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The potential impact of hydrodynamic leveling on the quality of the European vertical reference frame / Yosra Afrasteh in Journal of geodesy, vol 95 n° 8 (August 2021)
Titre : The potential impact of hydrodynamic leveling on the quality of the European vertical reference frame Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Yosra Afrasteh, Auteur ; D.C. Slobbe, Auteur ; M. Verlaan, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : n° 90 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Termes IGN] données marégraphiques
[Termes IGN] écart type
[Termes IGN] European vertical GPS reference network
[Termes IGN] hydrodynamique
[Termes IGN] méthode heuristique
[Termes IGN] niveau moyen des mers
[Termes IGN] nivellement
[Termes IGN] qualité des données
[Termes IGN] réseau européen unifié de nivellement
[Vedettes matières IGN] AltimétrieRésumé : (auteur) The first objective of this paper is to assess by means of geodetic network analyses the impact of adding model-based hydrodynamic leveling data to the Unified European Leveling Network (UELN) data on the precision and reliability of the European Vertical Reference Frame (EVRF). In doing so, we used variance information from the latest UELN adjustment. The model-based hydrodynamic leveling data are assumed to be obtained from not-yet existing hydrodynamic models covering either all European seas surrounding the European mainland or parts of it that provide the required mean water level with uniform precision. A heuristic search algorithm was implemented to identify the set of hydrodynamic leveling connections that provide the lowest median of the propagated height standard deviations. In the scenario in which we only allow for connections between tide gauges located in the same sea basin, all having a precision of 3 cm, the median of the propagated height standard deviations improved by 38% compared to the spirit leveling-only solution. Except for the countries around the Black Sea, coastal countries benefit the most with a maximum improvement of 60% for Great Britain. We also found decreased redundancy numbers for the observations in the coastal areas and over the entire Great Britain. Allowing for connections between tide gauges among all European seas increased the impact to 42%. Lowering the precision of the hydrodynamic leveling data lowers the impact. The results show, however, that even in case the assumed precision is 5 cm, the overall improvement is still 29%. The second objective is to identify which tide gauges are most profitable in terms of impact. Our results show that these are the ones located in Sweden in which most height markers are located. The impact, however, hardly depends on the geographic location of the tide gauges within a country. Numéro de notice : A2021-586 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1007/s00190-021-01543-3 Date de publication en ligne : 24/07/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Journal of geodesy > vol 95 n° 8 (August 2021) . - n° 90[article]Relation between the Italian and European height systems / Alessandro Caporali in Bulletin of geodesy and geomatics BGG, vol 69 n° 1 (March 2010)
Titre : Relation between the Italian and European height systems Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Alessandro Caporali, Auteur ; F. Cauli, Auteur ; R. Maseroli, Auteur Année de publication : 2010 Article en page(s) : pp 59 - 71 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Systèmes de référence et réseaux
[Termes IGN] altitude normale
[Termes IGN] conversion altimétrique
[Termes IGN] European vertical GPS reference network
[Termes IGN] Italie
[Termes IGN] réseau de nivellement
[Termes IGN] réseau permanent EUREF
[Termes IGN] Rete Dinamica Nazionale
[Termes IGN] Sardaigne
[Termes IGN] Sicile
[Termes IGN] système de référence altimétrique
[Termes IGN] système de référence local
[Termes IGN] transformation de coordonnéesRésumé : (Auteur) The availability at continental scale of a gravimetric quasi geoid model such as EGG08 (European Gravimetric Geoid 2008) and of geodetic networks such as the European Permanent Network of EUREF and its national densifications have the potential to bridge national height networks. The offset and tilts which have traditionally affected the national vertical networks can be calibrated and the resulting continent-wide vertical network represents a common height datum. The relation between the Italian vertical datum, defined in terms of nodal points of fist order leveling lines, and the European EVRS datum is addressed here, on the basis of normal heights from geopotential numbers and of ellipsoidal heights from GEOTRAV GPS/leveling points re-adjusted on the new Rete Dinamica Nazionale consistently with the ETRF2000 frame. Because of the different reference tide gauges, the Continental Italy, Sicily and Sardinia points are analyzed separately. It is shown that these three vertical datums have offsets relative to the EUVN of - 86 + 1, -156 + 1 and - 353 + 2 mm respectively. Continental Italy and Sicily also exhibit a small but non negligible tilt in the east and north direction respectively. Once these offsets and tilts are accounted for, the leveling data fit the values predicted by the GPS and EGG08 data to less than 10 cm rms, consistently with the level of accuracy of the EGG08 quasi geoid. Our result provide those transformation formulas which are necessary to convert normal heights in the national datum into normal heights in the European datum, consistently with the INSPIRE specifications. Numéro de notice : A2010-589 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article DOI : sans Permalink :
