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Changement climatique et toponymie : Écologie historique du houx et du buis à travers leurs traces toponymiques / Emilien Conte (2018)
Titre : Changement climatique et toponymie : Écologie historique du houx et du buis à travers leurs traces toponymiques Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Emilien Conte, Auteur Editeur : Paris : Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Année de publication : 2018 Autre Editeur : Paris : Université de Paris 7 Denis Diderot Importance : 49 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Toponymie
[Termes IGN] aire de répartition
[Termes IGN] analyse diachronique
[Termes IGN] Buxus sempervirens
[Termes IGN] changement climatique
[Termes IGN] France (administrative)
[Termes IGN] ilex aquifolium
[Termes IGN] indicateur biologiqueIndex. décimale : DCAR Mémoires de l'ex DESS cartographie et du Master CARTHAGEO Résumé : (auteur) Les toponymes sont, entre autres choses, une expression du lien entre les sociétés et leur environnement. Les noms de lieux qui désignent des espèces végétales peuvent être vus comme une trace de la présence passée de ces espèces. La géographie des toponymes, lorsqu’elle est comparée aux données environnementales présentes, nous renseigne sur l’évolution de l’environnement. En explorant la toponymie du houx (Ilex aquifolium) et du buis (Buxus sempervirens) en France et en les confrontant aux conditions actuelles, nous avons pu observer les dynamiques historiques de ces deux espèces à une large échelle. L’expansion de l’aire de répartition du houx en France en lien avec l’augmentation générale de la température a pu être constatée et le caractère bioindicateur de l’arbuste a été confirmé. L’étude des toponymes du buis a montré que la géographie de cette espèce doit, en dehors de sa zone d’extension continue, être analyser en lien avec le rôle majeur des sociétés humaines et la complexité de son maintien malgré la glaciation a également été rendu visible. // Toponyms are, among other things, an expression of the link between societies and their environment. Place names that designate plant species can be seen as a record of the past range of these species. The geography of toponyms, when compared with current environmental data, gives us insights on the evolution of the environment. By exploring the toponymy of holly (Ilex aquifolium) and box-tree (Buxus sempervirens) in France and comparing them to current conditions, we have been able to observe the historical dynamics of these two species on a large scale. The expansion of the holly's range in France in connection with the general increase of temperature was noted and the bioindicator capacity of this shrub was confirmed. The study of box-tree toponyms has shown that the geography of this species must be analyzed outside its continuous extension area in relation to the major role of human societies. Finally, the complexity of its upkeep during glacial period has also been seen. Numéro de notice : 17538 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET/GEOMATIQUE/TOPONYMIE Nature : Mémoire master cartographie Organisme de stage : IGN Permalink : Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 17538-01 DCAR Livre Centre de documentation En réserve Mezzanine Disponible Documents numériques
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Changement climatique et toponymie - pdf auteurAdobe Acrobat PDF Ecological functions of vegetation as potentials of ecosystem services (floodplain alder forest in the Tríbeč microregion) / Pavol Eliáš in Journal of forest science, vol 63 n° 3 (October 2015)
Titre : Ecological functions of vegetation as potentials of ecosystem services (floodplain alder forest in the Tríbeč microregion) Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Pavol Eliáš, Auteur ; Patricia Mariničová, Auteur Année de publication : 2017 Article en page(s) : pp 126 - 135 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Ecologie
[Termes IGN] biomasse forestière
[Termes IGN] ilex aquifolium
[Termes IGN] lit majeur
[Termes IGN] service écosystémique
[Termes IGN] Slovaquie
[Termes IGN] sous-boisRésumé : (auteur) Ecological functions of a black alder riparian forest (Aegopodio-Alnetum glutinosae) as capacities for the provision of ecosystem services were analysed and indicated by an inductive (bottom-up) approach. In July 2015, species richness and diversity of the forest stand were analysed in Hlboká valley, near Husárka water reservoir, Tríbeč Mountains, western Slovakia, by phytocoenological relevé, aboveground biomass of the herb layer and litter mass were estimated by a harvest method. The quantitative data obtained for the forest vegetation were used for estimation of capacities (potentials) of the floodplain forest to provide non-market ecosystem services. The forage, melliferous and therapeutic potential were estimated and calculated by Jurko’s methods of ecological and socio-economic evaluations of vegetation. Aboveground biomass (production potential) of the forest understorey community was relatively high (seasonal maximum standing crop 59.03 g·m–2 in dry mass). The result of evaluation of the forage potential of the alder forest was higher than 50%, it means medium forage quality community. The melliferous potential was evaluated close to 190% (= high potential). The share of medicinal plants in the studied plant community was higher than 30%, referred to as extremely rich therapeutic potential. The analyses confirmed that the forest community represents high potentials for providing production ecosystem services. Numéro de notice : A2017-182 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET Nature : Article DOI : 10.17221/58/2016-JFS En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Journal of forest science > vol 63 n° 3 (October 2015) . - pp 126 - 135[article]Modeling of the permittivity of holly leaves in frozen environments / Xiaokang Kou in IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, vol 53 n° 11 (November 2015)
