Titre de série : |
Mapping the 21st century: the 20th International Cartographic Conference, ICC 2001, Beijing, China, August 6 - 10, 2001, vol 3 |
Titre : |
Proceedings |
Type de document : |
Actes de congrès |
Auteurs : |
L. Li, Éditeur scientifique ; International cartographic association = association cartographique internationale, Auteur |
Editeur : |
International Cartographic Association ICA - Association cartographique internationale ACI |
Année de publication : |
2001 |
Conférence : | ICC 2001, 20th International Cartographic Conference ICA, Mapping the 21th century 06/08/2001 10/08/2001 Pékin Chine OA Proceedings | Importance : |
700 p. |
Format : |
21 x 30 cm |
978-7-5030-1018-7 |
Note générale : |
Bibliographie |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Descripteur : |
[Vedettes matières IGN] Cartographie [Termes IGN] algorithme de Douglas-Peucker [Termes IGN] carte interactive [Termes IGN] cartographie [Termes IGN] cartographie numérique [Termes IGN] généralisation cartographique automatisée [Termes IGN] groupe [Termes IGN] multimedia [Termes IGN] réalité virtuelle [Termes IGN] système d'information géographique
Note de contenu : |
Updating Data in GIS : Towards a More Generic Approach / Hakima Kadri-Dahmani (France)
Modeling a Public Transport Network for Generation of Schematic Maps and Location Queries / Silvania Avelar, Raphael Huber (Switzerland)
Cartography in a Mobile Internet Age / Keith C. Clarke (USA)
Prognosis Data Model for 3D Landscape Representation / Sergey Naumov (Russia)
A New Algorithm for Increasing Resolution of Mobile Mapping Systems / Alexander V Ksendzuk (Ukraine)
A Practice in Producing Digital Bird's-Eye-View Urban Photomap / Jianwei Qi (China)
Method for 3D Virtual Reality Dynamic Display of Flood Area and Damage Evaluation in GIS / Liu Renyi, Liu Nan (China)
The Updating of Map Database With GPS and RS Technology / Wu Jin-hua, Zou Yijiang, Liu Rong (China)
Map Producing and Publishing Based on the Digital Workflow / Wu Changzhi, Su Yongxian, Zhang De, Li Hong, Tian Xiangchun (China)
Establishment and Applications of Digital Mining Map Database / Du Pei-Jun, Guo Da-Zhi (China)
Constitution and Selection of Scanner for Digital Map / Tian Xiangchun (China)
Integration of Geoinformation and Publishing Technologies for Creation CartographicSearch System "Russia" (with Use the Electronic Map of Russia of Scale 1: 5 000 000) / Irene Karachevtseva (Russia)
The Study of the Computer-Assisted Cartography Instruction / Lizhen Guo, Zongyi He (China)
The Evolvement of GIS Developing Approach / Wu Sheng, Wang Jiayao (China)
Study of Map Symbol Design Sub-System in Geostar Software / Cheng Peng-Gen, Gong Jian-Ya, Wang Yan-Dong (China)
A Study on the Establishment of Population GIS / Liu Deqin (China)
A Spatial Analysis of Aegean Sea Using Remotely Sensed Imagery and GIS Technology / Cigdem Goksel, I.Oztug Bildirici, Cengizhan Ipbukerl, Necla Ulugtekin (Turkey) / Investigation on GIS Attribute Data Mining With Statistical Inductive Learning / Anmin Lu, Zongjian Lin, Chengming Li (China)
Investigation on Spatial Relations Between Complex Objects Based on NIV / Sun Jiuyun, Li Chengming (China)
Detail Urban Geographical Information System / Yin Jie, Li Chengming (China)
Development of Cadastral Map Management System Based on The Vector Method / Chang Yongku, Kang Dong Hyun, Kang In Joon (Republic of Korea)
Dynamic Cartography of Montagnard Ethnic Groups In Vietnam / Roche, Yann (Canada)
Design of GIS-Based Marine Geographic Environment Analysis: A Case Study / Zhen Tian (China)
The Catalogue of Trigonometric Points / Slavko Horvat, Zeljko Zeleznjak, Igor Durita, Marija Jandris-Sacer (Croatia)
Application of GIS in Administration of West-East Gas Pipeline Project / Yuxiang Li,Yu Yueyang,Wang Hong, Wang Junfang (China)