in Bulletin of geodesy and geomatics BGG > vol 69 n° 1 (March 2010) . - pp 59 - 71[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 013-2010011 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Fundamental gravity network of the Republic Croatia in the function of control and improving of national and European geoid model / I. Grgic (01/01/2010)
contenu dans Second proceedings of the Croatian Geodetic Institute for the period 2006-2009 / Croatian geodetic institute (2010)
Titre : Fundamental gravity network of the Republic Croatia in the function of control and improving of national and European geoid model Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : I. Grgic, Auteur ; B. Barisic, Auteur ; Tomislav Basic, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Editeur : Zagreb [Croatie] : Croatian geodetic institute Année de publication : 01/01/2010 Conférence : CGI 2009, 2nd proceedings of the Croatian Geodetic Institute for the period 2006-2009 Zagreb Croatie Importance : pp 82 - 94 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Serbo-croate (Latin) (scr) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géodésie physique
[Termes IGN] Croatie
[Termes IGN] European vertical GPS reference network
[Termes IGN] géoïde localRésumé : (Auteur) By demand for densification of EUVN_DA network with additional points on state territory, Republic Croatia is again activated in project EUVN_DA on national level in year 2005. During project EUVN_DA network is expanded from 8 existing points to 20 points. Difference between EGG97 and EUVN model showed possible errors on some areas or points (HR05 Split). Therefore, those errors were eliminated by measurements and results were free of errors from first EUVN campaign in year 1997. Differences between national model of geoid HRG2000 and EUVN show better adjustment of geoid surface for state area than continen-tal EGG97 geoid. Therefore they are additional control in densification of EUVN_DA project. Result analysis along coast showed large differences between geoid models. From the old gravi-ty network (84 gravity points) 25 gravity points were used. After stabilization of 11 new gravity points Basic Gravity Network comprises 36 gravity points. Finalization of establishment of the Fundamental Gravity Network of the Republic of Croatia is also planned to improve absolute national geoid orientation. As well, EUVN points in Croatia, based on Fundamental Gravity Network, will ensure better identification of geoid differences on continental level. Numéro de notice : C2007-004 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Communication DOI : sans Permalink : Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission 1.3A Europe (EUREF) held in London 6-9 June 2007 & reports of the EUREF technical working group (TWG), EUREF publication n° 17 / Joao Agria Torres (2009)
Titre : Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission 1.3A Europe (EUREF) held in London 6-9 June 2007 & reports of the EUREF technical working group (TWG), EUREF publication n° 17 Type de document : Actes de congrès Auteurs : Joao Agria Torres, Éditeur scientifique ; Helmut Hornik, Éditeur scientifique ; International association of geodesy, Auteur Editeur : Francfort sur le Main : Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Année de publication : 2009 Collection : Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, ISSN 1436-3445 num. 42 Conférence : EUREF 2007, Symposium of the IAG sub-commission 1.3A Europe 06/06/2007 09/06/2007 Londres Royaume-Uni OA proceedings Importance : 426 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-89888-916-2 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Systèmes de référence et réseaux
[Termes IGN] EUREF
[Termes IGN] Europe (géographie politique)
[Termes IGN] European Terrestrial Reference System 1989
[Termes IGN] European vertical GPS reference network
[Termes IGN] positionnement par GNSS
[Termes IGN] réseau permanent EUREFRésumé : (Documentaliste) Ce rapport fait le point sur le réseau permanent européen de stations GPS et présente ses résultats. Il s'intéresse aussi au réseau européen altimétrique. Les projets de la sous-commission sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations de l'ETRF. Les pays participants présentent leurs rapports sur leurs réseaux. Note de contenu : Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission Europe (EUREF) in London,
6-9 June 2007
Opening Speech J. A. torres
Address by the President of IAG Sub-commission on Regional Reference Frames Z. altamimi
Schedule /Agenda ..
