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Analyse des performances de levers LiDAR via l’iPad Pro en vue de la réalisation de plans d’intérieurs et de maquettes numériques de bâtiments / Pauline Chardon in XYZ, n° 174 (mars 2023)
Titre : Analyse des performances de levers LiDAR via l’iPad Pro en vue de la réalisation de plans d’intérieurs et de maquettes numériques de bâtiments Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Pauline Chardon, Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Article en page(s) : pp 39 - 43 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Lasergrammétrie
[Termes IGN] données lidar
[Termes IGN] données localisées 3D
[Termes IGN] espace intérieur
[Termes IGN] lidar mobile
[Termes IGN] maquette numérique
[Termes IGN] modélisation 3D
[Termes IGN] semis de points
[Termes IGN] téléphone intelligentRésumé : (Auteur) Depuis 2020, Apple intègre désormais un capteur LiDAR dans ses smartphones et tablettes les plus récents. À l’origine dédiée à la réalité augmentée, son utilisation pour les relevés métriques présente aujourd’hui un intérêt croissant. Devant ce constat, la société FUTURMAP a fait le choix de mener une étude approfondie sur le sujet, en collaboration avec un grand groupe spécialisé dans le diagnostic immobilier. L’objectif de cette étude est donc de mettre en place une nouvelle méthode d’acquisition basée sur les technologies LiDAR mobiles, dans le but d’établir un plan d’intérieur ou une maquette numérique 3D. Dans cette étude, nous avons ainsi approfondi la connaissance de ce système de numérisation afin de déterminer un processus de captation fiable des données. Plusieurs éléments ont été étudiés à la suite d’une série de tests afin de déterminer les limites et les contraintes de ce nouveau dispositif. Numéro de notice : A2023-173 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtSansCL DOI : sans Date de publication en ligne : 01/03/2023 Permalink :
in XYZ > n° 174 (mars 2023) . - pp 39 - 43[article]Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 112-2023011 RAB Revue Centre de documentation En réserve L003 Disponible Estimation of ionospheric total electron content using GNSS observations derived from a smartphone / Li Xu in GPS solutions, vol 26 n° 4 (October 2022)
Titre : Estimation of ionospheric total electron content using GNSS observations derived from a smartphone Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Li Xu, Auteur ; Jiuping Zha, Auteur ; Min Li, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : n° 138 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de géodésie spatiale
[Termes IGN] modèle ionosphérique
[Termes IGN] phase
[Termes IGN] pondération
[Termes IGN] série de Fourier
[Termes IGN] téléphone intelligent
[Termes IGN] teneur totale en électrons
[Termes IGN] teneur verticale totale en électronsRésumé : (auteur) The global navigation satellite system (GNSS) measurements to determine ionospheric total electron content (TEC) are mainly derived from expensive geodetic-grade receivers, which are not conducive to high-density placement. In this work, we present an analysis of the performance of ionospheric TEC determined by GNSS dual-frequency measurements derived from the smartphone, taking the Xiaomi 8 (XMI8) as an example. First, the ionospheric observable is retrieved from the code and carrier phase data using the carrier-to-code leveling technique and a new carrier-to-noise weighting strategy instead of an elevation weighting strategy, considering the characteristic of the GNSS measurements from smartphones. Then, the absolute ionospheric slant TEC (STEC) values are isolated from the ionospheric observables by modeling with the generalized trigonometric series function. The experimental data, covering over 120 h, were taken from two situations: one is the data collected by the original smartphone antenna; the other is the external geodetic-grade antenna. The TEC data obtained from the collocated geodetic-grade receiver are used as reference data to evaluate the performance of the TEC values from XMI8. Compared to the reference data, the evaluation results show that the ionospheric STEC extraction accuracy can reach total electron content unit (TECU) values of 0.17 and 0.11 under the two different situations in the continuous carrier phase satellite arc without cycle slips. In addition, the VTEC modeling accuracy is above 5 and 2 TECU in the two different situations, respectively. Thus, we concluded that consumer-level GNSS chipsets are highly potential in the future to increase the ionospheric monitoring station density due to their low costs and good data quality. Numéro de notice : A2022-713 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article DOI : 10.1007/s10291-022-01329-w Date de publication en ligne : 04/09/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in GPS solutions > vol 26 n° 4 (October 2022) . - n° 138[article]PPP rapid ambiguity resolution using Android GNSS raw measurements with a low-cost helical antenna / Xingxing Li in Journal of geodesy, vol 96 n° 10 (October 2022)
Titre : PPP rapid ambiguity resolution using Android GNSS raw measurements with a low-cost helical antenna Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Xingxing Li, Auteur ; Hao Wang, Auteur ; Xin Li, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : n° 65 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Applications de géodésie spatiale
[Termes IGN] Androïd
[Termes IGN] antenne
[Termes IGN] données GNSS
[Termes IGN] positionnement cinématique en temps réel
[Termes IGN] positionnement ponctuel précis
[Termes IGN] précision du positionnement
[Termes IGN] rapport signal sur bruit
[Termes IGN] résolution d'ambiguïté
[Termes IGN] téléphone intelligentRésumé : (auteur) The release of GNSS raw measurement acquisition privileges on Google Android makes high-precision positioning on the low-cost smart devices possible. However, influenced by the inner linearly polarized antenna, the pseudorange and carrier phase noises of the smart device are much larger than those of the geodetic receiver. As a result, only meter-level positioning accuracy can be obtained based on the smart device’s original antenna. With the external survey-grade antenna enhancing, positioning accuracy of decimeter-level to centimeter-level can be obtained, but it still takes tens of minutes to converge and fix the ambiguity. However, a PPP-RTK method is proposed to achieve rapid integer ambiguity resolution (AR) with the regional atmospheric augmentation. In this contribution, an uncombined PPP-RTK model is developed using Android GNSS raw measurements with an external antenna, after carefully considering the coexistence of single- and dual-frequency signals on smart devices. A low-cost helical antenna is employed to enhance the Android GNSS data as it is capable to provide observation data of comparable quality with the survey-grade antenna and has several advantages of low weight, low-power consumption, and portability. Moreover, a series of quality control methods in the data preprocessing and ambiguity resolution are proposed for smartphone-based PPP-RTK to enhance the positioning results. To validate the proposed method, several experiments are carried out using raw measurements of Xiaomi Mi8 with an external low-cost helical antenna. The result shows that the ambiguity fixed solution can be obtained within 3 min in both static and kinematic scenarios. After the ambiguity resolution, centimeter-level positioning accuracy of (1.7, 2.1, 4.1) cm and (7.2, 4.5, 8.1) cm for the east, north, and up components can be achieved in static and kinematic scenarios, respectively. Numéro de notice : A2022-735 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1007/s00190-022-01661-6 Date de publication en ligne : 27/09/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Journal of geodesy > vol 96 n° 10 (October 2022) . - n° 65[article]Ambiguity resolution for smartphone GNSS precise positioning: effect factors and performance / Bofeng Li in Journal of geodesy, vol 96 n° 9 (September 2022)
Titre : Ambiguity resolution for smartphone GNSS precise positioning: effect factors and performance Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Bofeng Li, Auteur ; Weikai Miao, Auteur ; Guang'e Chen, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : n° 63 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Navigation et positionnement
[Termes IGN] ambiguïté entière
[Termes IGN] fréquence multiple
[Termes IGN] phase GNSS
[Termes IGN] positionnement cinématique en temps réel
[Termes IGN] précision du positionnement
[Termes IGN] résolution d'ambiguïté
[Termes IGN] signal GNSS
[Termes IGN] téléphone intelligentRésumé : (auteur) With the availability of Global Navigation Satellite Systems raw measurements in smartphones, high-precision positioning using smartphones has become possible in recent years. Integer ambiguity resolution (IAR) is critical for smartphone precise positioning, which would be more difficult in smartphones and affected by various factors. In this paper, we will numerically study the effect factors for integer property of phase ambiguities, data quality, IAR efficiency and positioning accuracy for the smartphone. The results show that integer property of phase ambiguities and data quality are governed not only by the smartphone brands and embedded antennas, but also by the mobile operating system and smartphone attitudes. In general, the different constant offsets exist for the different frequency ambiguities, and the ambiguities are fixable once the corresponding offsets are calibrated. With the operating system of EMUI 9.0, the ambiguities are fixable for Xiaomi Mi8 but not for Huawei Mate20. However, with the updated operating system of EMUI 9.0.1, the ambiguities of Huawei Mate20 become fixable. Besides the smartphone brands and embedded antennas, the smartphone attitudes significantly affect the data quality, such as carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N0) values, data availability and observation precisions, thus affecting the ambiguity fixing rate and positioning accuracy. The ambiguity fixing rates differ from attitudes by 17%, and generally, the upward attitude has the best performance. Finally, the kinematic positioning results indicate that only the meter-level accuracy is obtained with an embedded antenna, while the centimeter to decimeter-level accuracy is achievable with the external antenna. Numéro de notice : A2022-667 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : POSITIONNEMENT Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1007/s00190-022-01652-7 Date de publication en ligne : 05/09/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Journal of geodesy > vol 96 n° 9 (September 2022) . - n° 63[article]Smartphone digital photography for fractional vegetation cover estimation / Gaofei Yin in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS, vol 88 n° 5 (May 2022)
Titre : Smartphone digital photography for fractional vegetation cover estimation Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Gaofei Yin, Auteur ; Yonghua Qu, Auteur ; Aleixandre Verger, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 303 - 310 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Acquisition d'image(s) et de donnée(s)
[Termes IGN] analyse comparative
[Termes IGN] champ visuel
[Termes IGN] couvert végétal
[Termes IGN] erreur moyenne quadratique
[Termes IGN] forêt alpestre
[Termes IGN] image à haute résolution
[Termes IGN] image hémisphérique
[Termes IGN] objectif grand angulaire
[Termes IGN] téléphone intelligentRésumé : (Auteur) Accurate ground measurements of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) are key for characterizing ecosystem functions and evaluating remote sensing products. The increasing performance of cameras equipped in smartphones opens new opportunities for extensive FVC measurement through citizen science initiatives. However, the wide field of view (FOV) of smartphone cameras constitutes a key source of uncertainty in the estimation of vegetation parameters, which has been largely ignored. We designed a practical method to characterize the FOV of smartphones and improve the FVC estimation. The method was assessed in a mountainous forest based on the comparison with in situ fisheye photographs. After the FOV correction, the agreement of smart-phone and fisheye FVC estimates highly improved: root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.103 compared to 0.242 of the original smartphone FVC estimates without considering the FOV effect, mean difference of 0.074 versus 0.213, and coefficient of determination R 2 of 0.719 versus 0.353. Smartphone cameras outperform traditional fisheye cameras: the overexposure and low vertical resolution of fisheye photographs introduced uncertainties in FVCestimation while the insensitivity to exposure and high spatial resolution of smartphone cameras make photograph acquisition and analysis more automatic and accurate. The smartphone FVCestimates highly agree with the GF-1 satellite product: RMSE = 0.066, bias = 0.007, and R 2 = 0.745. This study opens new perspectives for the validation of satellite products. Numéro de notice : A2022-527 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET/IMAGERIE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.14358/PERS.21-00038R2 Date de publication en ligne : 01/05/2022 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Article Permalink :
in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS > vol 88 n° 5 (May 2022) . - pp 303 - 310[article]Exemplaires(2)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 105-2022052 SL Revue Centre de documentation Revues en salle Disponible 105-2022051 SL Revue Centre de documentation Revues en salle Disponible Changing mobility patterns in the Netherlands during COVID-19 outbreak / Sander Van Der Drift in Journal of location-based services, vol 16 n° 1 (March 2022)PermalinkConsideration on how to introduce gamification tools to enhance citizen engagement in crowdsourced cadastral surveys / K. Apostolopoulos in Survey review, vol 54 n° 383 (March 2022)PermalinkModular multi-dimensional tool for emergency evacuation including location-based social network data / Ilil Blum Shem-Tov in Journal of location-based services, vol 16 n° 1 (March 2022)PermalinkUnderstanding the movement predictability of international travelers using a nationwide mobile phone dataset collected in South Korea / Yang Xu in Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, vol 92 (March 2022)PermalinkLa photogrammétrie appliquée au récolement des réseaux enterrés : retour d’expérience d’une méthode industrialisée / Jérôme Leroux in XYZ, n° 169 (décembre 2021)PermalinkSemi-automatic reconstruction of object lines using a smartphone’s dual camera / Mohammed Aldelgawy in Photogrammetric record, Vol 36 n° 176 (December 2021)PermalinkThe integration of GPS/BDS real-time kinematic positioning and visual–inertial odometry based on smartphones / Zun Niu in ISPRS International journal of geo-information, vol 10 n° 10 (October 2021)PermalinkSpatial knowledge acquisition with virtual semantic landmarks in mixed reality-based indoor navigation / Bing Liu in Cartography and Geographic Information Science, vol 48 n° 4 (July 2021)PermalinkAutomated calibration of smartphone cameras for 3D reconstruction of mechanical pipes / Reza Maalek in Photogrammetric record, vol 36 n° 174 (June 2021)PermalinkA skyline-based approach for mobile augmented reality / Mehdi Ayadi in The Visual Computer, vol 37 n° 4 (April 2021)Permalink