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Building Information Modelling (BIM) for property valuation: A new approach for Turkish Condominium Ownership / Nida Celik Simsek in Survey review, vol 54 n° 384 (May 2022)
Titre : Building Information Modelling (BIM) for property valuation: A new approach for Turkish Condominium Ownership Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Nida Celik Simsek, Auteur ; Bayram Uzun, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Article en page(s) : pp 187 - 208 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Cadastre étranger
[Termes IGN] cadastre étranger
[Termes IGN] évaluation foncière
[Termes IGN] lever cadastral
[Termes IGN] modélisation 3D du bâti BIM
[Termes IGN] propriété foncière
[Termes IGN] Turquie
[Termes IGN] valeur économique
[Termes IGN] visualisation 3DRésumé : (auteur) In Turkey, calculation of the factors affecting the value of the condominium units of a building via 2D architectural project data leads to problems. One of the biggest problem is the land share calculation. The aim of this study was to establish a mechanism by which the properties of the factors affecting the value can be determined mathematically and to arrive at a value-based land share. For this purpose, the study utilized a 3D virtual Building Information Modelling (BIM) model. The value factors and weights were determined via a questionnaire, 3D BIM model of the structure was created, metric values of the factors were calculated and the nominal values of the condominium units were calculated. This study demonstrate that a building nonexistent in the real world can be represented in a virtual environment and comparable information source can be presented to the expert who will carry out the valuation process. Numéro de notice : A2022-354 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1080/00396265.2021.1905251 Date de publication en ligne : 02/04/2021 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Survey review > vol 54 n° 384 (May 2022) . - pp 187 - 208[article]Création d’un indicateur de qualité de la desserte des transports pour des parcelles à une échelle locale / Nick Lin (2022)
Titre : Création d’un indicateur de qualité de la desserte des transports pour des parcelles à une échelle locale Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Nick Lin, Auteur Editeur : Champs-sur-Marne : Ecole nationale des sciences géographiques ENSG Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 95 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm Note générale : bibliographie
Rapport de fin d'étude, cycle Ingénieur 3e année, cycle CarthagéoLangues : Français (fre) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique
[Termes IGN] géomercatique
[Termes IGN] grille
[Termes IGN] immobilier (secteur)
[Termes IGN] indicateur de qualité
[Termes IGN] interopérabilité
[Termes IGN] parcelle cadastrale
[Termes IGN] plan de déplacement urbain
[Termes IGN] Python (langage de programmation)
[Termes IGN] trajet (mobilité)
[Termes IGN] transport public
[Termes IGN] valeur économiqueIndex. décimale : DCAR Mémoires de l'ex DESS cartographie et du Master CARTHAGEO Résumé : (auteur) Le secteur de l’immobilier est un secteur très concurrentiel. Buildrz propose aux acteurs de ce secteur un outil d’estimation de surface de plancher constructible. Mais Buildrz voudrait aussi que son outil puisse aider les promoteurs immobiliers à fixer le prix du mètre carré. Pour ce faire, le prix hypothétique sera fixé en fonction du prix de biens similaires qui ont déjà été vendus. Il faut maintenant trouver comment caractériser des biens semblables. Pour les trouver, il faut caractériser les parcelles en fonction d’indicateurs choisis. Ce rapport se concentre sur la recherche et le développement d’un indicateur de qualité de transport en commun. Note de contenu : Introduction
1. Contexte du stage
1.a Le secteur de l'immobilier
1.b Buildrz
1.c Objectifs du stage
2. L'état de l'art
2.a L'existant
2.b L'exploitation de l'état de l'art
2.c Fichiers GTFS
3. Mise en oeuvre
3.a Les indicateurs vus
3.b Préparation
3.c Développement
3.d Résultats
ConclusionNuméro de notice : 24042 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Mémoire de fin d'études IT Organisme de stage : Buildrz Permalink : Agricultural land values using Geographic Information Systems : design location model and tools for information available by geoportal. Application to a Spanish agricultural area / Inmaculada Marques-Perez in Survey review, vol 50 n° 363 (September 2018)
Titre : Agricultural land values using Geographic Information Systems : design location model and tools for information available by geoportal. Application to a Spanish agricultural area Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Inmaculada Marques-Perez, Auteur ; Gaspar Mora-Navarro, Auteur ; Jose-Luis Perez-Salas, Auteur ; Joan Velilla-Torres, Auteur ; Carmen Femenia-Ribera, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : pp 545 - 554 Note générale : Bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Géomatique web
[Termes IGN] parcelle cadastrale
[Termes IGN] système d'information géographique
[Termes IGN] Valence (Espagne)
[Termes IGN] valeur économiqueRésumé : (Auteur) Quantifying the effect of location on land values can be done by designing a location factor which considers the most relevant aspects that may influence this value such as proximity to large cities, the population living around the parcel or land to be valued, the distance from it to markets or logistic centres, or the existence of places of environmental or landscape interest. Considering these variables can be complicated by having to process large amounts of distinct data (distances, no. of inhabitants or population size, protected areas, etc.), which have to be processed and interpreted to be able to define the factor that summarises them, and can affect the land value from income, such as productive assets, to correct its value. The main proposal put forward in this research is to study the various location aspects that affect land values, and the possibilities that Geographic Information Systems (GIS) offer to design with free software tools that allow simple calculations of a location correction factor and, consequently, land values. Calculations were made for all the rural cadastral parcels (2.3 million) in the Valencian Region. Results can be integrated into a new online GIS portal and make these available to users in soil valuation studies. Numéro de notice : A2018-452 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Article nature-HAL : ArtAvecCL-RevueIntern DOI : 10.1080/00396265.2017.1350342 Date de publication en ligne : 28/07/2017 En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Survey review > vol 50 n° 363 (September 2018) . - pp 545 - 554[article]
Titre : Assessing the economic value of 3D geo-information Type de document : Rapport Auteurs : Andrew Coote, Auteur ; Phil Knight, Auteur ; Tina Svan Colding, Auteur ; et al., Auteur ; Frédéric Cantat , Auteur
Editeur : Dublin : European Spatial Data Research EuroSDR Année de publication : 01/11/2017 Collection : EuroSDR official publication, ISSN 0257-0505 num. 68 Importance : 127 p. Format : 21 x 30 cm Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Information géographique
[Termes IGN] analyse coût-avantage
[Termes IGN] données localisées 3D
[Termes IGN] valeur économiqueIndex. décimale : 37.00 Géomatique - information géographique - infrastructure de données Résumé : (auteur) The use of 3D geo-information has rapidly developed in recent years. Technological advances have driven this evolution and reduced the costs involved in the procurement and processing of 3D geo - information. Consequently, National Mapping Agencies (NMA’s) are actively seeking to transform their data operations and processes to produce such enhanced products. However, budgetary constraints in the public sector necessitate a rigorous assessment of costs and benefits before opportunities can be developed. This report is the culmination of a EuroSDR project that undertook a business case analysis over 12 months in collaboration with 11 European national and regional mapping agencies.
The analysis undertaken was structured around use cases (in order to examine the value derived within specific business contexts) and employed two methodologies: (i) value chain analysis and (ii) cost - benefit analysis to identify the quantification of value add identified by value chain analysis and the assessment of costs.
Value chain analysis identifies the connections between the supply and demand sides of a product or service and qualitatively identifies the value that is added throughout the chain of processes from source to end-user. Cost - benefit analysis facilitates an estimation of Return on Investment (RoI) by quantifying the costs and quantifiable benefits that arise from an investment over a defined period of time.
