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Improved GPS-based single-frequency orbit determination for the CYGNSS spacecraft using GipsyX / Alex V. Conrad in Navigation : journal of the Institute of navigation, vol 70 n° 1 (Spring 2023)
Titre : Improved GPS-based single-frequency orbit determination for the CYGNSS spacecraft using GipsyX Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Alex V. Conrad, Auteur ; Penina Axelrad, Auteur ; Bruce J. Haines, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n° 565 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Techniques orbitales
[Termes IGN] données GRACE
[Termes IGN] étalonnage d'instrument
[Termes IGN] mesurage de phase
[Termes IGN] orbite précise
[Termes IGN] orbitographie
[Termes IGN] récepteur monofréquence
[Termes IGN] trajet multipleRésumé : (auteur) This paper presents methods for the precise orbit determination (POD) of a satellite in the CYGNSS constellation based on available single-frequency GPS code and carrier measurements. The contributions include the development and evaluation of procedures for single-frequency POD with GipsyX, improvement of CYGNSS orbit knowledge, and an assessment of its final accuracy. Ionospheric effects are mitigated using the GRAPHIC processing method, and spacecraft multipath effects are calibrated with an azimuth/elevation-dependent antenna calibration map. The method is demonstrated using comparable data from the GRACE mission, from which we infer the expected accuracy of the CYGNSS results. Processing more than 170 days of data from each mission, a 1σ CYGNSS orbit accuracy of 2.8 cm radial, 2.4 cm cross-track, and 6 cm in-track is demonstrated. We expect that achieving this level of performance will expand the set of future scientific investigations that can be undertaken using satellites equipped with single-frequency GNSS. Numéro de notice : A2023-141 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article DOI : 10.33012/navi.565 Date de publication en ligne : 20/10/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Navigation : journal of the Institute of navigation > vol 70 n° 1 (Spring 2023) . - n° 565[article]The importance of co-located VLBI Intensive stations and GNSS receivers / Christopher Dieck in Journal of geodesy, vol 97 n° 3 (March 2023)
Titre : The importance of co-located VLBI Intensive stations and GNSS receivers Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Christopher Dieck, Auteur ; Megan C. Johnson, Auteur ; Daniel S. MacMillan, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n° 21 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géodésie spatiale
[Termes IGN] Hawaii (Etats-Unis)
[Termes IGN] interférométrie à très grande base
[Termes IGN] positionnement par ITGB
[Termes IGN] rapport signal sur bruit
[Termes IGN] récepteur GNSS
[Termes IGN] station GNSS
[Termes IGN] station VLBI
[Termes IGN] temps universel coordonnéRésumé : (auteur) Frequent, low-latency measurements of the Earth’s rotation phase, expressed as UT1−UTC critically support the current estimate and short-term prediction of this highly variable Earth orientation parameter (EOP). Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) Intensive sessions provide the required data. However, the Intensive UT1−
UTC measurement accuracy depends on the accuracy of numerous models, including the VLBI station position. Intensives observed with the Maunakea (Mk) and Pie Town (Pt) stations of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) illustrate how a geologic event (i.e., the Mw 6.9 Hawai‘i Earthquake of May 4th, 2018) can cause a station displacement and an associated offset in the values of UT1−UTC measured by that baseline, rendering the data from the series useless until it is corrected. Using the nonparametric Nadaraya–Watson estimator to smooth the measured UT1−UTC values before and after the earthquake, we calculate the offset in the measurement to be 75.7 ± 4.6 μs. Analysis of the sensitivity of the Mk-Pt baseline’s UT1−UTC measurement to station position changes shows that the measured offset is consistent with the 67.2 ± 5.9 μs expected offset based on the 12.4 ± 0.6 mm total coseismic displacement of the Maunakea VLBA station determined from the displacement of the co-located global navigation satellite system (GNSS) station. GNSS station position information is known with a latency on the order of tens of hours and thus can be used to correct the a priori position model of a co-located VLBI station such that it can continue to provide accurate measurements of the critical EOP UT1−UTC as part of Intensive sessions. In the absence of a co-located GNSS receiver, the VLBI station position model would likely not be updated for several months, and a near real-time correction would not be possible. This contrast highlights the benefit of co-located GNSS and VLBI stations in support of the monitoring of UT1−UTC with single-baseline Intensives.Numéro de notice : A2023-133 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1007/s00190-022-01690-1 Date de publication en ligne : 03/03/2023 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Journal of geodesy > vol 97 n° 3 (March 2023) . - n° 21[article]Is the radial distance really a distance? An analysis of its properties and interest for the matching of polygon features / Yann Méneroux in International journal of geographical information science IJGIS, vol 37 n° 2 (February 2023)