Sketches C. calvert
Activities of the EUREF Technical Working Group (TWG)
EUVN Densification Action: Prepared for Closing A. kenyeres, M. sacher, J. ihde, H. denker, U. marti
European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) / Height Systems
Status of EVRS2007 M. sacher, J. ihde, G. liebsch
Status of the zero-order levelling network of France and consequences for UELN H. DUQUENNE, F. DUQUENNE, A. HARMEL, P. REBISCHUNG, A. COULOMB
Connection of French and British levelling networks - Application to UELN rebischung, R. hipkin, C. calvert, M. greaves, C. fane, H. duquenne, A. harmel, F. duquenne, A. coulomb
EUREF Permanent Network (EPN): Status, Analysis and Projects
EPN Status and New Developments . C. bruyninx, F. roosbeek
Updated Options and New Products of EPN Analysis .. H. HABRICH
Inclusion of GLONASS for EPN LAG Analysis at CODE/swisstopo S. C. schaer, E. brockmann, D. ineichen
Results from the Reprocessing of the BEK Subnetwork . C. VÖLKSEN
GNSS Real Time Applications
The BKG Ntrip Client (BNC) G. weber, L. mervart
The First Experience with PPP Using Real-Time Precise Orbits and Clocks from EUREF-IP . J. dousa
Tropospheric Processing for NRT and Post-Processing GPS Applications at ASI F. vespe, R. PACIONE
EPN-related Applications
The Influence of Snow Coverage on GPS Antennas of the Mountain EPN Stations F. mantlik, V. schenk, Z. schenkovä, M. gräcovä
Site-Dependent Effects in High-Accuracy Applications of GNSS M. lidberg, C. eksröm, J. M. johansson
Enhancing the Swiss Permanent GPS Network for GNSS D. ineichen, E. brockmann, S. SCHAER
GPS Permanent and Epoch Measurements and Geodynamic Pattern of the Bohemian Massif, Central Europe V. schenk, Z. schenkovä, F. mantlik, M. gräcovä
Verification of the Meteorological Observations on the EPN Stations J. BOSY, W. rohm
Implementation of ETRS89 / ETRF Improvements
New Velocity Solutions from 13 Years of BIFROST Activities M. lidberg, J. M. JOHANSSON
Determination of the ETRS89 coordinates of the Active Geodetic Network of Principado de Asturias (RGAPA) L. GARCIA-ASENJO, Ö. CUADRADO, D. HERNÄNDEZ
Determination of ETRS89 coordinates for the GNSS reference network of Valencian Community (Spain)
L. garcia-asenjo, R. capilla, S. baselga, P. garrigues
ASG-EUPOS - A Multifunctional Precise Satellite Positioning System in Poland J. bosy, W. graszka, M. leonczyk
CROPOS - Croatian Positioning System . M. marjanovic
National Reports
National Report of Austria C. haslinger, N. höggerl, D. ruess, G. stangl, H. titz, E. zahn
National Report of Belgium C. bruyninx, B. de vidts, F. roosbeek, P. voet
EUREF Activities in Bulgaria - National Report . I. GEORGIEV, P. gabenski, T. belyashky, G. gladkov, T. tashkov, P. danchev, D. dimitrov, T. boev, I. zdravchev, M. minchev
National Report of Croatia M. bosiljevac, M. marjanovic, M. kekic
EUREF Related Activities in the Czech Republic 2006 - 2007 J. dousa, V. filler, J. kostelecky, J. kostelecky, V. pälinkäs, J. simek, J. reznicek, V. schenk, F. mantli'k, Z. schenkovä
National Report of Estonia .. K. kollo, P. pihlak, R. vallner
National Report of Finland M. poutanen, P. HÄKL
National Report of France .. F. duquenne, A. harmel, H. duquenne, B. garayt
National Report of Germany 2007 J. ihde, C.-H. jahn, H. habrich, G. liebsch, B. richter, M. sacher, W. schlüter, G. weber, H. wilmes
National Report of Great Britain M. greaves, C. fane, R. bingley, D. baker, G. appleby, M. king, R. ioannides
National Report of Greece E. ANAGNOSTOU