Possibility of Preparing Thematic Maps Through Developing of the Geographic Information System (GIS) / Husnjak Stjepan, Bogunovic Matko (Croatia)
SIAT - Land Evaluation System - V. 2.0 / Gilberto J. Garcia, Sergio Luis Antonello, Monica G.M. Magalhaes, Homero Fonseca Filho (Brazil)
Towards an Operational Geo-Relational Cartographic Database for Population Census for Nigeria / Oladayiye, A.S. (Nigeria)
The Digital Mapping System Establishing and Applying / Liu Haiyan, Sun Qun (China)
The Symbolization of Map Vector Data on Microstation / Liu Haiyan, Sun Qun (China)
Map, Geographical Information System and Digital Earth / Chen Feng-zheng, Lin Zhi-lei, Lin Wen-peng (China)
The Design and Implementation of the Pipeline Net Mapping and Analyzing on Mapinfo / Halong Yu, Liurong,Gan, shxeng Xie, Shilin Zou (China)
Development of Geoinformatics in Chile / Jorge Perez, Rodrigo Barriga (Chile)
A User-Friendly Data Mining System / J. Raul Ramirez (USA)
Easy-to-Use Digital Mapping System / Jianqing Zhang, Zuxun Zhang (China)
Technology of Thematic Mapping in the Atlas of “China Land Resources Investigation Dataset” / Wang Hong, Yao Xurong (China)
Spatial Object Aggregation Based on Data Structure,Local Triangulation and Hierarchical Analyzing Method / Liu Yaolin, Martien Molenaar Menno-Jan Kraak (The Netherlands)
A Data Model of Flood Prevention Information System / Zhu Yi (China)
Creation of the Western Siberia Digital Geoecological Map With GIS / Y.V.Makushin, V.A.Lgotin, N.G.Glushenko, E.K.Panaeva (Russia)
Research on Topographic Map Updating / Ivana Javorovic, Miljenko Lapaine, Ivana Lampek-Pavcnik (Croatia)
Mapping for Decision Makers: A Land Allocation Methodology for Rural Communities in Mexico / Edward Chart Janet Mersey (Canada)
Characteristic of Spatial Data and the Design of Data Model / Li Aiguang, Cui Tiejun (China)
A Study on the Change Detect of the Earth Volumes by DEM Interpolation / Hyun Choi, In-Joon Kang, Chong-Chul Lee, Seon-Hyun Hong (Republic of Korea)
Hypergraph-Based Object-Oriented Model for GIS Application / Jin Zhang, Jianya Gong (China)
Wavelet Compression and MrSID / Jin Zhang (China)
GIS Based Decision Support System for Determination Hydrographic and Cartographic Priorities / Miladen Srdelic, Zeijko Bradaric, Snjezana Knezic (Croatia)
Experiences in Establishing Pan-European Geographic Digital Datasets / Heinz Bennat, Jürgen Brennecke, Manfred Duster, Anja Hopfstock, Ingrid Naumann (Germany)
Multi-Scale GIS: From Generalisation to Data Integration / Andreas Illert (Germany)
The Data Base of the Detailed Geological Map of Poland (DGMP) in Scale 1: 50.000: at Present and its Feature / Tomasz Bielecki, Waldmar Gogolek, Barbara Jaranowska (Poland)
Digital Cartography and G.I.S. Activities at Methana Peninsula, Greece: a Compilation of Remote Sensing Data and Land Data for Environmental Emergency and Planning / S. Vassilopoulou, L. Hurni (Switzerland)
GIS Mapping of the Ecosystems of the Caspian Region / Irina Safronova (Russia)
Dynamic Digital 3D Maps / Juergen Doellner, Oliver Kersting (Germany)
Geomorphological Cartography Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques at Milos Island / Evelpidou N., Vassilopoulos A., Vaiopoulos D., Komianou A. (Greece)
The Design of Open Land Grade Information System / Liu Yanfang,Tang Xu,Hu Shiyuan (China)
A Self-Developed and Web-Based Geographic Information System for Water Resource Protection / Mu-Lin Wu ,Chiou-Hsiung Chen, Der-Ren Song (Taiwan, China)
The Establishment and Application of Geography Information Technology in the Exploration and Development Area of Shengli Oil Field / Liu Bingxiang, Wang Wenzheng (China)
Algorithm for Semiautomated Vectorization / Alexei Adrian Mihai (Romania)
Geoinformation Technologies in Geoecology / Boguslav À. Novakovski, Sergey V. Prasolov, Anna I. Prasolova, Nadezhda I. Tulskaya (Russia), Hu Mengchung (China)
