ICC'15, 27th International Cartographic Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / International cartographic association = association cartographique internationale (2015)
- Sliding from imagery realism to topographic abstraction / Charlotte Hoarau (2015)
- Automatic rendering of a Cassini style / Sidonie Christophe (2015)
- A framework to formalize multi-scales land-use generalization in the ScaleMaster 2.0 / Jean-François Girres (2015)
- Automatic structure detection and generalization of railway networks / Sandro Savino (aug 2015)
- A system to apply cartographic practices on 3D renderings / Mickaël Brasebin (2015)
- A geographic analysis of urban context for a new representation of soundscape / Saul Gomez (2015)
- Clutter and map legibility in automated cartography: A research agenda / Guillaume Touya (2015)
- How do map readers recognize a topographic mapping style? / Jérémie Ory (2015)