National Report of Hungary on EUREF Related Activities in 2006 ? 2007 A. KENYERES, T. BORZA, I. GALAMBOS, T. HORVÄTH, A. MNYERCZÄN, G. VIRÄG
On Development Trends of the Lithuanian National Geodetic Control A. BUGA, R. KOLOSOVSKIS, E. PARSELIUNAS, P. PETROSKEVICIUS, E. SLEITERIS, S. URBANAS
National Report of Moldava - a New Geodetic Infrastructure in Molvova .. V. chiriac, M. ovdii
National Report of the Netherlands J. VAN BUREN, A. J. M. KÜSTERS, H. VAN der marel
National Report of Northern Ireland & Ireland G. bell, K. stewart, C. bray
National Report of Poland to EUREF 2007 J. krynski, J.B. ROGOWSKI
National Report of Portugal 2007 H. kol, M. VASCONCELOS, G. crisöstomo, C. martins, A. medeiro
National Report of Slovakia 2007 K. leitmannovä, D. ferianc, M. mojzes
National Report of Slovenia B. mozetic, S. berk, D. radovan, M. kuhar, B. stopar
National Report of Spain A. barbadillo, M. A. cano, R. quirös, M. valdes
National Report of Sweden to the EUREF 2007 - Geodetic Activities at Lantmäteriet C-G. persson, L. E. engberg, A. engfeldt, L. jivall, B. jonsson, M. lidberg, R. svensson, J. acren
EUREF'05: National Report of Switzerland - New Developments in Swiss National Geodetic Surveying E. brockmann, M. kistler, U. marti, A. schlatter, B. vogel, A. wiget, U. wild
National Report of Turkey - 2007 . A. TEKGUL
Other EUREF-Related Contributions
Development of the National Gravity Network in Maldova V. chiriac
Fundamental gravity network of the Republic Croatia in the function of control and improving of national and European geoid model I. grgic, B. BARISIC, T. BASIC, M. LuciC, M. repanic, M. liker
A continuous GNSS Monitoring Array in western Crete and the Permanent Calibration/Validation Facility for Satellite Radar Altimeters in Gavdos S. P. mertikas, X. frantzis, A. tripolitsiotis, S. bouros, S. karasavidis, ath. papadopoulos
Investigation of Phase Centre Variation of the GNSS Antennae Using Portable Kinematic Tilting Device J. cisak, Y. M. zanimonskiy
Resolutions of the 17th EUREF Symposium in London, 06 - 09 June 2007
Posters .
Hydrological Effects in the Relative gravity Measurements P. lukavec, M. lederer
Switching from Relative to Absolute Antenna Phase Center Variations in a Regional Network: Stability of the Coordinate Differences O. khoda, C. bruyninx
Contribution of EUPOS permanent GPS network to the EUREF reference System A. blaser, W. graska, T. horvath, G. rosenthal, J. sledzinski
A Zero Order network of Permanent GNSS Stations for the Positioning Services in Italy: Some Hypotheses and Tests L. biagi, S. caldera, M. crespi, A. M. manzino, A. mazzoni, M. roggero, F. sansö
Stability of the Herstmonceaux Space Geodetic Site from Multi-Technique Analyses G. appleby, J. cooper, R. sherwood, V. smith, M. wilkinson
Correlation in Polish Precise Levelling Network A. lyszkowicz, A. jackiewicz
LitPOS - a pari of EUPOS® E. parseliunas, A. buga, L. marozas, M. petniunas, S. urbanas
Time-fequency Analysis of the Sumatra 2004 Earthquake Impact on GPS Stations Displacements J. KUDRYS
GeoDAF - Geodetic Data Archive Facility - ASI (Italian Space Agency) Local Data Centre G. colucci, F. vespE
Status Report of the EPN Special Project "Troposphere Parameter Estimation" W. SÖHNE
Error Analysis of Regulär Observations M. MlNCHE
Epoch-by-Epoch Coordinate Estimation with GPS - Results and Applications W. SÖHNE, W. SCHWAH
Reports of the EUREF Technical Working Group (TWG)
XXXXIVth Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in London, June 5, 2007
Agenda ..
