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édition en libre accès
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archives ouvertes de publications scientifiques, libre accès à l'information scientifique et technique, OAI, Open Archives Initiatives, protocole OAI. édition électronique, information électronique. >> liberté d'information, publication électronique. Source(s) : Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France 2004, 49, 2. - Publications électroniques et dépôts d'œuvres en libre accès / W. Mossink : (2007-02-14). Equiv. LCSH : Open access publishing. Domaine(s) : 621; 020. Synonyme(s)accès libre publication en libre accès |
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Titre : Open mapping towards sustainable development goals : Voices of youthmappers on community engaged scholarship Type de document : Monographie Auteurs : Patricia Solís, Éditeur scientifique ; Marcela Zeballos, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : Springer Nature Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 382 p. Format : 16 x 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-031-05182-1 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique web
[Termes IGN] Afrique occidentale
[Termes IGN] approche participative
[Termes IGN] Asie (géographie politique)
[Termes IGN] cartographe
[Termes IGN] cartographie thématique
[Termes IGN] catastrophe naturelle
[Termes IGN] changement climatique
[Termes IGN] développement durable
[Termes IGN] données localisées
[Termes IGN] eau
[Termes IGN] édition en libre accès
[Termes IGN] formation
[Termes IGN] géopolitique
[Termes IGN] OpenStreetMap
[Termes IGN] universitéRésumé : (éditeur) This collection amplifies the experiences of some of the world’s young people who are working to address SDGs using geospatial technologies and multi-national collaboration. Authors from every region of the world who have emerged as leaders in the YouthMappers movement share their perspectives and knowledge in an accessible and peer-friendly format. YouthMappers are university students who create and use open mapping for development and humanitarian purposes. Their work leverages digital innovations - both geospatial platforms and communications technologies - to answer the call for leadership to address sustainability challenges. The book conveys a sense of robust knowledge emerging from formal studies or informal academic experiences - in the first-person voices of students and recent graduates who are at the forefront of creating a new map of the world. YouthMappers use OpenStreetMap as the foundational sharing mechanism for creating data together. Authors impart the way they are learning about themselves, about each other, about the world. They are developing technology skills, and simultaneously teaching the rest of the world about the potential contributions of a highly connected generation of emerging world leaders for the SDGs. The book is timely, in that it captures a pivotal moment in the trajectory of the YouthMappers movement’s ability to share emerging expertise, and one that coincides with a pivotal moment in the geopolitical history of planet earth whose inhabitants need to hear from them. Most volumes that cover the topic of sustainability in terms of youth development are written by non-youth authors. Moreover, most are written by non-majoritarian, entrenched academic scholars. This book instead puts forward the diverse voices of students and recent graduates in countries where YouthMappers works, all over the world. Authors cover topics that range from water, agriculture, food, to waste, education, gender, climate action and disasters from their own eyes in working with data, mapping, and humanitarian action, often working across national boundaries and across continents. To inspire readers with their insights, the chapters are mapped to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ways that connect a youth agenda to a global agenda. With a preface written by Carrie Stokes, Chief Geographer and GeoCenter Director, United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This is an open access book. Note de contenu : 1- Introduction
Part I- Mapping for the goals on poverty, hunger, health, education, gender, water, and energy
2- Open data addressing challenges associated with informal settlements in the global South
3- Leveraging spatial technology for agricultural intensification to address hunger in Ghana
4- Rural household food insecurity and child malnutrition in Northern Ghana
5- Where is the closest health clinic? YouthMappers map their communities before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
6- Cross-continental youthmappers action to fight schistosomiasis transmission in Senegal
7- Understanding youthmappers’ contributions to building resilient communities in Asia
8- Activating education for sustainable development goals through youthmappers
9- Seeing the world through maps: An inclusive and youth-oriented approach
10- Youth engagement and the water–energy–land nexus in Costa Rica
11- Power grid mapping in West Africa
12- Mapping access to electricity in urban and rural Nigeria
Part II- Youth action on work, leadership, innovation, inequality, cities, production and land
13- Stories from students building sustainability through transfer of leadership
14- Drones for good: Mapping out the SDGs using innovative technology in Malawi
15- Assessing youthmappers contributions to the generation of open geospatial data in Africa
16- Mapping invisible and inaccessible areas of Brazilian cities to reduce inequalities
17- Visualizing youthMappers’ contributions to environmental resilience in Latin AmericaNuméro de notice : 24082 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Recueil / ouvrage collectif DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-05182-1 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : Forest structural complexity tool: An open source, fully-automated tool for measuring forest point clouds / Sean Krisanski in Remote sensing, vol 13 n° 22 (November-2 2021)
