Termes IGN > sciences naturelles > sciences de la Terre et de l'univers > géosciences > géologie > tectonique > déformation de la croute terrestre
déformation de la croute terrestreSynonyme(s)mouvement de la croute terrestre déformation tectonique |
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Titre : Peut-on prédire les séismes ? Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Laurent Polidori, Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : pp 21 - 21 Langues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de géodésie spatiale
[Termes IGN] catastrophe naturelle
[Termes IGN] déformation de la croute terrestre
[Termes IGN] Demeter (microsatellite)
[Termes IGN] observation de la Terre
[Termes IGN] risque naturel
[Termes IGN] séisme
[Termes IGN] station GNSS
[Termes IGN] tectonique des plaquesRésumé : (Auteur) Le 6 février, un séisme de magnitude 7,8 s’est produit à la frontière entre la Turquie et la Syrie, faisant près de 50000 victimes. Quelques minutes auraient suffi pour épargner presque toutes les vies, aussi s’interroge-t-on à chaque catastrophe : aurait-on pu la prédire ? Numéro de notice : A2023-066 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtSansCL DOI : sans Date de publication en ligne : 01/03/2023 Permalink :
in Géomètre > n° 2211 (mars 2023) . - pp 21 - 21[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 063-2023031 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Seismic deformation in the Adriatic Sea region / B. Orecchio in Journal of geodynamics, vol 155 (March 2023)
Titre : Seismic deformation in the Adriatic Sea region Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : B. Orecchio, Auteur ; D. Presti, Auteur ; S. Scolaro, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n°101956 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géodésie physique
[Termes IGN] Adriatique, mer
[Termes IGN] déformation de la croute terrestre
[Termes IGN] faille géologique
[Termes IGN] forme d'onde
[Termes IGN] histogramme
[Termes IGN] inversion
[Termes IGN] sismologie
[Termes IGN] surveillance géologique
[Termes IGN] tectonique des plaquesRésumé : (auteur) We present an overall analysis of the recent seismic activity occurred in the Adriatic Sea region, a strongly debated sector of the Mediterranean area, where several authors have proposed different models of plate configuration and kinematics. In the past, seismic investigations of this marine area have been strongly hampered by non-optimal network geometries, but data quality increase and recent methodological improvements lay the groundwork to attempt more accurate analyses including proper evaluations of result reliability. On these grounds, we investigated the seismic activity of the last decades by means of new hypocenter locations, waveform inversion focal mechanisms and seismogenic stress fields. We used the Bayloc non-linear probabilistic algorithm to compute hypocenter locations for the most relevant seismic sequences by carefully evaluating location quality and seismolineaments reliability. We also provided an updated database of waveform inversion focal mechanisms including original solutions estimated by applying the waveform inversion method Cut And Paste and data available from official catalogs. Then, focal mechanism solutions have been used to estimate seismogenic stress fields through different inversion algorithms. Seismic results indicate a relevant degree of fragmentation and different patterns of deformation in the Central Adriatic region. In particular, our analyses depicted two NW-SE oriented, adjacent volumes: (i) a pure compressive domain with NNE-trending axis of maximum compression characterizes the northeastern volume where the seismic activity occurs on W-to-NW oriented seismic sources; (ii) a transpressive domain with NW-trending axis of maximum compression characterizes the southwestern sector where thrust faulting preferentially occurs on ENE-to-NE oriented planes and strike-slip faulting on E-W ones. Joint evaluation of seismic findings of the present study and kinematic models proposed in the literature indicates just in the Central Adriatic region the presence of a broad deformation zone, accommodating a still evolving fragmentation of the Adriatic domain in two blocks rotating in opposite directions. On these grounds, the obtained results not only furnish new seismological evidence supporting the "two-blocks model" proposed by previous authors, but they also provide additional constraints, useful for better understanding and modeling the seismotectonic processes occurring in the Adriatic region. Numéro de notice : A2023-051 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article DOI : 10.1016/j.jog.2022.101956 Date de publication en ligne : 30/11/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Journal of geodynamics > vol 155 (March 2023) . - n°101956[article]The ULR-repro3 GPS data reanalysis and its estimates of vertical land motion at tide gauges for sea level science / Médéric Gravelle in Earth System Science Data, vol 15 n° 1 (2023)