Minutes ..
XXXXVnd Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in Paris, 29. - 30. November 2007
Agenda ..
Minutes ..
XXXXVI* Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in Helsinki, 31. March -1. April 2008
Participants ..
XXXXVII"1 Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in Brüssels, 17. June 2008
MinutesNuméro de notice : 15499 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Actes DOI : sans En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : Contient
- Status of the zero-order levelling network of France and consequences for UELN / Henri Duquenne (01/12/2009)
- ITRF2005 and Consequences for the ETRF 2005 / Zuheir Altamimi (2009)
- Connection of French and British levelling networks : application to UELN / Paul Rebischung (01/12/2009)
- National report of France [to the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission 1.3A Europe (EUREF) held in London 6-9 June 2007] / Françoise Duquenne (01/12/2009)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15499-02 CG2007 Livre Centre de documentation Congrès Disponible 15499-01 CG2007 Livre Centre de documentation Congrès Disponible Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Riga, 14 - 17 June 2006 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 16 / Joao Agria Torres (2006)
Titre : Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Riga, 14 - 17 June 2006 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 16 Type de document : Actes de congrès Auteurs : Joao Agria Torres, Éditeur scientifique ; Helmut Hornik, Éditeur scientifique ; International association of geodesy, Auteur Editeur : Francfort sur le Main : Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Année de publication : 2006 Collection : Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie, ISSN 1436-3445 num. 40 Conférence : EUREF 2006, symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe 14/06/2006 17/06/2006 Riga Lettonie OA proceedings Importance : 430 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-89888-845-5 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Systèmes de référence et réseaux
[Termes IGN] EUREF
[Termes IGN] Europe (géographie politique)
[Termes IGN] European Terrestrial Reference Frame
[Termes IGN] European vertical GPS reference network
[Termes IGN] Global Positioning System
[Termes IGN] interférométrie
[Termes IGN] réseau permanent EUREF
[Termes IGN] système de référence géodésiqueRésumé : (Documentaliste) Ce rapport fait le point sur le réseau permanent européen de stations GPS et présente ses résultats. Il s'intéresse aussi au réseau européen altimétrique. Les projets de la sous-commission sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations de l'ETRF. Les pays participants présentent leurs rapports sur leurs réseaux. Note de contenu : List of Publications of the IAG Sub-commission for Europe (EUREF)
Report on the Symposium of the IAG Sub-commission Europe (EUREF) in Riga, 14 - 17 June 2006
Opening Speech of the Prof. Dr. J. Balodis, Chairman of the Local Organizing Committee
Welcome Address on behalf of the Ministry of Defence / Z. grinpauks
Address by the President of IAG Sub-commission on Regional Reference Frames / Z. altamimi
Opening Speech / J. A. torres
Schedule /Agenda - Presentations - Participants - Minutes
Activities of the EUREF Technical Working Group (TWG)
- Status and Results of the EUVN Densification Action EUVN_DA Working Group / A. kenyeres M. sacher, J. ihde H. denker, U. marti
- European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) 2007 - a Combination of UELN and ECGN / J. ihde, M. sacher, J. makinen
European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) - Height Systems
- Status of UELN and steps on the way to EVRS 2007 / M. sacher, J. ihde, R. svensson
- The Baltic Levelling Ring / K. engsager, J. makinen, M. lilje, J. agren, P.-O. eriksson, P.-A. olsson, V. saaranen, K. schmidt, R. svensson, M. takalo, O. vestol
