par le SDK
Annexe E : De la carte de profondeur (2D) au nuage de points 3D – rappels sur le modèle du sténopé et la projection perspective
Annexe F : Modèle mathématique pour la correction des distorsions géométriques
Annexe G : Analyses complémentaires pour la calibration en distance
Annexe H : Représentation des résidus par rapport à un plan pour des nuages de points à différentes portées
Annexe I : Interface graphique de la Surface Fitting Toolbox du logiciel Matlab
Annexe J : Chaîne de traitement finale pour la création de modèles 3D
Annexe K : Analyse des nuages de points individuels en vue de la réalisation d’un nuage de points completNuméro de notice : 22489 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Mémoire ingénieur INSAS Organisme de stage : Laboratoire ICube (INSA de Strasbourg) Permalink : Documents numériques
en open access
22489_Evaluation de la technologie des caméras 3D (Kinect 2).pdfAdobe Acrobat PDF Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Verarbeitung von 3D-Kameradaten am Beispiel menschlicher Bewegungsanalysen / Patrick Westfeld (2012)
Titre : Geometrische und stochastische Modelle zur Verarbeitung von 3D-Kameradaten am Beispiel menschlicher Bewegungsanalysen Titre original : [Modèles aléatoires et géométriques pour le traitement de données de caméra 3D en utilisant l'exemple de l'analyse de mouvements humains] Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Patrick Westfeld, Auteur Editeur : Munich : Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften Année de publication : 2012 Collection : DGK - C Sous-collection : Dissertationen num. 687 Importance : 283 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-7696-5099-0 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Allemand (ger) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications photogrammétriques
[Termes IGN] caméra 3D
[Termes IGN] compensation par faisceauxRésumé : (Auteur) The three-dimensional documentation of the form and location of any type of object using flexible photogrammetric methods and procedures plays a key role in a wide range of technical-industrial and scientific areas of application. Potential applications include measurement tasks in the automotive, machine building and ship building sectors, the compilation of complex 3D models in the fields of architecture, archaeology and monumental preservation and motion analyses in the fields of flow measurement technology, ballistics and medicine. In the case of close-range photogrammetry a variety of optical 3D measurement systems are used. Area sensor cameras arranged in single or multi-image configurations are used besides active triangulation procedures for surface measurement (e.g. using structured light or laser scanner systems).
The use of modulation techniques enables 3D cameras based on photomix detectors or similar principles to simultaneously produce both a grey value image and a range image. Functioning as single image sensors, they deliver spatially resolved surface data at video rate without the need for stereoscopic image matching. In the case of 3D motion analyses in particular, this leads to considerable reductions in complexity and computing time. 3D cameras combine the practicality of a digital camera with the 3D data acquisition potential of conventional surface measurement systems. Despite the relatively low spatial resolution currently achievable", as a mono-sensory real-time depth image acquisition system they represent an interesting alternative in the field of 3D motion analysis.
The use of 3D cameras as measuring instruments requires the modelling of deviations from the ideal projection model, and indeed the processing of the 3D camera data generated requires the targeted adaptation, development and further development of procedures in the fields of computer graphics and photogrammetry. This Ph. D. thesis therefore focuses on the development of methods of sensor calibration and 3D motion analysis in the context of investigations into inter-human motion behaviour. As a result of its intrinsic design and measurement principle, a 3D camera simultaneously provides amplitude and range data reconstructed from a measurement signal. The simultaneous integration of all data obtained using a 3D camera into an integrated approach is a logical consequence and represents the focus of current procedural development. On the one hand, the complementary characteristics of the observations made support each other due to the creation of a functional context for the measurement channels, with is to be expected to lead to increases in accuracy and reliability. On the other, the expansion of the stochastic model to include variance component estimation ensures that the heterogeneous information pool is fully exploited.
The integrated bundle adjustment developed facilitates the definition of precise 3D camera geometry and the estimation of range-measurement-specific correction parameters required for the modelling of the linear, cyclical and latency defectives of a distance measurement made using a 3D camera.
The integrated calibration routine jointly adjusts appropriate dimensions across both information channels, and also automatically estimates optimum observation weights. The method is based on the same flexible principle used in self-calibration, does not require spatial object data and therefore foregoes the time-consuming determination of reference distances with superior accuracy. The accuracy analyses carried out confirm the correctness of the proposed functional contexts, but nevertheless exhibit weaknesses in the form of non-parameterized range-measurement-specific errors. This notwithstanding, the future expansion of the mathematical model developed is guaranteed due to its adaptivity and modular implementation. The accuracy of a new 3D point coordinate can be set at 5 mm further to calibration. In the case of depth imaging technology - which is influenced by a range of usually simultaneously occurring noise sources - this level of accuracy is very promising, especially in terms of the development of evaluation algorithms based on corrected 3D camera data.
2.5D Least Squares Tracking (LST) is an integrated spatial and temporal matching method developed within the framework of this Ph. D. thesis for the purpose of evaluating 3D camera image sequences. The algorithm is based on the least squares image matching method already established in photogrammetry, and maps small surface segments of consecutive 3D camera data sets on top of one another. The mapping rule has been adapted to the data structure of a 3D camera on the basis of a 2D affine transformation. The closed parameterization combines both grey values and range values in an integrated model. In addition to the affine parameters used to include translation and rotation effects, the scale and inclination parameters model perspective-related deviations caused by distance changes in the line of sight. A pre-processing phase sees the calibration routine developed used to correct optical and distance-related measurement specific errors in input data and measured slope distances reduced to horizontal distances. 2.5D LSI i
an integrated approach, and therefore delivers fully three-dimensional displacement vectors. In addition, the accuracy and reliability data generated by error calculation can be used as decision criteria for integration into an application-specific processing chain. Process validation showed that the integration of complementary data leads to a more accurate, reliable solution to the correspondence problem, especially in the case of difficult contrast ratios within a channel. The accuracy of scale and inclination parameters directly linked to distance correction terms improved dramatically. In addition, the expansion of the geometric model led to significant benefits, and in particular for the matching of natural, not entirely planar surface segments.
The area-based object matching and object tracking method developed functions on the basis of 3D camera data gathered without object contact. It is therefore particularly suited to 3D motion analysis tasks in which the extra effort involved in multi-ocular experimental settings and the necessity of object signalling using target marks are to be avoided. The potential of the 3D camera matching approach has been demonstrated in two application scenarios in the field of research into human behaviour. As in the case of the use of 2.5 D LST to mark and then classify hand gestures accompanying verbal communication, the implementation of 2.5D LST in the proposed procedures for the determination of interpersonal distance and body orientation within the framework of pedagogical research into conflict regulation between pairs of child-age friends facilitates the automatic, effective, objective and high-resolution (from both a temporal and spatial perspective) acquisition and evaluation of data with relevance to behaviour.
This Ph. D. thesis proposes the use of a novel 3D range imaging camera to gather data on human behaviour, and presents both a calibration tool developed for data processing purposes and a method for the contact-free determination of dense 3D motion vector fields. It therefore makes a contribution to current efforts in the field of the automated videographic documentation of bodily motion within the framework of dyadic interaction, and shows that photogrammetric methods can also deliver valuable results within the framework of motion evaluation tasks in the as-yet relatively untapped field of behavioural research.Numéro de notice : 14622 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Thèse étrangère DOI : sans En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink :