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Auteur I. Enescu |
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Titre : Cartographic web services Type de document : Monographie Auteurs : I. Enescu, Auteur Editeur : Zurich : Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule ETH - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zurich EPFZ Année de publication : 2011 Collection : Dissertationen ETH num. 19824 Importance : 144 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique web
[Termes IGN] architecture orientée services
[Termes IGN] cartographie par internet
[Termes IGN] représentation cartographique
[Termes IGN] service web géographique
[Termes IGN] standard OGC
[Termes IGN] Styled Layer Descriptor
[Termes IGN] symbology encoding
[Termes IGN] Web Map ServiceRésumé : (Auteur) The traditional cartographic workflow is highly dependent on manual or semiautomatic data selection and symbolization. In an era where computer automation is part of our everyday life, the issue of automatically creating high quality maps from GIS content is still very challenging and time-consuming, and this in spite of the power of Web and database technologies. Moreover, many decisions must be taken on short notice based on cartographic visualizations, for instance in the field of risk management. The above considerations shape the motivation of this thesis. Inspired from the current developments in the field of Cartography and GIS, electronic atlases and map representation definitions such as CartoML, DiaML and Symbology Encoding (SE), this work introduces the generic concept of cartographic Web services as a method for Web Cartography. The thesis proposes the Cartographic Web Services (CartoWS) as a solution for automatically producing maps from geodata based on a generic and expressive map representation. The maps are obtained from GIS data as geo-referenced output images via a Web-based interface. As previously mentioned, the concept of cartographic web services relies on the map representation. This work defines a map representation adapted for the needs of cartography. The map representation is a formal description of the map that coordinates all aspects of transforming the GIS data into the map image, including geographical bounds, scale selection and, most important, the symbolization. It is based on the OGC standards Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) and Symbology Encoding (SE). Generic symbols, diagrams, filtering or masking rules are also defined to be compatible with current OGC standards. Moreover, the inclusion of GIS functionalities such as intersection, union and difference in the map representation process allows for a precise differentiation in the symbolization of features, that otherwise would be possible only by preprocessing the data. The generic concept of CartoWS is specified by the Map and Diagram Service Interface (MDSI). Making use of specific computer science knowledge, such as Web services and their mechanism, concepts and properties, it is specified the interface that details the operations of CartoWS. The definition of the MDSI follows and enhances the Web Map Service (WMS) standard. The QGIS map server is the software implementation of the MDSI. Furthermore, the QGIS map server demonstrates the utility of CartoWS by proof-of-concept applications. The proposed Cartographic Web Services offer functionalities that support the development of cartographic applications on the Web. A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), like the one recommended for the CartoWS usage, is the basis for many competitive internet-ready applications, specifically for the creation of dynamic Web resources. On the basis proposed in this thesis, future research may consider a closer cooperation between Cartography and GIS, especially regarding the development of Web-based cartographic applications and Web GIS. Note de contenu : 1 Introduction and Motivation
1.1 Personal Motivation
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Related Projects
1.4 Research Questions and Objectives
1.5 Thesis Structure
2 State of the Art
2.1 The Internet and the Web
2.2 Service Oriented Architectures and Web Services
2.3 Related Work in Web Cartography and Web GIS
2.4 Overview of Relevant Geospatial Standards
3 Towards a Map Representation
3.1 The Map Representation
3.2 Existing Map Description Languages
3.3 Analysis of Map Representations
4 A Standardsbased Map Representation for Cartography
4.1 Considerations on a Map Representation
4.2 SE Foundations for a Map Representation for Cartography
4.3 Descriptive Geometry Processing for Cartographic Purposes
4.4 Symbology definitions in the Map Representation
4.5 Map Representation for Thematic Data
4.6 Map Representation for Raster Data
5 Cartographic Web Services
5.1 The Concept of Cartographic Web Services
5.2 Formal Specification of Cartographic Web Services
6 ProofofConcept Software Implementation
6.1 The Software Implementation of CartoWS Specifications
6.2 Basic Usage of the Software Implementation
6.3 Software Foundations for the Development of Cartographic Applications
7 ProofofConcept Applications
7.1 UptoDate and Interactive Maps
7.2 Expressive and Reusable Map Representations
7.3 Flexible and Interactive Cartographic Applications
8 Additional Research
8.1 Towards Generic SemiAutomatic Symbolization
8.2 Towards Object-Oriented Symbology in GIS Data
9 Conclusions and Outlook
9.1 Synopsis of Results
9.2 Conclusions
9.3 OutlookNuméro de notice : 14641 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Monographie Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62675 Documents numériques
en open access
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