Détail de l'auteur
Auteur Philippe Thomas Kehl |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (1)

Titre : GPS based dynamic monitoring of air polluants in the city of Zurich Type de document : Thèse/HDR Auteurs : Philippe Thomas Kehl, Auteur Editeur : Zurich : Schweizerischen Geodatischen Kommission / Commission Géodésique Suisse Année de publication : 2009 Collection : Geodätisch-Geophysikalische Arbeiten in der Schweiz, ISSN 0257-1722 num. 78 Importance : 155 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-908440-22-2 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de géodésie spatiale
[Termes IGN] changement climatique
[Termes IGN] données spatiotemporelles
[Termes IGN] polluant
[Termes IGN] pollution atmosphérique
[Termes IGN] positionnement par GPS
[Termes IGN] surveillance écologique
[Termes IGN] temps réel
[Termes IGN] Zurich (Suisse)Index. décimale : 30.83 Applications océanographiques de géodésie spatiale Résumé : (Auteur) Despite the decrease in road traffic emissions air pollutant concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, particulates and ozone often exceed the limit values at urban sites in Switzerland. This project aimed at providing a dynamic and real-time assessment of ambient air quality and at improving the understanding of the interaction between road traffic emissions and urban air quality. It is designed as a feasibility study for dynamic air-pollution measurements in the local scale. Three research topics were being pursued in this thesis : air quality monitoring, satellite based positioning (GPS) of a measurement system in an urban environment and the influence of road traffic emissions on the air quality in the city of Zurich.
The data analysed are based on the autonomous operation of a measuring system on a tram in regular service. A dedicated measurement system was built to measure the concentrations of the three most relevant air pollutants in Zurich. These are nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), aerosol particles (participate matter) and ozone (O3). Nitrogen oxides and ozone are measured using the standard techniques involving chemiluminescence of NO and UV absorption of O3, respectively. Particulates are measured using a diffusion charging particle sensor which suits the requirements for space, a short measurement period and resistance against vibrations. Furthermore meteorological parameters (temperature, humidity and pressure) were measured.
The tram was equipped with the measurement system. During two measurement campaigns in spring/summer 2005 and winter/spring 2005/06 the tram travelled on three different tram tracks, which cross the city in north-south or east-west direction. They represent the various characteristics of an urban environment, such as busy places and parts of the city without private road traffic. The measurements were being transferred in real-time using mobile communication technologies (GSM, GPRS). A web site was being updated in real-time with the position of the tram on a map, the measurements and the operating state of the measurement system and its sensors.
GPS was used for precise positioning and timing. Urban sites often degrade navigation accuracy and availability. Therefore, a suitable receiver was evaluated and techniques to provide precise and reliable positioning data were developed. The latter involves filtering and projective map-matching to exclude faulty positions and determine precise positions. Furthermore, standard position-time relations for the tram were determined to interpolate GPS outages, which last a few seconds up to a few dozens of seconds.
A dispersion modelling study was carried out for a 3-3 krn2 area in the inner city of Zurich using a state-of-the art numerical dispersion model. This involved the models NEMO (emissions from traffic), GRAMM (meteorology) and GRAL (dispersion) from the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics of the Graz University of Technology.
The feasibility of dynamic and real-time measurements and its limitations were shown by carrying out two measurement campaigns lasting 18 and 20 weeks in spring/summer 2005 and winter/spring 2005/06. The analysis of the measurements clearly show varying concentrations of air pollutants along the tram track as well as characteristic hot-spots at busy places.Note de contenu : 1 Introduction
2 Scientific Theory
2.1 Air pollution & emission sources
2.1.1 Nitrogen oxides
2.1.2 Ozone
2.1.3 Conversion between ppb and mass per volume units
2.1.4 Particulate matter
2.1.5 Smog
2.1.6 Ambient air quality standards and legislation
2.1.7 Air quality trends for Zurich
2.2 Global positioning system (GPS)
2.2.1 GPS constellation
2.2.2 Measurement principle
2.2.3 Sources of errors and accuracy
2.2.4 GPS in urban areas
2.2.5 Co-ordinate transformation
3 Measurement System
3.1 The measurement platform
3.2 The measurement system
3.3 Environmental sensors & measurement principles
3.3.1 Nitrogen oxides sensor
3.3.2 Ozone sensor
3.3.3 Particle sensor
3.3.4 Meteorological sensors
3.4 Positioning sensor & time reference
3.5 Power supply & control
3.6 Computer & data logger
3.7 Telemetry
4 Measurement Campaigns & Data Processing
4.1 Tram operation and tram lines
4.2 Measurement campaigns
4.2.1 Campaign #1
4.2.2 Campaign #2
4.2.3 Real-time visualisation of the measurements
4.3 Data post-processing
4.3.1 Database
4.3.2 Environmental measurements
4.3.3 GPS measurements
4.3.4 Map-matching and interpolation
4.3.5 Georeferencing
4.4 Permanent stations data
5 Data Analysis & Results
5.1 Overview over the available data
5.1.1 Raw time series
5.1.2 Daily mean values .
5.2 Data quality assessment
5.3 Data analysis & discussion .
5.3.1 Comparison of daily mean values
5.3.2 Comparison of monthly mean values
5.3.3 Limit value exceedances
5.3.4 Comparison of tram measurements at the UGZ permanent station
5.3.5 Summer 2005
5.3.6 Winter 2006
5.4 GPS performance analysis
6 Emission & Dispersion Modelling
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Modelling approach
6.3 Geometrical data
6.3.1 Topography (elevation model)
6.3.2 Buildings
6.4 Emission modelling
6.4.1 Overview
6.4.2 Input data
6.4.3 Results
6.5 Meteorological modelling (wind field simulations) .
6.5.1 Overview
6.5.2 Classification of weather situations
6.5.3 Calculation
6.5.4 Analysis
6.6 Dispersion modelling
6.6.1 Calculation
6.6.2 Results analysis
6.7 Comparison with measurements
6.7.1 Summer 2005
6.7.2 Comparison with the NABEL permanent station
6.7.3 Winter 2006
7 ConclusionsNuméro de notice : 15513 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Autre URL associée : URL ETH Zurich Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Thèse étrangère DOI : 10.3929/ethz-a-005553378 En ligne : https://www.sgc.ethz.ch/sgc-volumes/sgk-78.pdf Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62746 Exemplaires(1)
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