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Global Open Data Assessment / Mathis Rouillard (2024)
Titre : Global Open Data Assessment Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Mathis Rouillard, Auteur Editeur : Champs-sur-Marne : Ecole nationale des sciences géographiques ENSG Année de publication : 2024 Importance : 48 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm Note générale : bibliographie
Rapport de fin d'étude, cycle des ING3, spécialisé TSILangues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] graphe
[Termes IGN] OpenStreetMap
[Termes IGN] Python (langage de programmation)
[Termes IGN] qualité
[Termes IGN] réseau routier
[Termes IGN] web 2.0Index. décimale : MTSI Mémoires du Master Technologies des Systèmes d'Information Résumé : Au sein de l’équipe d’ingénieur·e·s de LocationMind Inc., une startup japonaise, un vif intérêt a été porté sur Overture Maps Foundation (OMF), un jeu de données ouvert utilisant notamment des données d’OpenStreetMap (OSM), le jeu de données géographique le plus utilisé dans le monde.
Étant donné qu’OMF n’a été publié que récemment, les différences entre OSM et OMF sont encore assez floues. C’est pourquoi essayer de comparer ces jeux de données constitue un défi intéressant, surtout en développant un système de visualisation permettant d’analyser ces résultats sur les réseaux routiers uniquement.
Pour ce faire, après avoir choisi des critères de qualité pour comparer ces données, des scripts Python utilisant DuckDB, OSMnx et GeoPandas ont été produits afin d’évaluer la qualité de ces jeux de données, en créant préalablement un modèle de données commun. Un tableau de bord a été choisi pour visualiser les données, s’appuyant sur les technologies Shiny for Python et LonBoard.
L’interface réalisée est fonctionnelle et permet d’analyser les résultats sur des zones prédéterminées. Il n’est cependant pas encore possible de comparer pleinement les deux jeux de données, l’évaluation n’ayant été réalisée que sur des zones tests et non sur des pays entiers.Note de contenu : Introduction
1. Contexte and challenges
2. Quality assessment
3. Visualisation system
4. Results and perspectives
ConclusionNuméro de notice : 24229 Affiliation des auteurs : IGN (2020- ) Thématique : GEOMATIQUE/INFORMATIQUE Nature : Mémoire de fin d'études IT Organisme de stage : LocationMind Inc. Permalink : Forests attenuate temperature and air pollution discomfort in montane tourist areas / Elena Gottardini in Forests, vol 14 n° 3 (March 2023)
Titre : Forests attenuate temperature and air pollution discomfort in montane tourist areas Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Elena Gottardini, Auteur ; Fabiana Cristofolini, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : n° 545 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] bien-être collectif
[Termes IGN] forêt alpestre
[Termes IGN] Italie
[Termes IGN] pollution atmosphérique
[Termes IGN] qualité de l'air
[Termes IGN] service écosystémique
[Termes IGN] température de l'air
[Termes IGN] tourisme
[Vedettes matières IGN] Ecologie forestièreRésumé : (auteur) Forests deliver many ecosystem services, from provisioning to regulating and cultural services. We aimed at demonstrating microclimatic regulation and pollutant removal as especially relevant ecosystem services when considering the tourism vocation of the Alpine regions. A study was realized along an altitudinal gradient (900–1600 m a.s.l.) in Trentino, northern Italy, an area with high touristic presence (ca. 9.3 million overnight stays in summer 2021). Nitrogen dioxide (NO2, µg m−3), ozone (O3, µg m−3) concentrations, air temperature (T, °C), and relative humidity (RH, %) were simultaneously measured in three open-field sites (OF) and below-canopy Norway spruce forest stands (FO) during the period 23 May–7 August 2013. The temperature–humidity index (THI) was calculated. We found a distinct mitigating effect of forest on T, with lower maximum (−30.6%) and higher minimum values (+6.3%) in FO than in OF. THI supported a higher comfort sensation in FO than in OF, especially in the central part of the day. NO2 concentrations did not differ between OF and FO; ozone concentrations were lower in FO than OF. This study confirms the role of forests in providing several ecosystem services beneficial for forest users, especially relevant for promoting nature-based tourism in the Alpine region. Numéro de notice : A2023-168 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET Nature : Article DOI : 10.3390/f14030545 Date de publication en ligne : 10/03/2023 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Forests > vol 14 n° 3 (March 2023) . - n° 545[article]Discrete element analysis of deformation features of slope controlled by karst fissures under the mining effect: a case study of Pusa landslide, China / Qian Zhao in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, vol 14 n° 1 (2023)
Titre : Discrete element analysis of deformation features of slope controlled by karst fissures under the mining effect: a case study of Pusa landslide, China Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Qian Zhao, Auteur ; Zhongping Yang, Auteur ; Yuanwen Jiang, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : pp 1 - 32 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Analyse spatiale
[Termes IGN] Chine
[Termes IGN] effondrement de terrain
[Termes IGN] faille géologique
[Termes IGN] géomorphologie locale
[Termes IGN] karst
[Termes IGN] pente
[Termes IGN] prospection minéraleRésumé : (auteur) Karst landforms are widely distributed in the southwestern mountain areas of China, and the continuous underground mining activities lead to frequent occurrence of catastrophic collapses and landslides. Revealing the relationship between the development characteristics of the controlling karst fissures and the slope deformation process is crucial to understand the collapse and landslide phenomena. The Pusa landslide is selected as the geological prototype of discrete element analysis, and the universal distinct element code (UDEC) is applied to simulate the overall deformation response of the mountain containing extensive karst fissure during the mining process. The results show that under the action of mining, the roof above the goaf bends and subsides, and the middle of the roof even breaks and collapses. The separation fractures effectively block the upward transmission of the collapse state of the rock stratum. The bottom of the karst fissure is susceptible to cracking first in the process of coal seam mining due to stress concentration, and the area of severe deformation in the slope coincides with the mining pressurization area. The morphology of the karst fissure controls and determines the deformation characteristics of