Titre : Is the radial distance really a distance? An analysis of its properties and interest for the matching of polygon features Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Yann Méneroux , Auteur ; Ibrahim Maidaneh Abdi
, Auteur ; Arnaud Le Guilcher
, Auteur ; Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond
, Auteur
Année de publication : 2023 Projets : 3-projet - voir note / Article en page(s) : pp 438 - 475 Note générale : bibliographie
This work was supported by the French National Mapping Agency: Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN) and by the University of DjiboutiLangues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique
[Termes IGN] abaque
[Termes IGN] algorithme de Douglas-Peucker
[Termes IGN] appariement de formes
[Termes IGN] bâtiment
[Termes IGN] BD Topo
[Termes IGN] distance
[Termes IGN] généralisation
[Termes IGN] géométrie analytique
[Termes IGN] modèle analytique
[Termes IGN] polygone
[Termes IGN] propagation d'erreur
[Termes IGN] transformation rapide de FourierRésumé : (auteur) In this paper, we examine the properties of the radial distance which has been used as a tool to compare the shape of simple surfacic objects. We give a rigorous definition of the radial distance and derive its theoretical properties, and in particular under which conditions it satisfies the distance properties. We show how the computation of the radial distance can be implemented in practice and made faster by the use of an analytical formula and a Fast Fourier Transform. Finally, we conduct experiments to measure how the radial distance is impacted by perturbation and generalization and we give abacuses and thresholds to deduce when buildings are likely to be homologous or non-homologous given their radial distance. Numéro de notice : A2023-074 Affiliation des auteurs : UGE-LASTIG (2020- ) Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1080/13658816.2022.2123487 Date de publication en ligne : 23/09/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in International journal of geographical information science IJGIS > vol 37 n° 2 (February 2023) . - pp 438 - 475[article]An extended inter-system biases model for multi-GNSS precise point positioning / Xuexi Liu in Measurement, vol 206 (January 2023)
Titre : An extended inter-system biases model for multi-GNSS precise point positioning Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Xuexi Liu, Auteur ; Weiping Jiang, Auteur ; Pan Li, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n° 112306 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Navigation et positionnement
[Termes IGN] distorsion du signal
[Termes IGN] échelle de temps
[Termes IGN] erreur systématique inter-systèmes
[Termes IGN] modèle mathématique
[Termes IGN] positionnement par BeiDou
[Termes IGN] positionnement par GNSS
[Termes IGN] positionnement ponctuel précis
[Termes IGN] précision du positionnementRésumé : (auteur) The inter-system bias (ISB) is an important parameter in multi-GNSS precise point positioning (PPP). However, on the one hand, the generation mechanism and error components of ISB are not clear. On the other hand, it is unclear whether the ISB parameter should be added to the BDS-2/BDS-3 combined PPP. First, in order to solve these problems, an extended ISB mathematical model is proposed, which unifies the common errors between receiver and satellite, and extends the original ISB model. Second, to demonstrate the correctness of the new model, the components of the new ISB model are verified, and then it is used to explain whether the ISB parameter should be added to BDS-2/BDS-3 combined PPP. Furthermore, 41 stations from the MGEX network and precise products from COD (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe), GBM (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum) and WUM (Wuhan University) are used to calculate and analyze the multi-GNSS PPP and ISB during day of year (DOY) 307–365, 2020. Finally, we propose to use a different estimation method of ISB with different precise products to improve the positioning accuracy and shorten the convergence time. The experimental results show that: (1) ISB parameter is composed of five parts: time system error, receiver hardware delay, signal distortion biases (SDB), MGEX-realized (multi-GNSS experiment) time scale and other unmodeled deviations. (2) Due to different receiver hardware delay, SDB and MGEX-realized time scale between BDS-2 and BDS-3, it is necessary to add an ISB parameter in BDS-2/BDS-3 PPP. (3) In multi-GNSS PPP, if the ISB changes greatly but the traditional constant method is used to estimate the ISB parameter, the impact on single station PPP coordinates can reach decimeters. The statistical results demonstrate that the RMS of GBM(CON(Constant)) in East (E), North (N) and Up (U) directions are 2.34 cm, 0.60 cm, and 1.59 cm, respectively, while the RMS of GBM(RWK(Random walk)) decreased by 59.8 %, 13.3 %, and 18.2 %, respectively. Numéro de notice : A2023-028 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article DOI : 10.1016/j.measurement.2022.112306 Date de publication en ligne : 06/12/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Measurement > vol 206 (January 2023) . - n° 112306[article]Landscape metrics regularly outperform other traditionally-used ancillary datasets in dasymetric mapping of population / Heng Wan in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol 99 (January 2023)