- The Swedish Height System RH 2000 as a National Realisation of EVRS / J. agren, R. svensson, P.-A. olsson, P.-O. eriksson, M. lilje
- The New Finnish Height System N2000 / V. saaranen, P. lehmuskoski, P. rouhiainen, M. takalo, J. makinen
- Realization of EUVN densification project in the Republic of Croatia / I. grgic, B. barisic, Z. hecimovic
- Determination of Geopotential W0 alicante and its Connection to W0 NAVD88 / M. J. SEVILLA DE LERMA, M. bur§a, D. DuSAtKO, S. kenyon, J. kouba, Z. si'ma, V. vatrt, M. vojtiskova
- DFHRS (Digital FEM Height Reference Surface) - A Rigorous Approach for the Integrated Adjustment and Fitting of Height Reference Surfaces / R. JAGER
Activities of the Expert Group on Geodesy (ExG-G)
- Continuously Operating Reference Station Network -A Future Strategy for Republic of Moldova / V. chiriac
- Status of INSPIRE Drafting Teams / H. habrich
EUREF Permanent Network (EPN) - Status, Analysis and Projects
- The EUREF Permanent Network: Recent Achievements / C. BRUYNINX, F. ROOSBEEK
- Development Process of EPN Analysis / H. HABRICH
- New Products of the EPN Time Series Special Project: Status Report / A. KENYERES
- EUREF-IP: From Pilot Project to Professional Service / D. DETTMERING, G. WEBER
- Account of the EPN Special Project "Troposphere Parameter Estimation" / W. SOHNE, H. HABRICH
EPN-Related Applications
The impact of the antenna mounting on the phase centre variation J. lesparre
GEONAS - The GEOdynamic Network of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic: Permanent GNSS observations and routine data processing in the IRS operational centre
Implementation of ETRS89 / ETRF Improvements
National GPS Network of Bulgaria - processing the observations from the main order / I. georgiev, P. gabenski, G. gladkov, T. tashkov, P. danchev, D. dimitrov
Improvement and extension of ETRS 89 in Latvia and Lithuania based on the NKG 2003 GPS campaign / L. jivall, J. kaminskis, E. parseliunas
CROREF-05 GPS campaign - preliminary results / M. MARJANOVIC, Z. BACIC, T. BASIC
Results of re-processing of GPS data from EUREF-POL, POLREF and EUVN campaigns using EPN standards / J. krynski, M. figurski
Monitoring the Automated GPS Network of Switzerland AGNES / E. brockmann, S. grunig, D. ineichen, S. schaer
The First Austrian Velocity Field derived from GPS / C. haslinger, G.STANGL
Geodetic reference frames in the presence of crustal deformations - with focus on Nordic conditions / M. LlDBERG, J. M. JOHANSSON, H.-G. SCHERNECK
Adding geodetic strain rate data to seismogenic contexts in the Alps and Apennines / A. caporali, M. massironi, A. nardo
National Reports EUREF 06:
National Report of Austria / N. HOGGERL, D. RUESS, G. STANGL
National Report of Belgium / M. bavieri, C. bruyninx, S. lejeune, M. moins, E. pottiaux, F. roosbeek, P. voet, R. warnant
National Report of Croatia / M. BOSILJEVAC, M. MARJANOVIC, Z. BACIC, T. BASIC
National Report of Estonia / K. KOLLO, A. R0DJA, P. PlHLAK, R. VALLNER
National Report of Finland / M. OLLIKAINEN, J. JOKELA, M. POUTANEN, R. CHEN, M. TAKALO
National Report of France / F. DUQUENNE, A. HARMEL, H. DUQUENNE, B. GARAYT
National Report of Germany / J. ihde, U. faulhaber, H. habrich, G. liebsch, M. sacher, G. weber, H. wilmes
National Report of Great Britain / M. greaves, R. bingley, D. baker, G. appleby
Latvia National Report about Geodetic Activities / J. KAMINSKIS
National Report Malta / E. debono
National Report of Republic of Moldova / V. chiriac
National Report of the Netherlands / J. VAN BUREN, A. J. M. KOSTERS, J. LESPARRE, H. VAN DER MAREL
National Report of Poland to EUREF / J. krynski, J.B. rogowski, J.B. zielinski
National Report of Portugal / H. kol, M. vasconcelos, G. crisostomo, C. martins, A. medeiro
National Report of Slovakia / M. KLOBUSIAK, D. FERIANC, K. LEITMANNOVA, J. HEFTY
National Report of Sweden to the EUREF 2006 Symposium - geodetic activities at Lantmateriet, the National Land Survey of Sweden / L. jfvall, M. lidberg, J. agren, M. lilje, D. norin
