Titre : |
Proceedings of the GIS Research UK, 13th Annual Conference, GISRUK 2005, 6-8 April 2005, Geography & Geomatics, University of Glasgow |
Type de document : |
Actes de congrès |
Auteurs : |
Roland Billen, Éditeur scientifique ; Jane E. Drummond, Éditeur scientifique ; David Forrest, Éditeur scientifique ; Elsa Maria Joao, Éditeur scientifique |
Editeur : |
Geographical Information Science Research - UK GISRUK |
Année de publication : |
2005 |
Conférence : | GISRUK 2005, 13th GIS research UK annual conference 06/04/2005 08/04/2005 Glasgow Royaume-Uni | Importance : |
573 p. |
Format : |
21 x 30 cm |
Note générale : |
Bibliographie |
Langues : |
Anglais (eng) |
Descripteur : |
[Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique [Termes IGN] analyse spatiale [Termes IGN] automate cellulaire [Termes IGN] base de données urbaines [Termes IGN] données environnementales [Termes IGN] données spatiotemporelles [Termes IGN] graphe [Termes IGN] modèle numérique de terrain [Termes IGN] ontologie [Termes IGN] qualité des données [Termes IGN] réalité augmentée [Termes IGN] réalité virtuelle [Termes IGN] santé [Termes IGN] service fondé sur la position [Termes IGN] SIG nomade [Termes IGN] SIG participatif [Termes IGN] visibilité [Termes IGN] visualisation 3D [Termes IGN] WebSIG
Note de contenu : |
Session 2A Health issues
Measuring potential access to primary healthcare services in Wales : the influence of alternative spatial representation of population / Mitch Langford, University of Glamorgan
Who does not eat their greens ? Geodemographics, health promotion and neighbourhood health inequalities / Catherine Jones, University College London
Modelling accessibility to general hospitals in Ireland / Stamatis Kalogirou, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Integrated ABM and GIS modeling of infectious disease transmission / Yong Yang, University of Southampton
Human exposure to air pollutants in Scotland / Deborah Henderson, University of Strathclyde
Session 2B Ontologies
Exploring representational issues in the visualization of geographical phenomenon over large changes in Scale / William Mackaness, University of Edinburgh
A new process data model and its application / F.E. Reitsma, University of Edinburgh
A framework for spatial interoperability in environmental information systems / Lei Tan, University of kent
Can metadata ever be interesting? / Lex comber, ADAS Environmental Systems, Wolverhampton
Using OWL for representing geo-ontologies on the geo-web / P. Smart, Cardiff University
Session 3A Web GIS, Mobiel GIS & Location based services
Schematic maps for small display location based service applications / suchith Anand, University of Glamorgan
Robust, GPS-only map matching: exploiting vehicle position history, driving restriction information and road network topology in a statistical framework / B. Hummel, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
GPS positioning using only one satellite, Doerte Steup, University of Glamorgan
MEMS – Mobile Environmental Management System / Keith Gardiner, Dublin Institute of Technology
A device independent approach to spatial data delivery to support mobile location service development / Simon Abele, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Session 3B Data quality
Large scale robust texture separability within aerial photography / Padraig Corcoran, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Decision-making, uncertainty and the human dimension in GI: sustainable development as a case study / Alexis Comber, ADAS Environment Systems, Wolverhampton
Data quality issues in Environmental research data management / Peter Mooney, National University of Ireland Maynooth
LiDAR for DSMs: an exploration of data issues and errors / Charlotte Leih, University of Glamorgan
Interval-spatial methods / Njeri Wabiri, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Session 4A Spatio-temporal processing
Evaluating of an approach to motion pattern detection using random walk models / Patrick Laube, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Accuracy of current mobile phone location: limitations on the new cellular geography / Pablo Mateos, university of college London
Weather and crime: visualizing micro geo-temporal patterns / Chris Brunsdon, University of Glamorgan
Toward a continuous data warehouse for continuous phenomena / Taher Omran Ahmed, LIRIS-INSA de Lyon, France
Representing space-time Processes in GIS / Martin Charlton, University of Ireland Maynooth