Titre : Landscape metrics regularly outperform other traditionally-used ancillary datasets in dasymetric mapping of population Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Heng Wan, Auteur ; Jim Yoon, Auteur ; Vivek Srikrishnan, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n° 101899 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Analyse spatiale
[Termes IGN] carte thématique
[Termes IGN] densité de population
[Termes IGN] distribution spatiale
[Termes IGN] Etats-Unis
[Termes IGN] indicateur paysager
[Termes IGN] interpolation
[Termes IGN] occupation du sol
[Termes IGN] paysage
[Termes IGN] planification urbaine
[Termes IGN] réduction d'échelleRésumé : (auteur) Population downscaling and interpolation methods are required to produce data which correspond to spatial units used in urban planning, demography, and environmental modeling. Population data are typically aggregated at census enumeration units, which can have arbitrary, temporally-evolving boundaries. Previous approaches to imperviousness-based dasymetric mapping ignore cell-level patterning of imperviousness within a spatial unit of prediction, which potentially serve as a strong indicator of population. Landscape metrics derived from imperviousness data offer a promising approach to capture these patterns. In this study, we incorporate landscape metrics derived from impervious cover percentage maps into intelligent dasymetric mapping to downscale population from census tracts to block groups in four states with varying population densities: Connecticut, South Carolina, West Virginia, and New Mexico. We compare the performance of the landscape metrics-based models against two baseline models in all four states across three different time periods. The results show that intelligent dasymetric mapping using landscape metrics generally outperforms the two baseline models. We further compare the performance of landscape metrics as an ancillary source of information for dasymetric mapping against other traditionally-used datasets (e.g., land use, roads, nighttime lights data) in three states (Connecticut, South Carolina, and New Mexico) in 2000. We find that class area, landscape shape index, and number of patches consistently achieve lower error rates than other ancillary datasets in all the three states. Numéro de notice : A2023-013 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2022.101899 Date de publication en ligne : 02/11/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems > vol 99 (January 2023) . - n° 101899[article]PKS: A photogrammetric key-frame selection method for visual-inertial systems built on ORB-SLAM3 / Arash Azimi in ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing, vol 191 (September 2022)
PermalinkUsing attributes explicitly reflecting user preference in a self-attention network for next POI recommendation / Ruijing Li in ISPRS International journal of geo-information, vol 11 n° 8 (August 2022)
PermalinkAbout tree height measurement: Theoretical and practical issues for uncertainty quantification and mapping / Samuele De petris in Forests, vol 13 n° 7 (July 2022)
Permalink3D browsing of wide-angle fisheye images under view-dependent perspective correction / Mingyi Huang in Photogrammetric record, vol 37 n° 178 (June 2022)
PermalinkEfficient calculation of distance transform on discrete global grid systems / Meysam Kazemi in ISPRS International journal of geo-information, vol 11 n° 6 (June 2022)
PermalinkCalibration of a light hemispherical radiance field imaging system / Manchun Lei in ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol V-1-2022 (2022 edition)
PermalinkOptimal resolution of soil properties maps varies according to their geographical extent and location / Christian Piedallu in Geoderma, vol 412 (15 April 2022)
PermalinkEstimating forest attributes in airborne laser scanning based inventory using calibrated predictions from external models / Ana de Lera Garrido in Silva fennica, vol 56 n° 2 (April 2022)
PermalinkEvaluating the 3D integrity of underwater structure from motion workflows / Ian M. Lochhead in Photogrammetric record, vol 37 n° 177 (March 2022)
PermalinkExploiting light directionality for image-based 3D reconstruction of non-collaborative surfaces / Ali Karami in Photogrammetric record, vol 37 n° 177 (March 2022)