Titre : Modeling of the permittivity of holly leaves in frozen environments Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Xiaokang Kou, Auteur ; Linna Chai, Auteur Année de publication : 2015 Article en page(s) : pp 6048 - 6057 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Traitement d'image radar et applications
[Termes IGN] feuille (végétation)
[Termes IGN] gelée
[Termes IGN] ilex aquifolium
[Termes IGN] modélisation
[Termes IGN] propriété diélectrique
[Termes IGN] risque naturel
[Termes IGN] température de l'air
[Termes IGN] teneur en eau de la végétationRésumé : (Auteur) The dielectric property of vegetation has a considerable effect on the characteristics of the microwave radiation of vegetation. In frozen environments, when the temperature is colder than normal, changes such as increased soluble sugar and decreased moisture content (MC) can occur in the vegetation. The dielectric property of vegetation, which is almost entirely controlled by its free and bound water content, will also change. To characterize the dielectric behavior of vegetation in frozen regions, a sensitive experiment was conducted on holly leaves with a high-performance coaxial probe over a frequency range from 0.5 to 40 GHz and a temperature range from 0°C to -20°C. Based on the measurements and the physical properties of the constituent substances of vegetation, a semiempirical dielectric model for holly leaves in low temperature environments was developed. In this model, a decrease in MC, which causes a reduction in the complex permittivity, was described as an increase in the ice content. The complex permittivity of bound water was measured using a saturated sucrose solution at -6.5°C. The research will provide a reference for the dielectric property study of the vegetation in frozen environments. Numéro de notice : A2015-769 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1109/TGRS.2015.2431495 Date de publication en ligne : 01/06/2015 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in IEEE Transactions on geoscience and remote sensing > vol 53 n° 11 (November 2015) . - pp 6048 - 6057[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 065-2015111 SL Revue Centre de documentation Revues en salle Disponible Place, rôle et valeur historique des éléments laurifolies dans les végétations préforestières et forestières ouest-méditerranéenne / Marcel Barbero in Annali di Botanica, n° 52 (1994)
Titre : Place, rôle et valeur historique des éléments laurifolies dans les végétations préforestières et forestières ouest-méditerranéenne Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Marcel Barbero, Auteur ; Pierre Quézel, Auteur Année de publication : 1994 Article en page(s) : pp 81 - 133 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] Arbutus unedo
[Termes IGN] Aurès, massif des
[Termes IGN] Buxus sempervirens
[Termes IGN] Cedrus (genre)
[Termes IGN] chênaie
[Termes IGN] Corse
[Termes IGN] Daphne laureola
[Termes IGN] forêt méditerranéenne
[Termes IGN] forêt sclérophylle
[Termes IGN] hêtraie
[Termes IGN] ilex aquifolium
[Termes IGN] Kabylie
[Termes IGN] Languedoc
[Termes IGN] laurus nobilis
[Termes IGN] Maroc
[Termes IGN] Provence (région naturelle)
[Termes IGN] Quercus pubescens
[Termes IGN] sapinière
[Termes IGN] taxus baccata
[Termes IGN] viburnum tinus
[Vedettes matières IGN] Ecologie forestièreRésumé : (auteur) The authors characterize the main preforest and forest formations in the Western Mediterranean where laurifolious species are present. They successively envisage the distribution of these elements in sclerophyllous, deciduous and high altitude coniferous forests to demonstrate that laurifolious species are undeniably at their peak development in deciduous oak forests. From their work it appears that the best preserved structures have undergone either a rational silvicultural management for a very long lime, or have been spared from intensive human activity (mountain peaks in Algeria and Morocco, sites at cliff bases in France). The actual distribution of these elements makes apparent the existence of four groups, two of which have a high bioclimatic value:
— the thermo-Mediterranean group with deciduous oaks and Laurus nobilis;
— the upper Mediterranean group, the supra-Mediterranean with deciduous oak forests, fir forests and cedar forests and the mountain Mediterranean group with yew and holly;
— the Macaronisian laurifolious species group with Laurus azorkas and Prunus lusitanica;
— the fourth group includes structures directly conditioned by human degradation (Viburnum tinus and Arbutus unedo shrublands, Buxus sempervirens and Buxus balearica shrublands).
Historic factors provide concurring results and lead to the conclusion of a probable extension of these elements towards the Atlantic within deciduous oak forests during climatic phases more humid than these found today.Numéro de notice : A1994-028 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET Nature : Article Permalink :
in Annali di Botanica > n° 52 (1994) . - pp 81 - 133[article]