Electronic Statistical Atlas Production in Turkey: Potential and Impediments / N. Ulugtekin, I.O. Bildirici, O.F. Gokcen (Turkey)
Applying the Geoexploratorium to Geography Teaching Programmes / William Cartwright (Australia)
Digital Maps and Atlases in the National Libraries of Russia / Kotelnikova N., Kildushevskaja L. (Russia)
Integrating Audio and User-Controlled Text to Query Digital Databases and to Present Geographic Names on Digital Maps and Images / Joel L. Morrison, J. Raul Ramirez (USA)
User-Centred Human-Computer Interaction in Cartographic Information Processing / Doris Dransch (Germany)
The Combination of Thematic Maps With Verbal Language in Multimedia Applications / Axel Borchert (Germany)
Research on Electronic Map-Based Hypermedia Data Model / Cai Zhongliang, Wu Guofeng, Weng Min, Du Qingyun (China)
Wireless Mapping and Guidance Services / Kirk Mitchell (Australia)
Interface Design Aspects of An Interactive Atlas / Robert Saul, Karel Kriz, Andreas Riedl, Peter Jordan, Florian Partl (Austria)
Perception of Time Variables on Dynamic Maps / Terje Midtbo (Norway)
Hyperglobes - The Use of Virtual Reality Globes in Visualizing Global Phenomena / Andreas Riedl (Austria)
The Theory and Methods for Screen Map Design / Liu Yue, Ding Lin (China)
The Development of Electronic Map Visual Cognition Experiment System / Chen Yufen, Cai Shaohua (China)
Applications of Dynamic Representation Technologies in Multimedia Electronic Map / Wu Guofeng, Cai Zhongliang, Du Qingyun, Long Yi (China)
Alternative Map Representations: The Adaption of GIS to Suit the Mapping Needs of Indigenous Communities / Teresa C. Crowley, Gary J. Hunter (Australia)
From Micro to Macro : An Exploration into the Structure of Multimedia Electronic Atlas / Du Qingyun (China)
About the Applicability of Interactivity for Selected Methods of Thematic Cartography / Robert Ditz, Georg Gartner (Austria)
Multimedia Documentation of the Coal-Mines in the Ruhr District / Juergen M. Dodt, Martina Drecker (Germany)
The Displaying Lod Model Foundation of Point Feature in Electronic Map / Jia Fenli, Song Guomin (China)
Study & Practice on Electronic Map Engineering / Wang Daxin, Zhang Yan, Gou Lizhen (China)
Fuzzy Urban Systems Theory and Application to China / Eric J. Heikkila (USA), Ti-yan Shen, Kai-zhong Yang (China)
Automated Generalization System for Extracting Topographic Data From Iranian National Topographic Database (INTDB) / M. J. Valadan Zoj ,G.R. Fallahi (Iran)
A Knowledge Based Approach for the Generalization of Linear Features / Andriani Skopeliti, Lysandros Tsoulos (Greece)
Research of Fundamental Theory and Techical Approaches to Automating Map Generalization / WU Hehai (China)
Behaviour Analysis of Multi-Detailed Representation of Spatial and Cartographic Objects / Michael Govorov (Papua New Guinea)
Analytic Generalization of Topographic and Hydrologic Data and Its Cartographic Display - Intermediate Results / Eli Itzhak, Pinhas Yoeli, Yerahmiel Doytsher (Israel)
Automating the Generalisation of Geographical Data : The Age of Maturity ? / Anne Ruas (France)
Generalization of Cadastral Information Data / Gao Wenxiu, Du Daosheng, Gong Jianya (China)
Research on Geographic Spatial Relations and Reasoning in Automatic Map Design and Generalisation / Qing Sheng Guo, Christoph Brandenberger, Lorenz Hurni (Switzerland)
The Concept of Generalization in Spatio-Temporal Modeling / George Panopoulos, Marinos Kavouras (Greece)
Identification of Spatial Structures within Urban Blocks for Town Characterisation / Annabelle Boffet, Stéphane Rocca Serra (France)
Accuracy of Automatically Collected Height Data Over Denmark / Marianne Wind (Denmark)
Discussion on Spatial Structurized System in Automatic Generalization of Map / Long Yi, Wu Hehai (China)