Titre : The ULR-repro3 GPS data reanalysis and its estimates of vertical land motion at tide gauges for sea level science Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Médéric Gravelle, Auteur ; Guy Wöppelmann , Auteur ; Kevin Gobron, Auteur ; Zuheir Altamimi
, Auteur ; Mikaël Guichard, Auteur ; Thomas Herring, Auteur ; Paul Rebischung
, Auteur
Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : pp 497 - 509 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géodésie physique
[Termes IGN] déformation verticale de la croute terrestre
[Termes IGN] données marégraphiques
[Termes IGN] littoral
[Termes IGN] série temporelle
[Termes IGN] système d'observation du niveau des eaux littorales SONEL
[Termes IGN] vitesse de déplacementRésumé : (auteur) A new reanalysis of GNSS data at or near tide gauges worldwide was produced by the university of La Rochelle (ULR) group within the 3rd International GNSS Service (IGS) reprocessing campaign (repro3). The new solution, called ULR-repro3, complies with the IGS standards adopted for repro3, implementing advances in data modelling and corrections since the previous reanalysis campaign, and extending the average record length by about 7 years. The results presented here focus on the main products of interest for sea level science, that is, the station position time series and associated velocities on the vertical component at tide gauges. These products are useful to estimate accurate vertical land motion at the coast and supplement data from satellite altimetry or tide gauges for an improved understanding of sea level changes and their impacts along coastal areas. To provide realistic velocity uncertainty estimates, the noise content in the position time series was investigated considering the impact of non-tidal atmospheric loading. Overall, the ULR-repro3 position time series show reduced white noise and power-law amplitudes and station velocity uncertainties compared to the previous reanalysis. The products are available via SONEL (; Gravelle et al., 2022). Numéro de notice : A2023-079 Affiliation des auteurs : UMR IPGP-Géod+Ext (2020- ) Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.5194/essd-15-497-2023 Date de publication en ligne : 01/02/2023 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Earth System Science Data > vol 15 n° 1 (2023) . - pp 497 - 509[article]Discrete element analysis of deformation features of slope controlled by karst fissures under the mining effect: a case study of Pusa landslide, China / Qian Zhao in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, vol 14 n° 1 (2023)
Titre : Discrete element analysis of deformation features of slope controlled by karst fissures under the mining effect: a case study of Pusa landslide, China Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Qian Zhao, Auteur ; Zhongping Yang, Auteur ; Yuanwen Jiang, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : pp 1 - 32 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Analyse spatiale
[Termes IGN] Chine
[Termes IGN] effondrement de terrain
[Termes IGN] faille géologique
[Termes IGN] géomorphologie locale
[Termes IGN] karst
[Termes IGN] pente
[Termes IGN] prospection minéraleRésumé : (auteur) Karst landforms are widely distributed in the southwestern mountain areas of China, and the continuous underground mining activities lead to frequent occurrence of catastrophic collapses and landslides. Revealing the relationship between the development characteristics of the controlling karst fissures and the slope deformation process is crucial to understand the collapse and landslide phenomena. The Pusa landslide is selected as the geological prototype of discrete element analysis, and the universal distinct element code (UDEC) is applied to simulate the overall deformation response of the mountain containing extensive karst fissure during the mining process. The results show that under the action of mining, the roof above the goaf bends and subsides, and the middle of the roof even breaks and collapses. The separation fractures effectively block the upward transmission of the collapse state of the rock stratum. The bottom of the karst fissure is susceptible to cracking first in the process of coal seam mining due to stress concentration, and the area of severe deformation in the slope coincides with the mining pressurization area. The morphology of the karst fissure controls and determines the deformation characteristics of the rock mass at the slope top, and only the karst fissure located within the mining influence range is the object to be considered in the slope stability analysis. The limit karst fracture depth, about 1/3 of the slope height, is the limit value to determine whether the rock mass at the slope top is toppled or slipped. The relationship between the karst fissure and the free surface gradually changes from the directional or co-directional to the reverse, the motion state of the rock mass at the slope top changes from slipping to toppling, and the role of karst fissure changes from a potential slip surface to the cracking boundary. Although the deformation damage of the reverse structural slope is not very serious, the influence of the karst fissure on the stability of the slope still cannot be ignored. This study aims to provide basic theoretical support for the subsequent research on the failure mechanism of karst mountains under the combined action of multi-structural planes. Numéro de notice : A2023-036 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1080/19475705.2022.2158376 Date de publication en ligne : 29/12/2023 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk > vol 14 n° 1 (2023) . - pp 1 - 32[article]Wavelet-like denoising of GNSS data through machine learning. Application to the time series of the Campi Flegrei volcanic area (Southern Italy) / Rolando Carbonari in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, vol 14 n° 1 (2023)
