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Auteur G. Schubert |
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Titre : Geodynamics Type de document : Monographie Auteurs : D. Turcotte, Auteur ; G. Schubert, Auteur Editeur : Cambridge [Royaume-Uni] : Cambridge University Press Année de publication : 2002 Importance : 456 p. Format : 21 x 26 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-521-66186-7 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géophysique interne
[Termes IGN] champ de pesanteur terrestre
[Termes IGN] géodynamique
[Termes IGN] tâche claire
[Termes IGN] tectonique des plaquesNote de contenu : ONE. PLATE TECTONICS
11 Introduction
12 The Lithosphere
13 Accreting Plate Boundaries
14 Subduction
15 Transform Faults
16 Hotspots and Mantle Plumes
17 Continents
18 Paleomagnetism and the Motion of the Plates
19 Triple Junctions
110 The Wilson Cycle
111 Continental Collisions
112 Volcanism and Heat Flow
113 Seismicity and the State of Stress in the Lithosphere
114 The Driving Mechanism
115 Comparative Planetology
116 The Moon
117 Mercury
118 Mars
119 Phobos and Deimos
120 Venus
121 The Galilean Satellites
21 Introduction
22 Body Forces and Surface Forces
23 Stress in Two Dimensions
24 Stress in Three Dimensions
25 Pressures in the Deep Interiors of Planets
26 Stress Measurement
27 Basic Ideas about Strain
28 Strain Measurements
31 Introduction
32 Linear Elasticity
33 Uniaxial Stress
34 Uniaxial Strain
35 Plane Stress
36 Plane Strain
37 Pure Shear and Simple Shear
38 Isotropic Stress
39 TwoDimensional Bending or Flexure of Plates
310 Bending of Plates under Applied Moments and Vertical Loads
311 Buckling of a Plate under a Horizontal Load
312 Deformation of Strata Overlying an Igneous Intrusion
313 Application to the Earth's Lithosphere
314 Periodic Loading
315 Stability of the Earth's Lithosphere under an End Load
316 Bending of the Elastic Lithosphere under the Loads of Island Chains
317 Bending of the Elastic Lithosphere at an Ocean Trench
18 Flexure and the Structure of Sedimentary Basins
41 Introduction
42 Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction
43 Measuring the Earth's Surface Heat Flux
44 The Earth's Surface Heat Flow
45 Heat Generation by the Decay of Radioactive Elements
46 OneDimensional Steady Heat Conduction with Volumetric Heat Production
47 A Conduction Temperature Profile for the Mantle 48 Continental Geotherms
49 Radial Heat Conduction in a Sphere or Spherical Shell 410 Temperatures in the Moon
411 Steady Two and ThreeDimensional Heat Conduction
412 Subsurface Temperature Due to Periodic Surface Temperature and Topography
413 OneDimensional, TimeDependent Heat Conduction
414 Periodic Heating of a SemiInfinite HalfSpace: Diurnal and Seasonal Changes in Subsurface Temperature
415 Instantaneous Heating or Cooling of a SemiInfinite HalfSpace
416 Cooling of the Oceanic Lithosphere
417 Plate Cooling Model of the Lithosphere
418 The Stefan Problem
419 Solidification of a Dike or Sill
420 The Heat Conduction Equation in a Moving Medium: Thermal Effects of Erosion and Sedimentation
421 OneDimensional, Unsteady Heat Conduction in an Infinite Region
422 Thermal Stresses
423 Ocean Floor Topography
424 Changes in Sea Level
425 Thermal and Subsidence History of Sedimentary Basins
426 Heating or Cooling a SemiInfinite HalfSpace by a Constant Surface Heat Flux
427 Frictional Heating on Faults: Island Arc Volcanism and Melting on the Surface of the Descending Slab
428 Mantle Geotherms and Adiabats
429 Thermal Structure of the Subducted Lithosphere
430 Culling Model for the Erosion and Deposition of Sediments
51 Introduction
52 Gravitational Acceleration External to the Rotationally Distorted Earth
53 Centrifugal Acceleration and the Acceleration of Gravity
54 The Gravitational Potential and the Geoid
55 Moments of Inertia
56 Surface Gravity Anomalies
57 Bouguer Gravity Formula
58 Reductions of Gravity Data
59 Compensation
510 The Gravity Field of a Periodic Mass Distribution on a Surface
511 Compensation Due to Lithospheric Flexure
512 Isostatic Geoid Anomalies
513 Compensation Models and Observed Geoid Anomalies
514 Forces Required to Maintain Topography and the Geoid
61 Introduction
62 OneDimensional Channel Flows
63 Asthenospheric Counterflow
64 Pipe Flow
65 Artesian Aquifer Flows
66 Flow Through Volcanic Pipes
67 Conservation of Fluid in Two Dimensions
68 Elemental Force Balance in Two Dimensions
69 The Stream Function
610 Postglacial Rebound
611 Angle of Subduction
612 Diapirism
613 Folding
614 Stokes Flow
615 Plume Heads and Tails
616 Pipe Flow with Heat Addition
617 Aquifer Model for Hot Springs
618 Thermal Convection
619 Linear Stability Analysis for the Onset of Thermal Convection in a Layer of Fluid Heated from Below
620 A Transient BoundaryLayer Theory for FiniteAmplitude Thermal Convection
621 A SteadyState BoundaryLayer Theory for FiniteAmplitude Thermal Convection
622 The Forces that Drive Plate Tectonics
623 Heating by Viscous Dissipation
624 Mantle Recycling and Mixing
71 Introduction
72 Elasticity
73 Diffusion Creep
74 Dislocation Creep
75 Shear Flows of Fluids with Temperature and StressDependent Rheologies
76 Mantle Rheology
77 Rheological Effects on Mantle Convection
78 Mantle Convection and the Cooling of the Earth
79 Crustal Rheology 710 Viscoelasticity 711 ElasticPerfectly Plastic Behavior
81 Introduction
82 Classification of Faults
83 Friction on Faults
84 Anderson Theory of Faulting
85 Strength Envelope
86 Thrust Sheets and Gravity Sliding
87 Earthquakes
88 San Andreas Fault
89 North Anatolian Fault
810 Some Elastic Solutions for StrikeSlip Faulting
811 Stress Diffusion
812 Thermally Activated Creep on Faults
91 Introduction
92 Darcy's Law
93 Permeability Models
94 Flow in Confined Aquifers
95 Flow in Unconfined Aquifers
96 Geometrical Form of Volcanoes
97 Equations of Conservation of Mass, Momentum, and Energy for Flow in Porous Media
98 OneDimensional Advection of Heat in a Porous Medium
99 Thermal Convection in a Porous Layer
910 Thermal Plumes in FluidSaturated Porous Media
911 Porous Flow Model for Magma Migration
912 TwoPhase Convection
101 Introduction
102 Radioactivity and Geochronology
103 Geochemical Reservoirs
104 A TwoReservoir Model with Instantaneous Crustal Differentiation
105 Noble Gas Systems 106 Isotope Systematics of OIBNuméro de notice : 11731 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Nature : Monographie Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=54481 Exemplaires(2)
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