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Forest biodiversity of the Gargano Peninsula and a critical revision of the syntaxonomy of the mesophilous woods of southern Italy / Edoardo Biondi in Fitosociologia, vol 45 n° 2 (2008)
Titre : Forest biodiversity of the Gargano Peninsula and a critical revision of the syntaxonomy of the mesophilous woods of southern Italy Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Edoardo Biondi, Auteur ; S. Casavecchia, Auteur ; N. Biscotti, Auteur Année de publication : 2008 Article en page(s) : pp 93 - 127 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] Acer campestre
[Termes IGN] Acer neapolitanum
[Termes IGN] biodiversité
[Termes IGN] Carpinus betulus
[Termes IGN] Italie
[Termes IGN] montagne
[Termes IGN] phytosociologie
[Vedettes matières IGN] Ecologie forestièreRésumé : (auteur) Here we present a phytosociological analysis of the forest biodiversity of the Gargano Peninsula, located in the eastern part of the Italian peninsula. As well as presenting all of the woods described and classified in terms of their phytosociology to date, we present the following plant associations that are mainly distributed in the low supratemperate and upper mesotemperate bioclimatic belts: Carici halleranae-Ostryetum carpinifoliae ass. nova; Polysticho setiferi-Ostryetum carpinifoliae ass. nova; Rubio peregrinae-Aceretum campestris; Physospermo verticillati-Quercetum cerris; Doronico orientalis-Carpinetum betuli; Pulmonario apenninae-Aceretum neapolitani ass. nova; Teucrio siculi-Aceretum campestris ass. nova; Festuco exaltatae-Tilietum platyphylli ass. nova; Phyllitido scolopendri-Lauretum nobilis ass. nova and Aremonio agrimonioidis-Fagetum sylvaticae ass. nova. For these, subassociations and variants are described. The syntaxonomic classification allows the description of two new syntaxa at the heirarchical level of alliances: Physospermo verticillati-Quercion cerris, all. nova, the southern Italian substitute for the alliance Erythronio-Carpinion, which includes the southern mesophilous Turkey oak, European hornbeam, Neapolitan maple and field maple woods; Lauro nobilis-Tilion platyphylli all. nova, the southern substitute for the alliance Tilio platyphylli-Acerion pseudoplatani. Numéro de notice : A2008-432 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET Nature : Article DOI : sans En ligne : http://www.scienzadellavegetazione.it/sisv/rivista/articoloCerca.do?idArticolo=5 [...] Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=80509
in Fitosociologia > vol 45 n° 2 (2008) . - pp 93 - 127[article]Documents numériques
en open access
Forest biodiversity of the GarganoAdobe Acrobat PDFLa vegetazione forestale dei substrati arenacei della Val d’Aso (Marche, Italia centrale) / A. Catorci in Fitosociologia, vol 45 n° 2 (2008)
Titre : La vegetazione forestale dei substrati arenacei della Val d’Aso (Marche, Italia centrale) Titre original : The forest vegetation on the sandstone bedrock in the Val d’Aso (Marche, Italy) Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : A. Catorci, Auteur ; A. Vitanzi, Auteur ; B. Paura, Auteur ; M. Iocchi, Auteur ; S. Ballelli, Auteur Année de publication : 2008 Article en page(s) : pp 41 - 76 Note générale : bibliographie, tableaux phytosociologiques Langues : Italien (ita) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] analyse multivariée
[Termes IGN] association végétale
[Termes IGN] bois
[Termes IGN] climat tempéré
[Termes IGN] grès
[Termes IGN] Marches (Italie)
[Termes IGN] phytosociologie
[Termes IGN] unité phytosociologique
[Vedettes matières IGN] Ecologie forestièreRésumé : (auteur) Results of a phytosociological study on the wood on the sandstone bedrock are here presented. The studied area is located in the southern part of Marche Region, Ascoli Piceno Province, under the influence of temperate climate (lower/higher mesotemperate and lower supratemperate bioclimatic belts). The vegetation study has been performed throught 119 phytosociological relevés. All data were submitted to multivariate statistical analysis. The phytosociology analysis has permitted to characterize 6 associations, whereof 2 news: Erico arboreae-Quercetum pubescentis ericetosum arboreae and Hieracio murori-Ostryetum carpinifoliae hieracietosum murori. Chorological and synecological datas were described in the paper, compared to the corresponding associations of the limestones bedrock of the neighbouring area. Numéro de notice : A2008-667 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET Nature : Article DOI : sans En ligne : http://www.scienzadellavegetazione.it/sisv/rivista/articoloCerca.do?idArticolo=5 [...] Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink : https://documentation.ensg.eu/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=91497
in Fitosociologia > vol 45 n° 2 (2008) . - pp 41 - 76[article]Documents numériques
en open access
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