Session 4B Urban
Delimitation of potential strategic urban horizons / Carsten Schürmann, RRG Spatial Planning and Geoinformation, Oldenburg i.H., Germany
The relationship between population, employment and accessibility in London / Margarethe Theseira, GLA Economics, London
Which sewers in a large network are defective? Some answers and explanations obtained through stochastic modelling, statistical analysis and prediction using an intelligent reflective spatial database system / Peter R. Harper, Liverpool John Moores University
Neighbourhood rules! An assessment of their value / Michel Haggort, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Session 5A Public data provision
MIMAS Geo-Resources / K. Kitmitto, University of Manchester
Web tools for accessing Irish census data / Paul Lewis, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Task-based approach to geographic information utility analysis / Nosakhare Erharuyi, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Going East? The EU, GIS and the Governance of Polish Rural Areas / Francis Harvey, University of Minnesota, Canada
Session 5B Navigation and visibility
Artificial neural networks for map-matched GPS positioning / Marylin Winter, University of Glamorgan
A speech based augmented reality system for city tourist / William A. Mackaness, University of Edinburgh
On a clear day – Experiments in visibility / Stephen Wise, University of Sheffield
Using a genetic algorithm for Combinatorial viewshed optimization / Peter M.K. Wightman, WSP Group, Cambridge
The transition to high resolution digital surface models: improvements in visibility analysis performance / Rob Berry, University of Glamorgan.
Session 6A DTM processing
Concepts of interactive TIN modification / Maciej Dakowicz, University of Glamorgan
Automatic building extrusion from a TIN model using LiDAR and Ordnance survey landline data / Rebecca O.C. Tse, University of Glamorgan
Identification of simple landscape features on triangulated contour lines / Olivier Bonin, Institut Géographique National, France
A vector-based approach to generate accurate stream network patterns from DEM / M.S. Hossain, Chittagong University, Bangladesh
Fast Fourier transforms as a method of visualizing and removing DEM error / K.E. Arrell, University of Leeds
Session 6B Cellular automata and graph theory
Modelling urban growth with cellular automata built in a GIS Environment: a case study of Lat Phrao, Bangkok, Thailand / Sirivilai Teerarojanarat, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Inferring urban function from form using structural an neural pattern recognition / Stuart Barr, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
A graph-based technique for higher order topological data structure visualization / J.-P. de Almeida, University College London
Session 7A From data to production
Identifying imprecise regions for geographic information retrieval using the web / Ross Purves, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Real time stimulation and modelling of GPS availability: Satellite visibility analysis using digital surface models / Jing Li, University of Glamorgan
Spatial Bayesian learning for dataset retrieval in geographic information system / Arron R. Walker, Queensland University of technology, Australia
A “Primitive” view of image interpretation for automated mapping / William Tompkinson, Ordnance Survey
Warping techniques: a new tool for cartographic generalisation? / Eric Grosso, Institut Géographique National, France
Session 7B Spatial analysis
The Use of Cartograms in Kernel-Based Spatial Analysis; An Example Investigation of Housing Cost / Chris Brunsdon, University of Glamorgan
Creating Small Areas for Ireland — Problems and Opportunities / A Stewart Fotheringham, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Road Traffic Collision Hotspot Identification: A Spatial Approach / Tessa Anderson, University College London
Populating Major Road Networks for a Major Accident Hazard Modelling National Database / C.N. W. Arnot, Staffordshire University
Grey GIS / Danni Guo, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Session 8A Natural environment
Reconstructing Woodland Landscapes for Habitat Restoration / Kate Moore, University of Leicester
Census-based Socio-economic Area Classification: An Environmentally Enhanced Version / Nigel Walford, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames
Degree-Day Factors and Small-Scale Snowmelt Variability: Elucidation of Topographic Relationships using DEM Subtraction / N.J. Mount, Birkbeck College, London
Transferability of Predictive Species Distribution Model: A Case Study of Tropical Palms of Sulawesi / Wiske Rotinsulu, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Session 8B Participatory GIS
Participatory GIS and its Application in the Governance of Air and Noise Pollution / Steve Cinderby, University of York
Building a Spatial Metadatabase for Local Authority Neighbourhood Management / Aled T.H. Greenhalgh, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The WikiTOID Project / Philip James, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Zooming to the Study Area in Giscience Research: A Three Stage Approach / Ana Simao, University College London
PPGLS in Zone Design for Community Development / Wayne M Gearey Jr., Coventry University
Session 9A Good governance
Qualifying the Application of Geodemographics to Crime Analyses / D. L Ashby, University College London
Establishing Good Practice Guidelines for the Deployment of GIS in AONB Management / Pragya Agarwal, University of Leeds
A Spatial Decision Support System for Property Valuation / Katerina Christopoulou, University College London
The Geography of Higher Education. Who Does What and Where? / Alex D. Singleton, University College London
A Prototype Decision Support System for Emergency Services: London's King's Cross Redevelopment / Christian J. E. Castle, University College London
Session 9B Visualisation
Using Usability to Evaluate Geovisualization for Learning and Teaching / Stephanie Larissa Marsh, City University, London
3D Cartography: The Marine GIS / Chris Gold, University of Glamorgan
Multi-Perspective Visualisation Of Ranked Geographic Data / Gabe Hobona, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Map Calculus — an Alternative to Map Algebra / Muki E. Haklay, University College London
Integration of 3D data in commercial GIS / Alistair Ford, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Poster session I.
GlScience — Art collaborations: Experiences and Implications / Gary Priestnall, University of Nottingham
Implications of Growth of Inequalities in the Geographical Distribution of Unemployment /
John Adams, Napier University, Edinburgh
Spatial Interpolation: From Two to Three Dimensions / Hugo Ledoux, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Spatial Annotations in Mapping Environment / Daniel Lynch, University College Dublin, Ireland
Towards Dynamic 4-D Virtual Route Corridor Representation / Timothy McCarthy, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Geographical Access to Primary Health Care / Stamatis Kalogirou, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Investigating the Accessibility of Online Planning Information in Irish Local Authorities / Mairéad de Róiste, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
A Method for Analysing Urban Public Services: the Case of Green Spaces / Grazia Zulian , University of Padova, Italy
Poster session 2
Using GIS to Study Succession Dynamics of Floor Vegetation in Declining Mountain Norway Spruce Forests / K Veivrovei, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Mapping of Air Pollution by LIDAR: A Case Study on Integrated GIS Development / L Matejicek, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Development of a Spatial Database for Characterising Rural Areas of England and 552 Wales: Overlays, Errors and MAUP / Steve Cinderby, University of York
The Application of GIS and Land-Use Planning Principles in Development of Afforestation and Green Areas in the Suburbs of Metropolitan Cities (A Case Sindy in Tehran). / Ali Malekghasemi, Azad University Tehran, Iran
Vaation of Proposed Engineering Plan and Geo-Hazard Assessment of Siakunda Dam Site and Reservoir Area using RS and GIS, Chittagong, Bangladesh / A.T.M. Asaduzzaman, Geological Survey of Bangladesh
Spatial Data Integration: The Development of a Manure Management Database for England and Wales / Chris Procter, ADAS Environment Systems, Wolverhampton
GE Based Methodologies for Assessing Nitrate Distributions across England and Wales / Helen Davies, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford |
Numéro de notice : |
19715 |
Affiliation des auteurs : |
non IGN |
Thématique : |
Nature : |
Actes |
Permalink : |
https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=82964 |
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