Titre : Forest structural complexity tool: An open source, fully-automated tool for measuring forest point clouds Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Sean Krisanski, Auteur ; Mohammad Sadegh Taskhiri, Auteur ; Susana Gonzalez Aracil, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : n° 4677 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Lasergrammétrie
[Termes IGN] diamètre à hauteur de poitrine
[Termes IGN] données lidar
[Termes IGN] données localisées 3D
[Termes IGN] édition en libre accès
[Termes IGN] logiciel libre
[Termes IGN] modèle numérique de terrain
[Termes IGN] Python (langage de programmation)
[Termes IGN] segmentation
[Termes IGN] semis de points
[Termes IGN] squelettisation
[Termes IGN] structure-from-motion
[Termes IGN] télédétection par lidarRésumé : (auteur) Forest mensuration remains critical in managing our forests sustainably, however, capturing such measurements remains costly, time-consuming and provides minimal amounts of information such as diameter at breast height (DBH), location, and height. Plot scale remote sensing techniques show great promise in extracting detailed forest measurements rapidly and cheaply, however, they have been held back from large-scale implementation due to the complex and time-consuming workflows required to utilize them. This work is focused on describing and evaluating an approach to create a robust, sensor-agnostic and fully automated forest point cloud measurement tool called the Forest Structural Complexity Tool (FSCT). The performance of FSCT is evaluated using 49 forest plots of terrestrial laser scanned (TLS) point clouds and 7022 destructively sampled manual diameter measurements of the stems. FSCT was able to match 5141 of the reference diameter measurements fully automatically with mean, median and root mean squared errors (RMSE) of 0.032 m, 0.02 m, and 0.103 m respectively. A video demonstration is also provided to qualitatively demonstrate the diversity of point cloud datasets that the tool is capable of measuring. FSCT is provided as open source, with the goal of enabling plot scale remote sensing techniques to replace most structural forest mensuration in research and industry. Future work on this project will seek to make incremental improvements to this methodology to further improve the reliability and accuracy of this tool in most high-resolution forest point clouds. Numéro de notice : A2021-861 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : FORET/IMAGERIE Nature : Article DOI : 10.3390/rs13224677 Date de publication en ligne : 19/11/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Remote sensing > vol 13 n° 22 (November-2 2021) . - n° 4677[article]A web GIS-based integration of 3D digital models with linked open data for cultural heritage exploration / Ikrom Nishanbaev in ISPRS International journal of geo-information, vol 10 n° 10 (October 2021)
Titre : A web GIS-based integration of 3D digital models with linked open data for cultural heritage exploration Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Ikrom Nishanbaev, Auteur ; Erik Champion, Auteur ; David A. McMeekin, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : n° 684 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique web
[Termes IGN] Australie
[Termes IGN] carte interactive
[Termes IGN] édition en libre accès
[Termes IGN] hétérogénéité
[Termes IGN] informatique en nuage
[Termes IGN] interface de programmation
[Termes IGN] interopérabilité
[Termes IGN] métadonnées
[Termes IGN] modélisation 3D
[Termes IGN] patrimoine culturel
[Termes IGN] QGIS
[Termes IGN] visualisation 3D
[Termes IGN] web des données
[Termes IGN] WebSIGRésumé : (auteur) In recent years, considerable efforts have been made by cultural heritage institutions across the globe to digitise cultural heritage sites, artifacts, historical maps, etc. for digital preservation and online representation. On the other hand, ample research projects and studies have been published that demonstrate the great capabilities of web-geographic information systems (web-GIS) for the dissemination and online representation of cultural heritage data. However, cultural heritage data and the associated metadata produced by many cultural heritage institutions are heterogeneous. To make this heterogeneous data more interoperable and structured, an ever-growing number of cultural heritage institutions are adopting linked data principles. Although the cultural heritage domain has already started implementing linked open data concepts to the cultural heritage data, there are not many research articles that present an easy-to-implement, free, and open-source-based web-GIS architecture that integrates 3D digital cultural heritage models with cloud computing and linked open data. Furthermore, the integration of web-GIS technologies with 3D web-based visualisation and linked open data may offer new dimensions of interaction and exploration of digital cultural heritage. To demonstrate the high potential of integration of these technologies, this study presents a novel cloud architecture that attempts to enhance digital cultural heritage exploration by integrating 3D digital cultural heritage models with linked open data from DBpedia and GeoNames platforms using web-GIS technologies. More specifically, a digital interactive map, 3D digital cultural heritage models, and linked open data from DBpedia and GeoNames platforms were integrated into a cloud-based web-GIS architecture. Thus, the users of the architecture can easily interact with the digital map, visualise 3D digital cultural heritage models, and explore linked open data from GeoNames and DBpedia platforms, which offer additional information and context related to the selected cultural heritage site as well as external web resources. The architecture was validated by applying it to specific case studies of Australian cultural heritage and seeking expert feedback on the system, its benefits, and scope for improvement in the near future. Numéro de notice : A2021-802 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.3390/ijgi10100684 Date de publication en ligne : 11/10/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in ISPRS International journal of geo-information > vol 10 n° 10 (October 2021) . - n° 684[article]A user-driven process for INSPIRE-compliant land use database: example from Wallonia, Belgium / Benjamin Beaumont in Annals of GIS, vol 27 n° 2 (April 2021)