The project’s stakeholders initially selected six use cases for study: forestry management, flood management, 3D cadastre and valuation, resilience (civil contingency), asset management and urban planning. Over the course of six different workshops value chain analysis was applied to each of these use cases. Out of this process, two use cases were then selected for quantification using cost-benefit analysis: flood management due to the ubiquity of the challenge and its high political profile, and urban planning as 3D geo - information has a significant potential to contribute to the problems of managing urban growth. The process ended with the findings and outcomes being shared and consolidated at a workshop attended by delegates from each stakeholder.
Urban planning cost-benefit analysis - the costs are based on real - world cost estimates from Denmark, scaled up for the Republic of Ireland using the comparative land areas. The benefits are based on the following examples of financial impacts (for urban areas only):
• Local Area Plan (LAP) revision and the impact on the planning authority • Visual impact assessment and the reduced costs for developers
• Reduced time for citizens to make LAP submissions and major scheme objections
• General improvements to public sector efficiency.
Based on a 10 year project life cycle and discount rate of 4%, the results indicate a benefit to cost ratio of 2.1:1 and Net Present Value of € 22 million.
Flood management cost-benefit analysis - the same financial model as was applied to the urban planning case was also used for flood management. However, three approaches were taken to “triangulate” the assessment and to illustrate the use of different methodologies:
Cost Avoidance (Option 1) - this estimates the damages and losses that could have been avoided had 3D geo - information been used rather than the information used currently. The avoided damages are then interpreted as the benefits of using 3D geo - information. It has the advantage of requiring only limited inputs and is based on data available from Switzerland: (i) historical information on the loss and damage from previous events and (ii) interviews 8 with experts to indicate the positive effects of a high accuracy DTM. This resulted in a benefit to cost ratio of 3.3:1 and Net Present Value (after 10 years) of € 8.9 million.
Case Study (Option 2) - this uses case study evidence from the Netherlands on public sector benefits from data sharing and the reduced costs of: (i) land survey work, (ii) failures resulting from earlier detection of design errors and (iii) environmental impact assessment s. This assessment gives a benefit to cost ratio of 3.2:1 and Net Present Value (after 10 years) of € 8.6 million.
Benefits Transfer (Option 3) - this uses information from a comparable study undertaken for USGS study entitled, ‘National Enhanced Elevation Assessment’ [Dewberry 2012]. Belgium has been used to illustrate this approach, although results for other countries involved in the study can also be automatically calculated within the financial model. This assessment method gives a benefit to cost ratio of 5.3:1 and Net Present Value (after 10 years) of € 27 million. The higher return calculated by this approach can be explained as Belgium would be unlikely to achieve the economies of scale of data capture costs in the US. A benefit to cost ratio “write down” of 50% would bring it into line with the returns predicted by the other two approaches.
The cost-benefit analysis demonstrated in both of the selected use cases that benefits outstrip costs by a multiple of between two and three times even when considering each use cases in isolation. As further applications of 3D geo–information are added, additional costs should rise more slowly, whilst benefits should accrue at a similar rate, thereby enhancing the overall rate of return. Investment proposals with the type of return profile found in this study would be expected to be positively received, provided the funds were available from public sources.
Further work using this methodology could usefully be considered in relation to the following use cases:
3D Cadastre and Valuation – in the consultant’s view this represents the best opportunity to complete cost - benefit analysis for one of the remaining use cases for which value chain mapping was undertaken. The timing of ground - breaking work in Denmark may mean that access to their internal economic assessment might now be publicly released making this a relatively quick and easy extension of the study into a potentially very financially attractive application.