National Report of Switzerland - New Developments in Swiss National Geodetic Surveying / A. wiget, E. brockmann, M. kistler, U. marti, A. schlatter, B. vogel, U. wild
National Report of Turkey / O. LENK
Other EUREF-Related Contributions
- A data set to test geoid computation methods / H. Duquenne
- Centimetre level of accuracy of the new quasigeoid in Poland / J. krynski, A. lyszkowicz
- GSP: Geodetic Component of the Galileo System / W. SOHNE, J. ihde, G. gend
A New Combined Height Reference Surface for Germany GCG05 / U. schirmer, H. denker, J. ihde, G. liebsch, J. muller
EUREF LAC GOP processing development in 2005-2006 / V. filler, J. dousa
Relative Positioning in Europe: Influence of the GPS+Galileo Satellite Geometry / M. moins, C. bruyninx
Updated Information on the Establishment of the European System of Reference Stations EUPOS / A. blaser , W. graszka, G. rosenthal, J. Sledzinski
Studies on accessibility and reliability of RTK measurements by internet / J.B. ROGOWSKI, L.KUJAWA, M.LESZCZYNSKI
The RAP Net: A Geodetic Positioning Network for Andalusia (South Spain) / M. berrocoso, R. paez, A. sanchez-alzola, A. perez-pena, M. E. ramjrez, Y. jimenez, A. hermosilla, M. redondo
Investigations of the GNSS Antennae Phase Centre Variations as the Influence of the Local Conditions Changes / J. cisak, Y. M. zanimonskiy, J. kapcia
GPS Reference Station Network of Latvia LATPOS / J. zvirgzds, J. kaminskis, L. LlEKSNE
GPS and GLONASS Data Analysis using Stations from the EUREF Permanent Network / C. bruyninx
Development of the Precise Levelling Network in Estonia / A. rudja
CERGOP GPS Data Processing and Analysis of the Results Related to the Region of the Balkans / K. vassileva
Closing Session
Closing Remarks of the EUREF-Symposium in Riga, 14-17 June 2006 / J.torres
Sketches / C. calvert
Reports of the EUREF Technical Working Group (TWG)
XXXXI* Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in Riga, June 13,2006
Agenda - Participants - Minutes
XXXXIPd Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in Frankfurt a.M., 6-7. November 2006
Agenda - Participants - Minutes
XXXXIII"1 Meeting of the EUREF Technical Working Group in Lisbon, 5. - 6. March 2007
Agenda - Participants - MinutesNuméro de notice : 15404 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Actes Permalink : ContientExemplaires(2)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 15404-02 CG2006 Livre Centre de documentation Congrès Disponible 15404-01 CG2006 Livre Centre de documentation Congrès Disponible Report on the symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Vienna, 1 - 4 June 2005 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 15 / Joao Agria Torres (2006)
PermalinkReport on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Bratislava, 2 - 5 June 2004 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 14 / Joao Agria Torres (2005)
PermalinkReport on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Toledo, 4 - 7 June 2003 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 13 / Joao Agria Torres (2004)
PermalinkReport on the symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Dubrovnik, 16 - 18 May 2001 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 10 / Joao Agria Torres (2002)
PermalinkReport on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Ponta Delgada , 5-8 June 2002 & reports of the EUREF technical working group, EUREF publication n° 12 / Joao Agria Torres (2002)
PermalinkSubcommission for Europe (EUREF) & European vertical reference network (EUVN) final documentation, EUREF publication n° 11, 1. Reports / Johannes Ihde (2002)
PermalinkSubcommission for Europe (EUREF) & European vertical reference network (EUVN) final documentation, EUREF publication n° 11, 2. EUVN station documentation / Johannes Ihde (2002)
PermalinkPermalinkNational report of France at the EUREF symposium, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, June 10-12, 1998 / Hervé Fagard (10/06/1998)