Titre : A user-driven process for INSPIRE-compliant land use database: example from Wallonia, Belgium Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Benjamin Beaumont, Auteur ; Tais Grippa, Auteur ; Moritz Lennert, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Article en page(s) : pp 211 - 224 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Infrastructure de données
[Termes IGN] aménagement du territoire
[Termes IGN] base de données foncières
[Termes IGN] carte d'occupation du sol
[Termes IGN] chaîne de traitement
[Termes IGN] données massives
[Termes IGN] édition en libre accès
[Termes IGN] infrastructure européenne de données localisées
[Termes IGN] utilisateur
[Termes IGN] utilisation du sol
[Termes IGN] Wallonie (Belgique)Résumé : (auteur) Regional land use monitoring at high spatial, temporal, and thematic resolution is an important expectation of Walloon stakeholders. Over the last decade, increased data-processing capacities and the annual acquisition of remotely sensed data have resulted in the production of a large amount of relevant geodata. The INSPIRE directive and its obligations for 2020 serve as a path for the development of a new user-driven and open-source hierarchical land use classification system mapping scheme, as presented in this paper. The process includes intensive user consultation, the development of an entire automatic processing chain, and efforts to address challenges such as big data handling, the variability of input data properties, and reproducibility. The thematically detailed land use map, with its 69 classes, is already widely used by Walloon stakeholders, and new demands for updating have already emerged. Based on a European classification system that is compulsory for all member states, INSPIRE-compliant land use maps will make it possible to carry out cross-border studies and compare spatial planning strategies between states. Numéro de notice : A2021-626 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article DOI : 10.1080/19475683.2021.1875047 Date de publication en ligne : 17/01/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Annals of GIS > vol 27 n° 2 (April 2021) . - pp 211 - 224[article]
Titre : An introduction to ethics in robotics and AI Type de document : Monographie Auteurs : Christoph Bartneck, Auteur ; Christoph Lütge, Auteur ; Alan Wagner, Auteur ; Sean Welsch, Auteur Editeur : Springer International Publishing Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 117 p Présentation : . Format : 16 x 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-030-51110-4 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Intelligence artificielle
[Termes IGN] données massives
[Termes IGN] édition en libre accès
[Termes IGN] éthique
[Termes IGN] navigation autonome
[Termes IGN] protection de la vie privée
[Termes IGN] robotique
[Termes IGN] utilisateur militaire
[Termes IGN] véhicule sans piloteRésumé : (éditeur) This open access book introduces the reader to the foundations of AI and ethics. It discusses issues of trust, responsibility, liability, privacy and risk. It focuses on the interaction between people and the AI systems and Robotics they use. Designed to be accessible for a broad audience, reading this book does not require prerequisite technical, legal or philosophical expertise. Throughout, the authors use examples to illustrate the issues at hand and conclude the book with a discussion on the application areas of AI and Robotics, in particular autonomous vehicles, automatic weapon systems and biased algorithms. A list of questions and further readings is also included for students willing to explore the topic further. Note de contenu : 1- What is AI?
2- What is ethics?
3- Trust and fairness in AI systems
4- Responsibility and liability in the case of AI systems
5- Risks in the business of AI
6- Psychological aspects of AI
7- Privacy issues of AI
8- Application areas of AI
9- Autonomous vehicles
10- Military uses of AI
11- Ethics in AI and Robotics: A Strategic ChallengeNuméro de notice : 28570 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : INFORMATIQUE Nature : Monographie DOI : 10.1007/978-3-030-51110-4 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : PermalinkTowards self-service GIS - Combining the best of the semantic web and web GIS / Alexandra Rowland in ISPRS International journal of geo-information, vol 9 n° 12 (December 2020)
PermalinkBuilding facade reconstruction using crowd-sourced photos and two-dimensional maps / Wu Jie in Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, PERS, vol 86 n° 11 (November 2020)
PermalinkCityJSON in QGIS: Development of an open‐source plugin / Stelios Vitalis in Transactions in GIS, Vol 24 n° 5 (October 2020)
PermalinkOpen data, big data : quel renouveau du raisonnement cartographique ? / Emilie Lerond in Cartes & Géomatique, n° 235-236 (mars - juin 2018)
PermalinkInfrastructures de données géographiques et observatoires de recherche en environnement : Un exemple de mise en œuvre / Françoise Gourmelon in Revue internationale de géomatique, vol 27 n° 3 (juillet-septembre 2017)
PermalinkSystème d’information spatiotemporel pour l’intégration et l’exploitation de données environnementales / Ba-Huy Tran in Revue internationale de géomatique, vol 27 n° 3 (juillet-septembre 2017)
PermalinkLe travail de la science et le numérique : Données, publications, plateformes / Direction de l'information scientifique et technique - CNRS (20/02/2017)
PermalinkHAL : une archive ouverte tournée vers ses utilisateurs / Christine Berthaud in Arabesques, n° 84 (février - mars 2017)
PermalinkOpenEdition : comprendre le monde en accès ouvert / Marin Dacos in Arabesques, n° 84 (février - mars 2017)