Titre : Wavelet-like denoising of GNSS data through machine learning. Application to the time series of the Campi Flegrei volcanic area (Southern Italy) Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Rolando Carbonari, Auteur ; Umberto Riccardi, Auteur ; Prospero De Martino, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n° 2187271 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de géodésie spatiale
[Termes IGN] caldeira
[Termes IGN] classification par réseau neuronal convolutif
[Termes IGN] déformation de la croute terrestre
[Termes IGN] données GNSS
[Termes IGN] filtrage du bruit
[Termes IGN] Naples
[Termes IGN] relief volcanique
[Termes IGN] risque naturel
[Termes IGN] série temporelle
[Termes IGN] surveillance géologique
[Termes IGN] transformation en ondelettesRésumé : (auteur) The great potential of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) in monitoring ground deformation is widely recognized. As with other geophysical data, GNSS time series can be significantly noisy, hiding elusive ground deformation signals. Several denoising techniques have been proposed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio over the years. One of the most effective denoising techniques has been proved to be multi-resolution decomposition through the discrete wavelet transform. However, wavelet analysis requires long data sets to be effective, as well as long computation times, that hinder its use as a real or near real-time monitoring tool. We propose training by a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to perform the equivalent of wavelet analysis to overcome these limitations. Once trained, the CNN model provides answers within seconds, making it feasible as a real-time data analysis tool. Our Machine Learning algorithm is tested on daily GNSS time series collected in the Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern Italy), which is a highly volcanic risk area. Without significant gaps, the retrieved RMSE and R2 values vary in the ranges 0.65–0.98 and 0.06–0.52 cm, respectively. These results are encouraging, as they hint at the possibility of applying this methodology in more effective real-time monitoring solutions for active volcanoes. Numéro de notice : A2023-180 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article DOI : 10.1080/19475705.2023.2187271 Date de publication en ligne : 10/03/2023 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk > vol 14 n° 1 (2023) . - n° 2187271[article]Ground deformation monitoring of the eruption offshore Mayotte / Aline Peltier in Comptes rendus : Géoscience Sciences de la planète, vol 354 n° S2 (2022)
PermalinkVertical deformation and residual altimeter systematic errors around continental Australia inferred from a Kalman-based approach / Mohammad-Hadi Rezvani in Journal of geodesy, vol 96 n° 12 (December 2022)
PermalinkModelling and prediction of GNSS time series using GBDT, LSTM and SVM machine learning approaches / Wenzong Gao in Journal of geodesy, vol 96 n° 10 (October 2022)
PermalinkDense mantle flows periodically spaced below ocean basins / Isabelle Panet in Earth and planetary science letters, vol 594 (15 September 2022)
PermalinkAutomated detection of discontinuities in EUREF permanent GNSS network stations due to earthquake events / Sergio Baselga in Survey review, vol 54 n° 386 (September 2022)
PermalinkImpact assessment of the seasonal hydrological loading on geodetic movement and seismicity in Nepal Himalaya using GRACE and GNSS measurements / Devendra Shashikant Nagale in Geodesy and Geodynamics, vol 13 n° 5 (September 2022)
PermalinkDetecting preseismic signals in GRACE gravity solutions: Application to the 2011 Tohoku Mw 9.0 earthquake / Isabelle Panet in Journal of geophysical research : Solid Earth, vol 127 n° 8 (August 2022)
PermalinkIntegrating post-processing kinematic (PPK) structure-from-motion (SfM) with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and digital field mapping for structural geological analysis / Daniele Cirillo in ISPRS International journal of geo-information, vol 11 n° 8 (August 2022)
PermalinkStudy of crustal deformation in Egypt based on GNSS measurements / S.A. Younes in Survey review, vol inconnu ([01/08/2022])
PermalinkDetermination of vertical land movements through the integration of tide gauge observations and satellite altimetry data at the Brazilian Vertical Datum from 2002 to 2015 / Samoel Gehl in Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas, vol 28 n° 2 ([01/07/2022])