Asset management – this should be approached by the creation of value chains for significant subsets of this large and complex use case, particularly transport asset management and streetworks. The recent study in Queensland may provide an opportunity for a cost - effective benefits transfer process to be applied.Note de contenu : 1 INTRODUCTION
2.1 The Value of Information
2.2 Methodologies used to assess the value of 3D geo-information in this project
3.1 Stages
3.2 Peer Review
3.3 Skill Transfers
4.1 Forest Management
4.2 Flood Management
4.3 3D Cadastre and Valuation
4.4 Resilience (civil contingency)
4.5 Asset Management
4.6 Urban Planning
5.1 Selected Use Cases for Cost-Benefit Analysis
5.2 Urban Planning
5.3 Flood Management
6 CONCLUSIONNuméro de notice : 17508 Affiliation des auteurs : IGN+Ext (2012-2019) Thématique : GEOMATIQUE Nature : Rapport nature-HAL : RappRech DOI : sans En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : URL Permalink : Documents numériques
en open access
Assessing the economic value ... - pdf éditeurAdobe Acrobat PDFForest Ecosystem Services Valuation in Different Management Scenarios: a Case Study of the Maramures Mountains / Bogdan Popa in Baltic forestry, vol 22 n° 2 ([01/07/2016])
Titre : Forest Ecosystem Services Valuation in Different Management Scenarios: a Case Study of the Maramures Mountains Type de document : Article/Communication Auteurs : Bogdan Popa, Auteur ; Stelian Alexandru Borz, Auteur ; Mihai Daniel Nita, Auteur ; et al., Auteur Année de publication : 2016 Article en page(s) : pp 327 - 340 Note générale : bibliographie Langues : Anglais (eng) Descripteur : [Vedettes matières IGN] Ecologie
[Termes IGN] parc naturel
[Termes IGN] Roumanie
[Termes IGN] service écosystémique
[Termes IGN] valeur économiqueRésumé : (auteur) The paper aims to explore whether long run benefits can be obtained through the sustainable management of forest ecosystems within protected areas when compared to immediate benefits of doing business as usual. Total economic value of forest ecosystems services is estimated using commonly used valuation techniques under the innovative umbrella of the Sector Scenario Assessment methodology, introducing sectorial focus, alternative management scenarios and time dimension to the evaluation process. The methodology is based on comparing two management scenarios, Business As Usual (BAU) and Sustainable Ecosystem Management (SEM). They were designed by consulting with stakeholders involved in protected areas management, research and regulating or are main beneficiaries of ecosystem services. The economic indicators determined by using the models defined by those scenarios for the next 30 years, results of a complex data collection process and application of appropriate valuation techniques, show that, after 30 years, forestry activities under SEM exceed the values of the BAU scenario in terms of added value to the economy. For the forestry activities in the Maramures Mountains Natural Park, the estimated present value of provisioning ecosystem services is EUR 32.4 million for the BAU scenario, and EUR 32.0 million for the SEM scenario. By focusing not only on forestry related but also on other sectors related ecosystem services, the paper may open doors for considering more complex incentive/financing mechanisms that helps secure biodiversity and ecosystem services more broadly. Numéro de notice : A2016--098 Affiliation des auteurs : non IGN Thématique : BIODIVERSITE/FORET Nature : Article DOI : sans En ligne : [...] Format de la ressource électronique : URL article Permalink :
in Baltic forestry > vol 22 n° 2 [01/07/2016] . - pp 327 - 340[article]Monetary valuation of forest ecosystem services in China: A literature review and identification of future research needs / D. d' Amato in Ecological economics, vol 121 (January 2016)
PermalinkDiscovering untapped value in Europe’s forests / Anonyme in Research*eu - results, n° 46 (October 2015)
PermalinkSelected results of the survey focused on the economic assessment of forest ecosystem services / P. Hlaváčková in Journal of forest science, vol 61 n° 7 (July 2015)
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PermalinkComprendre et maîtriser le coeur rouge du hêtre / Nicolas Gomez ; Jérôme Bock in Rendez-vous techniques, n° 27-28 (hiver - printemps 2010)
PermalinkEstimer la valeur de la nature / Jean-Michel Salles in CNRS le journal, n° 240 - 241 (janvier - février 2010)
PermalinkApproche économique de la biodiversité et des services liés aux écosystèmes - Contribution à la décision publique / Jean-Luc Pujol (avril 2009)