the rock mass at the slope top, and only the karst fissure located within the mining influence range is the object to be considered in the slope stability analysis. The limit karst fracture depth, about 1/3 of the slope height, is the limit value to determine whether the rock mass at the slope top is toppled or slipped. The relationship between the karst fissure and the free surface gradually changes from the directional or co-directional to the reverse, the motion state of the rock mass at the slope top changes from slipping to toppling, and the role of karst fissure changes from a potential slip surface to the cracking boundary. Although the deformation damage of the reverse structural slope is not very serious, the influence of the karst fissure on the stability of the slope still cannot be ignored. This study aims to provide basic theoretical support for the subsequent research on the failure mechanism of karst mountains under the combined action of multi-structural planes. Numéro de notice : A2023-036 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1080/19475705.2022.2158376 Date de publication en ligne : 29/12/2023 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk > vol 14 n° 1 (2023) . - pp 1 - 32[article]Accuracy of vacant housing detection models: An empirical evaluation using municipal and national census datasets / Kanta Sayuda in Transactions in GIS, vol 26 n° 7 (November 2022)
Titre : Accuracy of vacant housing detection models: An empirical evaluation using municipal and national census datasets Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Kanta Sayuda, Auteur ; Euijung Hong, Auteur ; Yuki Akiyama, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 3003 - 3027 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique
[Termes IGN] apprentissage automatique
[Termes IGN] distribution spatiale
[Termes IGN] Extreme Gradient Machine
[Termes IGN] géocodage
[Termes IGN] immobilier (secteur)
[Termes IGN] Japon
[Termes IGN] logementRésumé : (auteur) In Japan, the rise in vacant housing has created the need to develop quick, effective, and inexpensive methods to detect the spatial distribution of vacant housing at the municipal level. However, due to incomplete and inaccessible data, the change in the accuracy of the vacant housing detection model must be evaluated while accounting for the limited data. Therefore, this study compares the performance of vacant housing detection models for different data combinations (Basic Resident Register; building registration, water usage, and national census) by considering Wakayama City, Japan, as the case study setting. Three main findings emerged: (1) the contribution of the data to the accuracy varies with the combination of datasets and metrics; (2) even if specific municipal data are unavailable, it is possible to acquire a similar accuracy by combining other data; and (3) the missing value contributes to the vacant housing detection rather than the feature value itself. Numéro de notice : A2022-887 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1111/tgis.12992 Date de publication en ligne : 31/10/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Transactions in GIS > vol 26 n° 7 (November 2022) . - pp 3003 - 3027[article]Topographic descriptors on the early Dutch charts of the antipodes / Jan Tent in International journal of cartography, vol 8 n° 3 (November 2022)
Titre : Topographic descriptors on the early Dutch charts of the antipodes Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Jan Tent, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 272 - 290 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Toponymie
[Termes IGN] Australie
[Termes IGN] carte ancienne
[Termes IGN] descripteur
[Termes IGN] explorateur
[Termes IGN] littoral
[Termes IGN] néerlandais (langue)
[Termes IGN] nomenclature
[Termes IGN] Nouvelle-Zélande
[Termes IGN] Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
[Termes IGN] toponymeRésumé : (auteur) The early Dutch charts of coastal Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea are peppered not only with toponyms but also with topographic descriptors. The latter were intended as navigational aids and warnings for future navigators. Naming or describing a geographic feature is a method of distinguishing it from the surrounding topography. At times some topographic descriptors have been considered or interpreted as toponyms. This article explores whether there are any means of determining the difference between the two, and what may have been initially intended by the explorers who entered them on their manuscript charts. Reasons for the relevance of making such a distinction are also considered. Numéro de notice : A2022-746 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE/TOPONYMIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1080/23729333.2020.1859937 Date de publication en ligne : 11/02/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in International journal of cartography > vol 8 n° 3 (November 2022) . - pp 272 - 290[article]Developing a GIS-based rough fuzzy set granulation model to handle spatial uncertainty for hydrocarbon structure classification, case study: Fars domain, Iran / Sahand Seraj in Geo-spatial Information Science, vol 25 n° 3 (October 2022)PermalinkThe fractional vegetation cover (FVC) and associated driving factors of modeling in mining areas / Jun Li in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS, vol 88 n° 10 (October 2022)PermalinkPoint-of-interest detection from Weibo data for map updating / Xue Yang in Transactions in GIS, vol 26 n° 6 (September 2022)Permalink"Process toponymy": A GIS-based community-engaged approach to indigenous dynamic place naming systems and vernacular cartography / Nadezhda Mamontova in Cartographica, vol 57 n° 3 (September 2022)PermalinkDetection of potential gold mineralization areas using MF-fuzzy approach on multispectral data / Tohid Nouri in Geocarto international, Vol 37 n° 17 ([20/08/2022])PermalinkAdvancements in underground mine surveys by using SLAM-enabled handheld laser scanners / Artu Ellmann in Survey review, vol 54 n° 385 (July 2022)PermalinkPolyline simplification based on the artificial neural network with constraints of generalization knowledge / Jiawei Du in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Vol 49 n° 4 (July 2022)PermalinkRisk assessment and prediction of forest health for effective geo-environmental planning and monitoring of mining affected forest area in hilltop region / Narayan Kayet in Geocarto international, vol 37 n° 11 ([15/06/2022])PermalinkPermalinkDetecting individuals' spatial familiarity with urban environments using eye movement data / Hua Liao in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol 93 (April 2022)Permalink