Using Cellular Automata to Generalize Satellite-Derived Raster Data for GIS Input / Bo Li, Graeme Wilkinson (UK)
Frameworks for Generalization Constraints and Operations Based on Object-Oriented Data Structure in Database Generalization / Liu Yaolin, Ai Tinghua (China), Martien Molenaar (The Netherlands)
The Development of Research on Automated Geographical Informational Generalization in China / Wu Fang, Wang Jiayao, Deng Hongyan, Qian Haizhong (China)
Spatial Relation Abstract in Map Generalization Process / Tinghua Ai, Peter van Oosterom (The Netherlands)
A Hybrid Approach for Automated Area Aggregation / Zeshen Wang (USA)
Cartographic Displacement by Minimization of Spatial and Geometric Conflicts / Joachim Bobrich (Germany)
Generalization of Vegetation Maps Based on Bio-Geographical Principles / Lilian, S.C. Pun-Cheng (Hong Kong, China)
Application of GeoObject-Graphic-Pattern (TUPU) in Cartographic Generalization / Qi Qingwen (China)
A Case Study of Simultaneous Generalisation / Lars Harrie (Sweden)
Generalizing Satellite Maps with Neural Networks / Adam Iwaniak, Witold Paluszynski (Poland)
Generalization of Multiple Scale Maps from a Single Master Database / Miguel Garriga, Geoffrey Baldwin (USA)
Map Generalization by Skeleton Retraction / Christopher Gold (Hong Kong, China), David Thibault (Canada)
Measurement in Generalization / Robert B. McMaster (USA)
Generalization of Three-Dimensional City Maps / Xiaoyong Chen, Fengwen Bai (Thailand)
A Quantitative Comparison of Legends Between Belgium and Neighbouring Countries as a Starting Point for An Objective Generalization / Jan De Waele, Philippe De Maeyer (Belgium)
Map Generalization From Scale of 1:500 000 to 1:2 500 000 / Li Limeng, Wang Lixin (China)
Generalization in the New Generation of GIS / Dan Lee (USA)
Integrating Multi-Agent, Object-Oriented, and Algorithmic Techniques for Improved Automated Map Generalization / Mathieu Barrault (Switzerland), Nicolas Regnauld (UK), Cécile Duchene (France), Kelvin Haire (UK), Christof Baeijs, Yves Demazeau (France), Paul Hardy , William Mackaness (UK), Anne Ruas (France), Robert Weibel (Switzerland)
Generalization of Buildings and Roads in Large Scale Maps / I. Oztug Bildirici (Turkey)
Practical Experience of Automatic Generalization for Geo-Spatial Information / Tsuru Kosuke, Goto Naoki (Japan)
A Model of Point Cluster Generalization With Spatial Distribution Features Recognized and Measured / Yi Lu, Jinghai Du ,Jingsheng Zhai (China)
Research on Several Problems of Chart Cartographic Generalization / Zheng Yidong (China)
The Cartographic Generalization of Hydrographic Feature Based on the Fractal Geometry / He Zongyi, Chen Tao, Pang Xiaoping, Guo Lizhen (China)
Generalization of the Douglas and Peucker' Algorithm for Cartographic Applications / Xavier Barillot, Jean-Francois Hangouet, Hakima Kadri-Dahmani (France)
Estimating Semantic Uncertainty in Land Cover Classifications - Methods and Implications for Data Generalization / Ola Ahlqvist (Sweden)
Revision of Cartographic Generalisation Rule Bases Funded on Interactive Alteration Analysis / Sylvain Bard, Sébastien Mustière (France)
Generalization of Topographic Maps of Urban Areas / Witold Paluszynski, Adam Iwaniak (Poland)
Road Network Generalization : a Multi Agent System Approach / Cécile Duchêne (France), Mathieu Barrault (Switzerland), Kelvin Haire (United Kingdom)
Smooth Generalization for Continuous Zooming / Marc van Kreveld (the Netherlands) |
Numéro de notice : |
13003C |
Affiliation des auteurs : |
non IGN |
Thématique : |
Nature : |
Actes |
DOI : |
sans |
En ligne : |
https://icaci.org/files/documents/ICC_proceedings/ICC2001/icc2001/defult.htm |
Format de la ressource électronique : |
Permalink : |
https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=34603 |
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